Top5King Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Have you ever quit playing 40k? I quit in 7th edition and am very excited to start back up in 10th! My Top 5 Reasons I quit were: 1: Moved and lost friend group 2: Took the game too seriously 3: Got a new job – time requirements 4: New models for army (doing too much playing 3 armies, Tau/Chaos) 5: Emotionally invested – not healthy Emperor Ming 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Technically I didn't quit 40k, but there was a solid 8 or 9 years I didn't buy a single model. I did, however, keep buying the occasional White Dwarf and a significant number of BL novels. I'd moved out of home and was renting, moving every 6 months, and it was too much to keep packing and unpacking my models, so they just stopped getting unpacked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squark Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 I dropped out of the game in 7th after formations became increasingly dumb and the only way I could have an equitable game against the likes of Taudar would have been to buy a ton of models I only liked in small doses. I think Imperial Knights were the final straw. I came back in 8th for a bit, but the combination of the pandemic and my distaste for the tournament structure of 9th that has seeped into every local game I've witnessed mean I never actually played a game of 9th. I'm on the fence about 10th. I'm still not crazy about the scoring structure, and I think we could have avoided the toughness expansion if GW had just brought back the old toughness chart (Maybe keep 6+ always wounds) and moved vehicles back to the toughness the AV equalled (Rhinos were the correct toughness at 7 in 8th, but the Predator should have been T8, Leman Russes and Vindicators ahould have been T9, and Land Raiders and Monolitha should have been T10). I'll try some games and see how it feels. With the index free the cost of trying it is pretty low at least. StraightSilver 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andes Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 I took a break during fifth, staying out for sixth and seventh. Hard to say exactly why I took the timeout, but I'm sure World of Warcraft deserves a good chunk of the blame. Came back as eighth released, in no small part because of the simplification... I had been paying attention while away, and the trim eighth edition ruleset was just what I needed to reengage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Yep. Started playing at the tag end of Rogue Trader; played like crazy for second and third, tapered off during 4th, resurged in 5th... But 6th's treatment of Sisters broke me. I might have played a game using my buddy's Nids against his guard, but once I saw the sisters, I was done. And then at the tag end of 7th, the GSC returned to the game. I bought the dex on sight- the GSC were my original army (I was crazy for spacehulk). I never got around to buying the BRB for 7th though (or actually playing) because they announced Gathering Storm, the Sisters relaunch and 8th ed within months. So when I returned in 8th, with both of my fave armies back in the game with full support, I bought in HARD. Crusade kept me buying in through 9th. I'm tentatively in for 10th... mostly because I know I can try it for free. I have some catching up to do- I didn't pick up the novitiates, breachers or kroot KTs, and I still want all of those. I need a few more SM units to finish my DW. I'd like a small Guard force, but I want to try and stick to Krieg since I've already got the KT. I could use a few more Eldar units, a few more Drukhari units. But it'll be nothing like what I invested in 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th and 9th... And I might not even buy into rules for the edition beyond what I can legally download for free. Depends on the quality of Crusade content we get in the dexes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor_Lensoven Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Yes 2012. lack of money lack of time lack of space the navy will do that to you. Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 (edited) More of a quiet quit. RT through 7th were a roller coaster but I always found time to get involved as life allowed. 8th core rules change to mathhammer combined with the Primaris divide killed the fun for me. I played a few games and a tournament but never really enjoyed it. 9th was just far too much to learn after the 'break' of 8th so I only played one proper game, it sucked too. Titanicus and Kill Team have kept me busy and satisfied since 1019 so on reflection that's the quiet quit. 10th looked promising until they Legended 26 of my units. Might stay quitted unless a more inclusive attitude is adopted Both locally and from GW. Never stopped painting DA in 30+years, just got sidetracked by AT and KT and the dreaded RL from time to time. Edited June 9, 2023 by Interrogator Stobz madlibrarian 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 I stepped away from 40k in 2014, after playing my Chaos Marines avidly through 5th & 6th, the main reasons being: - the change to 7th edition less than two years after 6th was released, and early word that none of the issues of 6th were going to be fixed by it - a general sense of hobby burnt out - having to move house - I decided to do an IT course to improve my career prospects, which took a lot of my spare time over the next 2-3 years - doing other hobbies, like collecting Lego, and building a home cinema in a shed I eventually came back to the hobby, not so much for 40k, but in 2018 when the previous edition of Kill Team was announced - the smaller scale game, and the fact I already had miniatures I could use for it, were the main appeal. Since then I've predominantly been about Kill Team, but I've played a little bit of 40k (9th), but only either Boarding Actions (again, I like the smaller scale game) or at the youth orientated gaming group I help run. The lads there aren't competitive, they don't follow any 'meta', they just enjoy putting their minis on the table top and killing each other's armies Which to be honest is how I best enjoy 40k now Warden-Paints and Interrogator Stobz 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OpossumStrong Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 (edited) I don't know if you can call it a quit, but I've joined the army and had no time to paint models for about 7-8 years, i kept reading BL, but still i missed some and read them later(like HH). Right now i might just rage quit because all of the situation with FOMO and scalpers, i think this stress is not really healthy. Edited June 9, 2023 by OpossumStrong Interrogator Stobz 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tokugawa Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Yes, more friends playing MTG was a reason. Coincidentally and luckily, I avoided the darkest time of Warhammer and came back at a time when the game was going better(8th). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corswain Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Sort of. Haven't bought anything 40K since Primaris (don't like the lore or many of the models) but have been hugely active in 30K during that time. So techically yes, but maybe no depending on the spirit that the question is asked in. Have also been in AoS so GW has still maintained a crushing grasp on my soul and wallet. I call it a good thing because as my enthusiasm wanes in one game it waxes in another. Interrogator Stobz 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joe Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Not the hobby side, however I walked away from the game for a few years (2014-16) as I was moving around quite a bit at the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Takatus Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 3rd edition changed far too much for my liking that permanently changed my armies. The suicide Guardians with their short range and paper thin armour, the decision to split Terminators into ranged and melee versions and removing all weapon options from assault squads amongst other things. Everything I know about 40k was turned on it's head and it felt wrong. coupled with that my friends stopped playing 40k so I spend a long time painting models and reading novels. I picked up the odd game here and there in the local GW, mainly as intro games or bringing units into Apocalypse games. 7th got me utterly when the Adeptus Mechanicus finally got an army and I started building up a force. One of my friends came back into the hobby around 8th and we've both been active since then. 10th edition so far feels like a return to 3rd edition to me and while I'm not likely to completely Nope out of the game like I did back then I am very wary of the rules changes that have taken place so far, particularly the fundamental nerfs to Admech, the return of a godawful twin-linked rule (with arbitrary exceptions) and rolling a great deal of weapon options together. We haven't seen a codex yet but I am worried the loss of customization and expression in army building will outweigh any benefits they might have. Oh, and what's the deal with combi weapons? Toxichobbit and Damo1701 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Started in 2nd edition and have been around since. I know besides having rules and codexes for the armies I play (Marines, Grey knights, sisters) I know I didn’t play a single game of 7th and a few games of 8th (less than 5). I played a lot from 3rd to 5th edition. Between my work schedule, family, GF (at the time), her small business and gaming group schedule it was hard to get games in. I have played more games of 9th edition and my current GF and I agree we need to do things apart for each other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost2Requiem Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 I’ve always had a bit of a weird relationship with 40k. I played frequently, at least once a week, from Rogue Trader through 2nd Edition, had multiple armies etc. When 3rd dropped my main gaming buddy moved away and I had other interests. I think I played one game of 3rd, then sold everything (boy, do I regret that…) I came back around 5th, brought the boxed set and some codices, but never played a single game. And that pattern continued for some reason; I’d get the new ruleset, read it, get inspired for a short while, then never play. 10th is the first one I am going to miss completely, and I realise that I have now ‘quit’ 40k, but I still love the background (albeit the older stuff) and the miniatures. I still play Titanicus and other non-GW games but using their miniatures, so I am not free of the curse, not by a long shot. Reasons for ‘quitting’? The move towards competitive play has ripped the heart out of the hobby for me, leaving what feels like soulless meta chase, devoid of fun and populated by overly competitive, argumentative WAAC players who couldn’t care less about the universe and derive enjoyment from punishing others for trying to have fun. The lore, the narrative, the desire to recreate your army’s style etc. all seems to have been replaced by an overriding need to deploy the new hotness, normally squeezed in behind a building or tree line, and argue over every little point until the other player either out-argues or simply dies inside. I get that some people love that stuff, more power to them, but it just seems to be the only style of play, at least locally. Interrogator Stobz, TwinOcted, Lhorke and 1 other 1 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doobles57 Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Yep I started collecting in 3rd, continued through 4th but stopped around early 5th edition. Lack of a local gaming group and new interests that took away from Warhammer were my main reasons. Sold everything that I had (which looking back included some stuff that's now very rare) and moved on. I came back, like many, during lockdown for the start of 9th after happening across some Youtube battle reports. Some fairly large adjustments to be made at that point between Heresy being a fully fledged thing, Custodes models existing, what on earth is CP, where's initiative gone, where's the whole of Fantasy gone??? etc. Now I've got a good local gaming group and the hobby in general seems to be in a fairly healthy place. Don't see me leaving again while that's still the case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Started up beginning of 3rd edition, quit mid/late 4th edition because I was buying everything new that came out and never painting or playing with any of it. Kept up as far as BL and lore went, but didn't get back into the hobby until a decade later at the end of 7th edition when a work buddy mentioned the coming of 8th. Managed to repair/repaint a full 6k worth of Heresy-era DA as a hobby project, and now I'm a semi-competitive player with three regularly played armies (Primaris, Knights, Necrons) and a couple of hobby armies (SoB, Inquisition) that keep me busy. I've found that I enjoy playing both competitive games (attended my first couple of majors this year) as well as lighter, teaching games that are good for growing the hobby. Looking forward to 10th to see what new stuff comes into play, and going to have a bunch of models to paint for the Call to Arms event. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 (edited) I started at the launch of 3rd edition, my older brothers got me into it. Quit right before 7th edition. Reasons: 1. My brothers and gaming group quit, hobby butterflies were more interested in MTG and video games at the time. I think who you're playing with determines alot of the fun you have or don't have playing the game. 2. Didn't care for the direction of the game. At the launch of 8th, most of us came back. Reasons: 1. Indexes and the great reset. 2. Removal of initiative, templates, AV and vehicle facings got us all excited. We hated them. 3. Death Guard became a faction and had some cool models. Most of the guys quit again part way through 9th because of codex creep. Most are not coming back for 10th. I personally am not going to play 10th, did not like what they did to my faction at all. Plus everyone got Diablo 4 and with crossplay we didn't even need to agree on a platform. That will probably eat up the first year as the snails at GW do 9 codexes in 12 months... Edited June 9, 2023 by Special Officer Doofy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroWolf Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 I properly started in 3rd (I was aware of it a lot younger thanks to my brother) playing with nid and Tau. Played a bit of 4th before university stepped in to crush my free time which resulted in interest in "quicker" things like mtg. Came back briefly in 5th to start a Ultramarines army that I'd dreamed about since I was young but I moved into my own place with my then g/f now missus which put a stop to that as I had a house to run. Sold all my stuff at this point and left it like that till I returned in 9th edition. I've had a lot to catch up on though I'm still without a gaming group sadly, but that's more my problem (mental health) than the games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blindhamster Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 I collected/painted/played 40k pretty consistently from 8 or 9 years of age till I was in my early 20s, I'd go through peaks and troughs, but never stopped doing the hobby. I ended up working at a GW when I was ~20 and honestly the combination of working for a store with an awful manager getting moved in some months after I started and my then girlfriends disdain for the hobby killed it for me. I ended up quitting the job and went cold turkey from the hobby for maybe 2 years, by which point I'd got a job in IT, had a far nicer girlfriend (that I'm now married to!) and dived back in with the space hulk update (first edition of it, such lovely models), I've then gone through highs and lows, but generally continued to collect/paint and less frequently than I'd like play, the hobby till now (I'm 35). There are definitely luls in my love of the hobby, when my beloved blood angels have had particulary bad rules I've been less bothered, but never quit. Special Officer Doofy and ZeroWolf 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scrinson Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 I do not remember consciously quitting as such, my friendship group kind of just stopped playing gradually. I retained an interest, but then joined the Navy in 2009 and found that painting in a moving ship down a mess with 30 other blokes was not really possible...... Came back at the start of 9th now I have more time and stability. It is good to be back, I genuinely forgot how nice it is just to sit and take the time to paint up a model and get it on the tabletop. Interrogator Stobz 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emperor Ming Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Most of my group have stopped playing 9th In many ways its a similar situation to 7th edition, There's just so much broken crap that we cant wait for a reset Interrogator Stobz 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CL_Mission Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 I don't know if I would say I ever quit but there was a serious down turn sometime in 4th. Although I bought my first models in 2nd I didn't really get into the game until 3rd but me and my friends played a lot in that edition and around the beginning of 4th but at some point I drifted away to focus more on other hobbies. The 5th edition Dark Eldar revamp bought me back into the hobby in a big way, probably still one of the most exciting miniature releases for me. Since Then I've kept up pretty consistently with the hobby and though I played very little in 9th I've been modelling and painting the whole time and that's by far the biggest part of the hobby for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StraightSilver Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 Yep, I have played through every edition since Rogue Trader, but stopped during 9th Edition. The constant meta chasing and bloat seemed way more apparent during 9th and finding a pick up game was always hard as I would say there was a 50/50 split between matched play and narrative in my area. And with matched play effectively becoming tournament play I took a break. I am really, really hoping 10th fixes this and there is a decent matched play option that isn't ITC/tournament focussed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alfred_the_great Posted June 9, 2023 Share Posted June 9, 2023 2 hours ago, Lost2Requiem said: I’ve always had a bit of a weird relationship with 40k…. Reasons for ‘quitting’? The move towards competitive play has ripped the heart out of the hobby for me, leaving what feels like soulless meta chase, devoid of fun and populated by overly competitive, argumentative WAAC players who couldn’t care less about the universe and derive enjoyment from punishing others for trying to have fun. The lore, the narrative, the desire to recreate your army’s style etc. all seems to have been replaced by an overriding need to deploy the new hotness, normally squeezed in behind a building or tree line, and argue over every little point until the other player either out-argues or simply dies inside. played an army RT - 3e, then stopped (girls, time and money), but always stayed in touch with the lore/fluff. now I have money and some time, I have zero desire to play ever again due to the attitude I see above. however, I still love the fluff and the 40k setting; I half write (but mainly think!) short stories for all kinds of things. Lost2Requiem 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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