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Have you ever quit 40k? What were your reasons for quitting?

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Started with 2nd which I played a lot. 3rd Edition changed too dramatically for what I was used to, and coincided with leaving school/starting working. Never played a game since then, other than trying out 5th edition and contemplating getting back into it at various times... Been doing the hobby side of things all through that, albeit not consistently. 
Kids are getting at an age where they have some figures, so going to introduce them to Kill Team... possibly 10th using the core rules for now. 

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Never had a "screw 40K, I'm out!" moment, I just lost more and more interest over the editions as I played non-GW games more and more and more until I stopped playing 40k pretty much entirely. The models are still gorgeous and I have really fond memories of playing 3rd and 4th ed, so I use any excuse to keep buying it and painting it, but rarely actually play anything GW and when I do it's usually a reminder of why I stopped. Was planning to get back in for 10th and was initially very excited by the models, but the rules drops have dented that excitement considerably. I'd still like to get back into regular weekly gaming at the FLGS, but I definitely like using the excuse of "well maybe I'll play with these" to model and paint GW more than I actually like playing GW

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I played from 4th - 7th, but 5th was my favourite. The quick changes between 6th and 7th soured me on the game a bit and when 8th/Primaris came I was done keeping up with edition changes. I wound up playing a couple of games of 8th to make up the numbers in a local tournament and really disliked it. (Bizarrely I won the tournament though). I haven't touched 9th at all. I am scheduled to play 10th this Sunday at my local club but everything I have seen of the system fails to inspire me. 

I have never really quit 40K though. I'm still building and painting. I have attempted games using 5th ed. crossed with Bolt Action for the alternating activations, and more recently I've been really into the HH rules. 

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I don't say that I have quit, but I had longer gaps between games, never played 5-7th edition, due to be stationed on awkward places in the world for bringing little plastic soldiers. I don't think I will quit quit, but I might have longer gaps again for the gaming, but the painting is something i will not stop doing. People can say whatever they want, but GWs models are in my opinion the best models to paint,


Cpt. Danjou

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