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3k EC Maru Skara

Brother Kraskor

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Lord Commander Eidolon (215)


Librarian (125) 

- Warlord (Broken Mirror)

- Force Sword, Jump Pack

- Biomancy


Phoenix Warden (125)

- Phoenix Spear & Sonic Shriekers


4 Apothecaries (195)

- 1 Jump Pack


3 Contemptors (540)

- Fist & Gravis Melta


3 Rapiers (195)

- Laser Destroyer


10 Palatine Aquilae (375)

- 9 Charnabal Sabres, Sgt Phoenix Spear

- Sonic Lances


10 Assault Marines (180)

- Sgt Power Fist & Sonic Shriekers


10 Tactical Marines (110)

- Sgt Phoenix Spear


10 Tactical Marines (110)

- Sgt Phoenix Spear


19 Tactical Marines (228)

- Sgt Phoenix Rapier

- Vexilla

- Bayonets


10 Kakophoni (275)


8 Sunkillers (325)

- Augury Scanner





- Eidolon, Librarian, jump pack apothecary join the Palatines

- Warden, apothecary join 19-man Tac squad

- Last two apothecaries join Kakophoni and Sunkillers


Maru Skara - Palatines, Assault Squad, 19-man Tac Squad, Contemptor talon. They represent the meat of the force, though the majority of the ranged shooting is on the board at the start. 

Edited by Brother Kraskor
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Eidolon, the Contemptors (outflanking), rapiers, and Sun-killers are all really good choices, and you have a good amount of Line too :thumbsup:


Unfortunately the HQs wouldn't be able to join the Aquillae in Outflank Assault because they don't individually have the Outflank special rule. Same problem with the Warden joining the Tactical Marines.


Also, I think artificer armour is essential on Sergeants. It can greatly increase the survivability of their units.


Also, I think having the Librarian as the Warlord instead of Eidolon who is the Lord Command Primus of the Emperor's Children feels like a very un-fluffy choice. That would be like having Abaddon in a Sons of Horus army and making some random HQ the Warlord.


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God you're so right about the Warlord choice. Eidolon would never allow it!


That is a shame about the HQs being unable to join their own carefully planned manoeuvre. In that case, I think I'd Outflank the Assault Marines, one of the 10-man Tac squads, and the Contemptors. 


I hear what you say about Artificer armour. It is undeniably strong but feels gamey to me to have the Sgt throwing himself in front of enemy fire. I'll try without and see how I get on...!

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