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Painting Deathwing Space Hulk style

Deadman Wade

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Hello my fellow Unforgiven! After a long break from Warhammer I finally decided to paint my "pile of shame" of unfinished miniatures. And more specifically, my Deathwing terminators as I'm really excited with new 10th edition rules.

I've always painted my terminators with "official" Ushabti bone+Seraphim sepia/Reikland Fleshshade and Screaming skull highlights. But this time I want to try and make them look like Space Hulk Deathwing video game models, which I find Incredible.

So far I had zero success with finding the right color, it's either too yellow-ish or too bright white (I generally suck at painting and even more so at improvising color schemes). So I hope that someone would help me with this.

I would appreciate any advice:)



Edited by Deadman Wade
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Hey Brother,


Welcome back to the Rock. Just in time for some awesome changes.


Have you tried Base/layer pure White with a watered down Agrax wash blend on top?


That's my simple recipe and it's pretty close. I too love that old school SH look. 


These are probably a bit white, easily fixed with a tad more agrax in the mix or a second wash of it:


Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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8 hours ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Hey Brother,


Welcome back to the Rock. Just in time for some awesome changes.


Have you tried Base/layer pure White with a watered down Agrax wash blend on top?


That's my simple recipe and it's pretty close. I too love that old school SH look. 


These are probably a bit white, easily fixed with a tad more agrax in the mix or a second wash of it:


Fantastic looking models! And pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. Love how metal looks with white armor.

Is it White Scar base layer?

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On 5/19/2023 at 6:28 PM, Deadman Wade said:

Fantastic looking models! And pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. Love how metal looks with white armor.

Is it White Scar base layer?

Yep, but any purish cold white will do for my scheme, a warmer white or even a place off white would also be great. Pallid Wych Flesh layer with thinned Agrax wash and white highlights would be awesome. 


Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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