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First starting painting HH Night Lords in 2016 and then losing interest our FLGS started a slow grow league last fall. So here comes new Night Lords. :biggrin:


Photobucket has lost my old pictures from back then and I think that my painting skills have gone better and I have started to prefer more colourful and light scheme than I used to. I'll probably add pictures of my old army. 


I used some weathering and pigment powders and I think it worked quite fine. Varnishing with an airbrush really toned down pigments, but I actually like the more subtle appearance.


But for now here are the minis I've painted for Night Lords after last fall:



2 x 5 Recon squads with longer barrels (for some made from resin leftovers and later realizing that plastic Q-tips make for nice barrels)



Leviathan Dreadnought (resin with magnetized arms)



New plastic Contemptor dreadnought with magnetized arms



7 Cataprachtii Terminators



2 Contekar Terminators with magnetized arms (not sure about their rules so I can play them as regular Tartaros or Command Squad)



10 Tactical Marines + additional chainsword Sergeant



5 Assault Marines



6 Rotorcannon Marines (for Terror Squads)



WIP tanks. Trying to learn how to airbrush.


Our local FLGS is starting another slow grow league and I'm continuing with Night Lords with plans to build a Pride of the Legion list. So stay tuned for more Terminators and Sevatar.


Also I think I need to get a better lamp for pictures (and for painting :happy:) and maybe dark background paper could be better for Night Lords.

Edited by CrusiusFin
  • 2 months later...

Time to finally update. I've painted the Primarch himself. We have an annual painting competition in our FLGS and I decided to paint Konrad. After taking pictures I realized that I have to paint the base rim (pigments make a mess). And no lightning in this model just because there is basically no room.


Also I now have a strict deadline to paint more because there's a local 3000 point tourney in early September and I would need to paint the Spartan, 2 Predators, a few Raptors and almost 10 Terminators including Centurion. So maybe I'll update this thread more often in the near future :)













Gaming base. The base is magnetized with one big magnet that can easily hold the weight.

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