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Ok 2k game vs Craftworld Eldar. My list was unchanged tho this game made me wake up in a couple of ways.

Belisarius Cawl 185

Tech Priest Dominus with Excoriating Emanation ( stealth) 100pts

6x Kataprhon Breachers (full haywire guns) 300pts

3x Kataphron Breachers (full haywire) 150.

3x 10 Vanguard (1xplasma 1 x haywire) 3x100pts

1x 5 man infiltraitors 1x 80pts

onager dunecrawler 140pts

onager dunecrawler 140pts

Armiger Warglave 140

Armiger Warglave 140

5 Pteraxi With flamers

3xSydonian Dragoons .


Eldar brought:


Eldard + 3 Farseers ( 1 on bike) +3-4 Warlors ( 1 on bike). 

10 Bikes with 3 shot str 6 gun.

3x10 Guardians with heavy weapon platforms

Wraith Knight

Fire Prism.


Insert terrible pic ( sorry). So basically i deployed in a hyper aggresive way and prayed for first turn, i went into aggresive docttina and put all my money and playing first and having the dragoons move up, advance and charge the wraithknight (they were right across from it) thus clutching my victory and a eternity of eldar tears....you all know where this is going.


Eldar played first, blew up my dragoons with the wraithnight = fire prism plus killed some breachers with the bikes guardians wipes sicarans. Did 4 wounds on a armiger with weapon platform.  The avatar who is hiding behind a building came out and forwards. My turn 1 i doubled down and had both armigers go straight at the avatar, thinking look if both they and cawl shoot it, and then the armigers assault it and tank shock it then maybe? While everyone else manage to get the wraith knight down to about 6 wounds and killed some guardians. Anyhow i took the avatar down to 4 wounds and he killed both armigers. 


Eldar turn 2 looked grim lads, he killed all the breachers but 1 (he wiped the 3 man squad and killed 3 more from the Dominas unit) plus killed 15ish skitarii. Avatar moved up and charge Cawl...who then made 5 out 6 saves and did the 4 remaining wounds to kill the avatar! My turn two the crabs dragged down the wraith knight while dominar and last breacher charge and kill a guardian unit, pteraxi came down and got wiped by the bikes cause i forgot about new style overwatch. 


After that the whole eldar army dunked on cawl who went down to 1 wound and finished off the domina, breacher and most skitarii, cawl got some wounds back and wiped a guardian squad and the rest of the game (he finished off cawl) was just my grab tanks and his bikes and remaining guardian unit taking shots at each other. I lost by objs pretty badly but it was a really fun game and i learned allot. 


So lessons as always out detachment is :cuss: and did nothing, his gave him constant re rolls to everything so well done ONCE AGAIN rules/balance team. And the doctrina vs fate dice army rules were again just a joy to compare.  But brother and sisters of the cog i have come to a awakening. 


I have found the use for sicarans (both flavours) and it will shock you ( if not just act shocked). They are object holders (note not contestors), not CC unit, not a shooting unit, not a advancing unit, they are obj campers. It came to me after once again being wiped off the board that i was playing them wrong. I kept trying to make them work based on silly things, like their lore, artwork, models, descriptions, etc. Instead of their rules. 


Lets look at their rules vs what should be our main obj camper unit basic skitarii.  Sicarans are cheaper, have stealth, the same number of total wounds, better armor and better inva.  One flavour of them can deploy outside your deployment, and both flavours are just good enought in cc that random scrap cant chase them off ( say 1-2 left over marines or something). 


It was like a key finally unlocking a door, skitarii exist SOLELY to buff breachers, they die too easily and suck at shooting too much and cost too much to do anything else. I keep putting down 30 and leaving 10 behind to camp, but its a mistake, its 20 points wasted and we need every point we can get. Likewise why march up the board to get a off to the side obj when you can deploy 5 stealty bois in the perfect los blocking position to go get it turn 2 with less risk and of course less cost. Will i REALLY miss the 1 plasma and 1 haywire gun? No, no i wont. I am going down to 20 or maybe even 10 skitarii and will conduct field tests with a new list built around 2-3 units of sicarans whose only job will be to stand in cover with stealth and claim objs points, while the rest of the army actually fights. 


The other huge thing is 4+ armor on the sicarans actually matters when in your deployment, if you are in cover you go down to 3+ and if your in your deployment with protective doctrina on that -to enemy ap actually means GASP you might use your armor roll rather then going straight to inva. 



Edited by Nagashsnee
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On 7/7/2023 at 3:04 PM, Ulfast said:

I had my first game yesterday. 2000p vs chaos daemons. Not ideal for our army but I just wanted to play and have fun. It was very close until round 4 when I feel apart and the daemons could win. His dices where hotter then mine so that was one negative thing for me :D But I really do feel that we can be dangerous and fight back. I need to play more but I was positive to the experince. The biggest drawback that felt very wrong was the bs and ws of 4+. That was hard and I missed so many attacks because of that. I really wished that we got 3+ back. Also strange to see our skitarii rangers/vanguards with only 5+ armour save. We really should have a 4+. 

What did you field list wise? The 4+ hurts, doubly so when its 'specialized' units like sicarans.  The 4+ armor just feels wrong, especially when you look at the minis. 

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10 hours ago, Nagashsnee said:

They are object holders (note not contestors), not CC unit, not a shooting unit, not a advancing unit, they are obj campers.

This - for sure. It's a shame, but it's true for now certainly. I'm going from 10 Stalkers and 5 Infiltrators to just 2x5 infiltrators... IMO stalkers should just HAVE re-roll charges, or at least on a turn they arrive from reserves. I definitely see stalkers generally as an Outflank kinda unit.


Clearly the entire army should hit on 3s naturally. I think the list would honestly almost work as-is if everyone hit on 3s (2s from Heavy/Protector). It doesn't even seem like it'd be top tier even with that change, because outside the chonky stuff we'd still be just barely more resilient than Guard.


Ho hum. Glad Cawl got to bag an Avatar if nothing else.




The Good Doctor.

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