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Pile of Potential: The best Painting tracker I've found


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I've stuck up a few images of my painting progress in my various project logs, and have frequently been asked where I found this marvellous painting tracker?


The answer is Pile of potential - just log in and create projects, you can then select settings to determine the level of 'completeness' you find acceptable for your models, so I could remove the 'based' category there and my % complete would jump up. You can also plan army purchases etc and cross off when you have bought the models etc., though I don't use it for that. 








Anyway, I find it super useful, the obsessive cataloguer that I am (check my BA Chapter model listings in my Plog), hopefully you do too, and if you like it, maybe consider supporting the creator through their Patreon or similar. 


Have fun!



Edited by Xenith
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I've been using pile of potential lately for keeping track of painting; it's very useful (I too think I might have got the idea from you Xenith!). I can recommend doing a collection of smaller projects rather than one big one so you don't get overwhelmed by the backlog!


I'm also using trello.com as a precursor tool for tracking planned conversion and unit builds in more detail. i.e. where I'm pulling models from, and buying/printing the bits I need to convert them - mainly shoulderpads, but I've also got a number of dread conversions planned (progress details for a given model are inside the card). I must add magnetizing 2 squads of Death Company to fist/pistol and thunderhammers...






Edited by Arkhanist
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2 hours ago, Arkhanist said:

I've been using pile of potential lately for keeping track of painting; it's very useful (I too think I might have got the idea from you Xenith!). I can recommend doing a collection of smaller projects rather than one big one so you don't get overwhelmed by the backlog!


I'm also using trello.com as a precursor tool for tracking planned conversion and unit builds in more detail. i.e. where I'm pulling models from, and buying/printing the bits I need to convert them - mainly shoulderpads, but I've also got a number of dread conversions planned (progress details for a given model are inside the card). I must add magnetizing 2 squads of Death Company to fist/pistol and thunderhammers...






I've got mine separated by armies currently with a miscellaneous one for things that don't fit into the rest like my Rogue Trader harlequins 

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9 hours ago, Sky Potato said:

I’ve been using Figure Case, it does much the same thing except in iOS app form as opposed to online web based tracker. Syncs between my phone and iPad as well, some apps don’t even attempt to do that in this day and age. Great app.



Nice looking app, shame it's iOS only.

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