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This is pretty sweet. The Sanguinor is going to be auto-include in most BA armies with Fight First and a free jack-in-the-box appearance mechanic.


Not convinced that "Sons of Sanguinius" will be better than GSF but I will need to consider it.


Mephiston, Dante and Lemartes are all amazing choices now. The only downside for Mephiston is that he is limited to leading some slightly underwhelming units. Dante + Sanguinary Guard are going to be amazing, as will Lemartes + Jump DC. Overall there is a lot to like here.


OK, now the bad.


Why have Firstborn Death Company lost their Thunder Hammers? They are right there in the box.


Limiting Sanguinary Guard  to 1 power fist per 5 models at least does fit with the box but is darn irritating!

16 minutes ago, Karhedron said:

OK, now the bad.


Why have Firstborn Death Company lost their Thunder Hammers? They are right there in the box.



They haven't? Both foot DC and jump pack DC have a Thunder Hammer as an option for any number of models, (losing boltgun and bolt pistol as well, as before) - first section on the back.


Primaris DC, 1 model can take a thunder hammer but no more, which is as before also I think.


An ordinary JP chaplain is no slouch for DC either, with +1 to wound. (assuming Lemartes -1 damage ability gets FAQ'd so it can't reduce to 0 - otherwise Lemartes is an obvious auto-take!)


Sanguinary priests can only go in first born units which is kinda annoying, though could spice up assault marines.

Edited by Arkhanist

The firstborn/primaris divide is taken to such stupid stupid extremes with the characters its not even funny. Like i cant go beyond it, i cant examine the units, every time i hit a character i look at who he can join and it just stops me cold. Its being silly. 


Sanguinary priest Bloodoael you will support the intercessors! 


What do you mean no?

Sorry my captain but they make me look short and it kills my sexy swagger.



Chief Apothecary Corbulo, whose lore is he loves primaris, thought they were the best thing ever and the hope of the entire chapter? Cant stand them mate keep them at least 3" at any time.


Of course since primaris dont have Jump packs yet Dante becomes the only Marine in the Imperium who can cross the REAL rubicon primaris and join outside his caste. 


Edited by Nagashsnee

So, Dante’s pistol that had been given increased range with his update a few weeks back.. went back to 6” lol. His rules are okay but a lack of CP related benefit makes him seem a tad underwhelming, also he has no synergy with sanguinary guard as both just impose -1 to hit. 

mephiston is fine


DC intercessors really needed to be able to take more melee weapons, even if it were just 2 of each kind (what you get in an assault intercessor squad box), and the lack of ability to mix said weapons at all is shocking.


24 minutes ago, VanDutch said:

Lemartes (and his attached unit) has the “reduce damage by 1” without “to a minimum of 1”, which is even more hilarious than the Redemptor having it.


I think I just heard the sound of some Death Guard players literally popping with rage.

My gods, they've finally given the Baal Predator advance and fire, something it should have gained years ago! 


Lots of good stuff in there. I'm liking the passive buffs from the priests, though I dislike how normal apothercaries get to revive models, and priests only get the FNP.


Bit of a weird one, guess I'll have to combine the two! 

Yeah, they can't seem to make up their minds what the Sanguinary Priest is actually supposed to do. At least he still has the Jump Pack option. The combination of 5+++, extra pip of AP in melee and being able to add him as well as a Cap/Lt is going to make him somewhat useful. Making him Firstborn only is understandable but barring him from the SG is irritating to say the least.

20 minutes ago, Craig said:

DC have A5/S5 on charge, rerolling all hits and rerolling 1s to wound with attached chaplain. I'll take that.


Possibly evn better, add Lemartes. He gives the unit the -1 Damage rule and also Devastating Wounds (6s to Wound become MWs).


Interestingly the -1 Damage rule does not includes the caveat "to a minimu mof 1". This means that RAW, Lemartes and his unit are immune to 1 damage weapons. :tongue: I expect this will be errata'ed pretty quickly as it affects quite a few other units like Redemptor Dreads and Stromraven Gunships.

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