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Polite and constructive feedback to GW customer service

Captain Idaho

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Just thought I'd let you guys know I sent an email to Games Workshop Customer Service, politely and tinged with some sadness. They replied and I thought perhaps we can get a movment going? If it spreads far enough to Facebook and the wider community... who knows?


To be specific, it firstly explained my displeasure with the way the company promoted Age of Darkness Horus Heresy kits and then sent them to an unsupported after initial release legends format, going over how people want fair and balanced games and GW doesn't update the rules to maintain with the quarterly updates they're going for.


I then pointed out much of main gaming comes from tournaments and events lately, so that Legends format makes the units I've got (Kratos, 2 Comtemptors, Vindicator Laser Destroyer and Leviathan) useless for gaming and a waste for 40K.


My second point was short, relating to the error strewn Index release haul and querying what on earth is going on there?


Lastly I explained my displeasure with the points turned to power level but really points aspect, explaining how the lack of unit variable sizes and weapons granularity is jarring, soulless and anaemic. 


I pointed out that my purchases for the edition went from a planned 2 Vindicators, 2 boxes of Assault Marines and 2 boxes of Bikers... to none of those.


I acknowledge I'm one person, but lots of one persons can launch a Crusade...


Anyway, here's their response, with the girls name removed deliberately:




For the record, I was very polite and believe any feedback should be too. The front line guys are good people and care. 


Oh for the record... their email is:



Edited by Captain Idaho
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13 hours ago, Blurf said:

Isn't 40k FAQ email address MUCH more likely to get to someone who has any idea what you're talking about?

It's a bot email. 

I'm inclined to beleive it is not a bot. I sent a (IMHO) rather well thought out and polite email myself and I received something different than what Captain Idaho got. Actually, I was surprised at how long of a response they gave me to be honest. About 4 paragraphs. 

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18 hours ago, Emperor Ming said:

At least they said, they take note, back in the day they wouldn't even have replied:happy:

I found my first email to them (new email) dated 2017, and never had problems with their customer service, i think they're really helpful compare to some other custservs out there.

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Just to chime in, I had to send the Customer Service team an issue with their webstore last month, and everything from "We do take all feedback seriously..." is carbon copy the same in my email to the email above. I'm guessing it's some sort of advanced email footer that corporate make them put on the end of their emails.

I never did hear anything further from the message I sent, but the issue did clear itself up a few weeks later.

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Might be a pre-approved message for all we know, but it's definitely a person sending it.


Real question is whether the right people get the feedback afterwards? Even a carbon copy reply is fine if the reply is the truth - it's been forwarded on.

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