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Welcome to part one of the Blood Angels Unit of the Week series!

Following the release of the 10th edition Index, there is no better time to discuss all the units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield. Where part one will discuss the units from the units found within Index: Blood Angels, parts two to four will discuss Index: Space Marines, part five will be Imperial Armour, and part six will be Legends.
Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.
Without further ado, here's this week's entry:


sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Baal Predator

What are you thoughts here folks? How best would you play a Baal Predator?

  • To compliment a list, or to build a list around? 
  • Sons of Sanguinius or Gladius Task Force?
  • Are you taking them in multiples?
  • What wargear options are you leaning towards?
  • How are you going to make best use of Overcharged Engines?
  • Stratagem synergy of note?


Over to you.

Edited by Jolemai
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Should you want your model on display here (or on another thread), then submit a photo here please.


(Once I work out how best to float it!)




As an aside, the thread setup may change over the coming weeks until I'm happy with them. This includes the photos.

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the TL assault cannon is vastly inferior to the flamestorm cannon, and said flamestorm cannon actually looks extremely scary!


I think either the HB or the HF on the sponsons are solid too. 

No reason to not take the storm bolter and Hunter Killer Missile either!


Overall it looks like a decent pick for the points now, especially with the overcharged engines actually being useful!


if I thought I'd get to it before 11th edition arrives I'd probably get one!


edit: one of these things strategically placed with the threat of overwatch on all those torrent weapons seems particularly nasty!

Edited by Paladin777
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@Paladin777 already covered everything I guess. It's the Baal Predator and he is back! Finally some rules that justify to put him on the table!

One thing of note: If you've advanced, you are only able to target infantry. 


I can see it being really nasty if you got first turn. Go full throttle near an objective, bonus points if you're able to reach out to scorch something and then wait for your enemies turn to kill something with overwatch. 

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Baal looking good. With range it could potentially generate almost 10 wounds to regular marines (some of them ignoring cover). With Assault  rule and extra flamestorm damage is looking good for anti infantry. Also cover is important and it’s fast so you can screen your jump troops, block charges and charge is necessary.


It got stormbolter and hunter killer missile (str 14) for free. Not all tanks have it.


If you have enough Strats you can use smoke to -1 hit and add cover

Edited by Goranged
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  • I'm certainly looking at more mech angels now with vehicles coming to the fore, 1-2 Baals still with highly mobile troops the Baal can certainly keep up. 
  • SOS or GTF i'm not sure ? leaning to GTF and a Captain to access more tactical doctrines for alround flexibility,  GTF gives advance and charge thats big
  • One flamer Baal and one Dakka Baal seem good.  I can see how melee has reduced effectiveness in 10th so an ignores cover flamer Baal incinerating a stubborn objective before assault is only going to be useful,  it'll partially or completely  shield the footsloggers on approach.  The Dakka baal is going have help from friends. 
  • Best friends for the Dakka Baal?   Incursors scouting up close and marking targets to give a +1 to hit.  Then a Hammerstrike hitting targets for the Baal, that's an  ignores cover and +1 to hit before the Dakka Baal goes brrrrrr.
  • Somewhere lurking around will be an Invictor or Redemptor to give target saturation and reduce the dakka that's surely going to be sent towards the Baal.
  • All up I like the synergies around this set up    
Edited by Ash
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41 minutes ago, Ash said:
  • SOS or GTF i'm not sure ? leaning to GTF and a Captain to access more tactical doctrines for alround flexibility,  GTF gives advance and charge thats big


I am leaning towards GSF. The +1S from SoS is not as powerful as the +1 to Wound from Red Thirst used to be. Also it is only active on the charge so does not help too much if we get charged. Our melee units hit pretty hard, possibly hard enough that the bonus from SoS won't be needed too often. Units like Death Company with Fists/Hammers will mulch infantry on a 2+ without Red Thirst. But conversely, +1S is not going to make a difference against any vehicles or monsters of T10 or above. Crucially, SoS no longer gives any speed bonus so does not help us get into combat.


On the other hand, GSF provides useful tools for getting into combat. Also Tactical Doctrine is great for melee units with FLY as we can use a Fall Back to disengage in pretty much any direction we like. This can be used to get over/around frontline units in order to get at those squishy backfield support units and Objective campers.

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I've been having great success by putting my Baal Predator on the table and saying "Check it out, Baal Predator." and the opponent goes "Yeah hell yeah dude." because Baal Preds are cool. It's effectively worth double its points value.


More seriously though the advance and shoot thing is going to have legs, put a couple of these in a list to clear pesky screens so we can get off a proper charge on juicy targets, as it should be. I do hope that we see some granularity returned to the weapons though, because right now it's suffering that thing where one loadout is basically a flat upgrade for the same points.

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