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3K Anti-Knight Iron Warriors with Iron Hands allies

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After using my run'n'charging Rout last night vs my friend's TSons, I'm itching to shoot things again.  He's working on a 3K Knight list, so here's what I came up with to combat that when it's ready (I took snippet photos of my Notepad lists).


The Tyrant unit will be Line thanks to the Herald and they won't be running away either.  Went with the allies I could muster for lack of enough Iron Warriors; apparently even after the dropsite massacre the Xth is still reasonably friendly with the IVth :D


For Warlord Trait, I think Tyrant of the Lyssatra is way to go right?  Put the Primus Medicae and Herald (warlord probably) with the Tyrants for a tough nut to crack.  The Warmonger can drop back with the Dominators and hopefully do some damage, and eventually the Leviathan will get somewhere (I think he'll need the siege drill though).  Moritat can sneak up behind stuff and grav when he gets in range.  I've not fought any superheavy stuff yet so it'll be an exciting game when it happens.  Or a miserable one, but Iron Ones are both used to that.

Anti Knight 3K army list.JPG

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If its a pure Knight-List, i'd drop the Primus Medicae and the Warmonger for a Siegebreaker, whom you can put with the Tyrants for Sundering S9 Rockets.

Then i'd replace the Scorpii with Predators, Scorpii will, at best, cause one Hullpoint on a knight, whereas the Predator(Squadron) can Wreck em pretty good =]

I would also get rid of the melee options, you want to shoot the knights, not kuddle with them.

For the points you free that way, take a IW Leviathan with twin Stormcannons, it'll wreck everything with an armorvalue in 24" range - 12 shots Str. 8 with Sunder and Rending(5+) is a powerfull combination that can also benefit from Bitter Fury.

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Thank you for the ideas!   I've been tinkering with the notion of magnetizing my Scorpii.  Gotta find some turrets and sponsons.  Siege breaker sounds like a good accompaniment for the Tyrants.  I'll give him a whirl for that match.

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