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GW, YouTubers/Influencers, and Marketing Thoughts


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On 6/24/2023 at 9:00 AM, Wraithwing said:

How does one actually sign up to the influencer program? 

In the run up to Leviathan, I’ve seen loads of Instagramers have advanced copies. Some have less followers on Instagram than I do. 

How do you get started with the program? 

ive seen people from 500 subs to 50k subs getting free stuff, there doesnt appear to be a solid requirement other than being blindingly pro GW

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If their plan is to expand the 40K player base (like what they did with the rules, data sheets, etc) then they have to get some influencers and other figures to play the game so more people not only get to know the game but also lose the fear of “oh is a too long/complex game. I’m not interested”. If they see their favorite YouTuber/streamer play it they might give it a try. 

it is a double edge sword tho, when these people get into “power” (they call a portion of the players) they will try to change rules/settings to their liking. Just see how many video game devs made games thinking on the streamers/pros and most of the time those are bad for the common players. 

Still, it is GW, they still can’t get some things right. I don’t understand why they want to sell the army builder on the app, knowing that there are free tools available. 

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The problem with influencers isn’t that they get stuff early, it’s that they oversaturate social media algorithms from verified accounts or high engagement so normals posting their Hive Fleet with the sickest scheme anyone has ever seen is buried in favored of whatever Heavy Metal scheme an influencer who does it for a living did. It’s great for marketing and terrible for hobby content. 

The other and more insidious problem is the content creators fandoms turning into factions that antagonize each other on social media. You can’t make a post on Reddit or Instagram without running into a Discourse Mini/Goobertown like weenie throwing blanket shade at GW. The British influencer community is pretty incestuous, tied up in each others social and sex lives. For ever awesome channel like Duncan and Painting phase, you’ve got the ‘be kind’ channels quote tweeting people’s hobby to shame them for something. Some guy made a AoS conversion and painted him white instead of black and brigaded by multiple channels. It’s just a parasocial cesspool that is synonymous with the hobby on social media. 

Edited by Marshal Rohr
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On 7/22/2023 at 10:16 AM, alfred_the_great said:

You don’t have to engage with it…

Right. This crap is why I don’t have social media (other than LinkedIn which I never post on) and just use forums like this under a screen name for my diversionary internet stranger interaction. This is probably a banal opinion at this point, but most social media is just “influencers” trying to make others jealous of them while playing “humble” and “positive”, people trying to suck up to the “influencers” for some sloppy secondhand attention, and sociopolitical witch-hunting. 

The B&C is actually the only 40k forum that I use, as well, in large part because of how good a job the mod team does at keeping things civil without obvious favoritism and bias.

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On 7/23/2023 at 2:46 AM, alfred_the_great said:

You don’t have to engage with it…

I think I need this tattooed on my chest like Leonard Shelby in Momento.

Reddit is a misinformation machine I keep butting up against in vain.

Wrong answers only -> upvotes to the left. 

Corrections get lost.

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