Galron Posted June 20, 2023 Share Posted June 20, 2023 (edited) Work on my HH dark angels continues slowly, its summer and I have more important things to do besides 40k like my own small start up biz and fishing. But I try to get in a step or two a day and I have almost finished a second 10 man tactical squad in OG Dark Angels colors. Weirdly I have two different Dark Angel armies as I have a Star Phantom army as well but it is 100% Primaris and aside from an Infernus squad and a spare Ballistus it is mostly complete. I might post the occasional pic from the Phantoms from time to time as they are 40k. Basic idea for this force is they are a new chapter mostly made up of "redeemed" Fallen a good number of whom still do not think they were in the wrong but took no part in the atrocities from chaos or whomever and essentially carved out a small stable realm inside a hard to penetrate nebula and weirdly still clandestinely sent tithes to the mechanicus . When the Lion reappeared they rushed to his side and were accepted, especially since they showed up in Dark Angel black and red with original heraldry and a Leviathan he knew from the Heresy stomped forward to renew his fealty. I tend to theme my forces since I am a bit jaded with the tournament mindset. Note that these lists may change over time for obvious reasons and the addition of FW and legends because screw you, GW, I just bought these things brand new, you guys are on crack if you think we arent going to use them in 40k. They should be pretty obvious as to their intentions and how the lists will play. I use Belial in both lists but I will be converting the new Terminator captain or using someone else.. Drop Pod Assault Belial Primaris LT w Bolter Discipline Incinerators x10 Hellblasters x5 Hellblasters x10 4 drop pods Desolators x5 Terms x10 2 cyclone (the new basic term squad from two boxes) Ballistus Sternguard x10 Deathwing terms w/Thammer storm shield Scout snipers 75 Infiltrators 1985 Iron Wing Belial Term command squad x5 DW terms Standard x5 DW terms Assault x5 Land Raider Land raider redeemer Tactical squad Tactical Squad Rhino x 2 Ballistus 1985 In this case I can skip a tactical squad and its rhino. I am not opposed to picking up one of the primaris vehicles or tossing in a vindicator. EDIT: This not being able to buy units by the individual dude is annoying as all get out. I hate having to leave so many points on the table. I could buy an apothecary or primaris ancient but where will they go? I cant choose to leave one guy behind in my drop pod squads, I guess I could put an apoc in my scout or infiltrator squad, although I am not sure why I would do that. I could drop Belial down to a terminator captain to give me 65 points and bring a primaris tech marine to babysit the Ballistus but then I am losing out on a good beatstick character. Grrr Edited October 25, 2023 by Galron WrathOfTheLion, FarFromSam and Marshal Mittens 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted June 26, 2023 Author Share Posted June 26, 2023 Some finished guys. Working on some samples from the new set. LameBeard, Rockybaerboa, Chaplain Raeven and 6 others 8 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raziel-TX Posted June 26, 2023 Share Posted June 26, 2023 Nice job. I’m digging the checker board patterns you have going on. Galron, Marshal Mittens, LameBeard and 1 other 1 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moi_a_mania Posted June 27, 2023 Share Posted June 27, 2023 I like it. Great color scheme and your army looks good together. Galron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FarFromSam Posted June 29, 2023 Share Posted June 29, 2023 That's some clean slate black. They look great. Your first list looks similar to how my lists turn out. Keep going! Galron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted July 3, 2023 Author Share Posted July 3, 2023 First group of test models with the new release stuff pretty much done. I'll add some tufts to the bases and clean a few things up. Now to have a mass building day and do the other 9 incinerators, 9 terminators, 10 sternguard and a bunch of vehicles. Prot, LameBeard, Chaplain Raeven and 8 others 9 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenerationTerrorist Posted July 4, 2023 Share Posted July 4, 2023 That colour scheme is absolutely sensational FarFromSam and Galron 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted July 14, 2023 Author Share Posted July 14, 2023 My current Drop Assault list and some gripes Belial Infernus Squad x10 Intercessors x5 3 Drop pods -(:cuss:? Why arent these dedicated transports?) Desolators x5 Deathwing Termies x10 with 2 Assault cannons Ballistus Dreadnought Sternguard x10 with the 2 Heavy bolters Assault termies x5 T-hammer Storm Shield Hellblasters x 5 Hellblasters x 5 Once again, why the hell arent drop pods dedicated transports? They are THE most iconic way for marines to arrive on the battlefield. Correct me if Im wrong but couldnt Deathwing terminator squads in the past all be Thunderhammer and Storm Shield? Im having to use a standard assault term squad to field 5 of them. Not sure on fielding my hellblasters as 2x5 or 1x10 in a drop pod. I might get a couple games in this weekend so I will compare the two. If I go first the plan is to bring in the drop pods and terminators on turn 2 while being as cagey as possible with my Intercessors, Ballistsus and desolators. If I go second then I doubt I will be able to play cagey against an entire enemy army for two turns so I will likely drop all the drop pods on the same side to force a flank and then drop my terminators the next turn on the other side. FarFromSam and Marshal Mittens 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Mittens Posted July 15, 2023 Share Posted July 15, 2023 Hellblasters + Apothecary seems very strong at the moment, well, decently strong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted July 16, 2023 Author Share Posted July 16, 2023 I played two games. Both were lopsided early on with the predictable turn 2 alpha strike. First game was against nids including a barbed hirodule(sp?) a swarm lord and a flyrant plus old one eye and a screamer killer(who are no longer carnifexes?) . The fve desolators knocked the swarmlord down to 3 wounds on T1 with the oath of the moment. Ballistus attempted to nuke the hirodule but only did 2 damage to it. He managed to do no damage to me but was racking up the points due to secondaries. My next turn brought all but my infernus in. Hellblasters and sternguard took out the flyrant. Gun deathwing took out most of a leaper squad and two neurothropes(the ones that supposedly came from eldar DNA). MY army survived the battle mostly intact and the next turn I cleared most of his back field, captured multiple objectives, killed Deathleaper, the Swarmlord, the screamer killer, last neurothrope and we called it. Did run into a case where he did Shadow of the warp and literally everyone except the Desolators and the chaplain led assault terms failed battleshock and the chappie squad only passed because of him and his 5+. Second game was against Tau. I got second turn. He killed 3 desolators with a ghost keel and moved up. The mission revoled around holding the three no mans land objectives. I needed troops so I brought in all my pods and the sterngurd killed all but one wound on a cold star led crisis team, couldnt get that last wound. Hell blasters dropped in the back field and killed a broadside and 3 died, all three shot again and inflicted 10 damage and killed a second broadside. The Ballistus dropped a 3rd broadside down to 1 wound. Farsight and his boys dropped in near my home objective but did scan instead of shooting sparing my two desolators. He knocked my sternguard and infernus dudes to half with breachers. Holy crap breachers with a fireblade are insane. My big term squad dropped in 9 inches away from Farsight who was oathed. They knocked ll but FS and a crisis out and then died to a charge. Infernus charged one breacher squad on an objective and the sterguard shot up the ghost keel down to 2 wounds and charged and took the center objective. Hellblasters killed a tetra and all but 1 wound on a second tetra. We were at my friends house and people started showing up for get together/party/cookout so it was getting stupidly noisy along with people asking us what we were doing and how it related to Risk and otherwise trying to converse with us instead of letting us finish the game so we called it. He had me on points but I had killed the vast majority of his army by the end of T3 and my turn 4 and 5 were going to hurt him badly. I was going to have my assault terms on the objective by T5 giving me 15 VP automaticlly. So observations. I dont think my chappie was pulling his weight. I think I will sub in infiltrators or intercessors to give me an extra unit on T1. Hellblasters are insane, even without character to buff them. Ballistus really wasnt anything to write home about but Ill give it a try again as its the only completely finished unit in the army. Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted July 18, 2023 Author Share Posted July 18, 2023 The next couple guys for the vow. Marshal Mittens, Interrogator Stobz, Prot and 2 others 4 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted July 18, 2023 Share Posted July 18, 2023 Interesting. My Ballistus has been mediocre as well. I found my lists have been a little too slow for secondaries and the Nids' are stronger than I think most people are saying. I find their ability to push out (with the right units) can handicap scoring for a good 2-3 turns. Did you find Shadow in the Warp / failing all those break tests actually had an effect? (I have not personally) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted July 18, 2023 Author Share Posted July 18, 2023 Shadow of the warp really didnt do anything. Yeah I failed 4 out of six checks but it didnt keep me from continuing to devastate things. We still had Oath of the moment so my main target died despite not being able to use strats. My desolators did a good deal of work knocking big targets down. I just dont think the Ballistus has enough firepower for the price. Mine never died and even survived a swarmlord assaulting it and did 2D back in reply followed by a switch to Tactical doctrine where it fell back and killed it with 2 wounds that got through from the storm bolters. But its main weapons, the things you bring it for just tend to fall flat. I did 2 or three damage to the Hirodule, 5 damage total from storm bolters and feet to the swarmlord. I think it killed a barbed hormagant as well. I might need to pick up another Redemptor and paint it up or see if I can find the arms online and print them to swap in and out. I feel when I start playing players who have gotten used to the game and have wider/wiser choices of units to use, the Ballistus is going to fall behind the power curve. I would pick up a Lancer, but it's harder to hide on T1 than a Ballistus. I understand why they bumped up the points on Desolators. The five I bring do fairly consistent damage and were essential in reducing nid big guys. Even the two I had versus the tau in the second game did fairly nice chip damage since my opponent went after them first but ignored them after he dropped them to two guys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted July 18, 2023 Share Posted July 18, 2023 I stopped using the Desolators. They are good, but they have a local feeling of being abusive. I have no trouble pulling them out and enjoying the points elsewhere. But the Ballistus might get pulled once I finish painting it. (BTW I love the Redeemed/pre heresy scheme you've got on yours.) The Lancer is darn good. It's no slouch and a considerable savings pointswise, and space wise to the Landraider (which I am using to carry 10 Hellblasters + Azrael). Helycon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted July 18, 2023 Author Share Posted July 18, 2023 My Iron wing project will have a pair of Land Raiders, one standard and one redeemer. Its the accompanying infantry and such I havent finalized yet. Originally I was thinking my big block of termies but now I am thinking differently on it. The Raiders are the only things set in stone at this point, I just want to finish my vow before I get to them. Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted July 18, 2023 Share Posted July 18, 2023 Sounds good. I don't think there are too many 'bad' options right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted July 24, 2023 Author Share Posted July 24, 2023 Had a fun game vs Thousand Sons on Saturday. 2k. I fielded actual Unforgiven with: terminator captain with thunder hammer Chaplain in termy armor with Stubborn Tenacity 10 Deathwing Terminators with 1 chainfist and 2 assault cannons 5 Assault Terminators with Thammer/SS 10 Sternguard 10 Infernus 10 Hellblasters 1 Ballistus 5 Desolators 3 Drop pods- with the rocket launchers. He fielded: Magnus, 2 vortex beasts, 3 of the bird dude squads, 2 10 man rubric marines, 10 man scarab terminators, 3 hero types that gave invul 4++s and a terminator hero type that gave an extra Cabal Point and reroll 1s. We had the old school Dawn of war deployment, supply run was the random mission rule, and the primary was holding deployment objective and one in no mans land for 4vp and bonus for holding more than the opponent plus killing an enemy unit gives 4vp and killing more than the opponent kills is a bonus. I got first turn. I did my usual Desolators and Ballistus starting on the board and he started with the termies in deepstrike with everything else on the board. Magnus a bird squad and a vortex beast were on my left side with another vortex on my right with a rubric squad. He had a bird squad on his home objective and a rubric and bird squad in the center prepared to move forward to the center objectives(supply run extra objective) T1: I went ahead and dropped my three pods. I put the Infernus on the left side with the pod on the objective in no mans land and the squad in range of his bird squad. I put the hellblasters drop pod on one of the right of center objectives and within range of his right side rubric squad. Desolators moved to LOS of the right side vortex beast. Ballistus moved into LOS of the birds squad on his depoyment objective. Sternguard dropped within rapid fire range of the vortext beast on the right side with their pod on the far right objective. My shooting went off well. The right side vortex beast was the oath unit. Sternguard and desolators nuked it. Hellblasters and the nearby drop pod wiped the right side rubric squad down to the leader and dropped him to 3 wounds. Infernus wiped the bird squad. Ballistus killed a few birds. His T1, Magnus moved forward and wiped the infernus squad + their drop pod and another bird squad moved up to the left centerish objective. T2: Dropped my big terminator squad with the chaplain 9" from Magnus on terrain. Moved my desolators up into terrain so they could get LOS on the left vortex beast who was oathed. Hellblasters and sternguard moved to get the beast in range, while the stern kept the lone hero character on the right within LOS. Ballistus moved up. Shooting had the desolators and the hellblasters nuking the vortex beast although it took a second volley from a dying hellblaster to finish it off. Sternguard then shot up the hero. The termies did 3 or 4 damage to magnus and failed their charge even with a reroll. I think the Ballistus knocked his home objective birds down to 2 and killed a couple in the center with its storm bolter along with a rubric in the center squad with lascannons. Desolators fired their secondary guns at the birds on the center objective and wiped them. His T2: Magnus approached the termies with the chaplain. His termies dropped 9" away from the termies on the left objective. His last rubric squad moved onto the center objective. Thanks to Armor of Contempt and the Chappies 4+++ vs mortals I only lost 2.5 terminators to the devastating psychic weapon barrage the termies and magnus hit them with. Magnus's assault on the other hand knocked them down to 4 terminators + chappie. Nothing else of note happened elsewhere. T3: Fell back with termies, popped oath on him. Dropped the assault termies with captain 9" from both Magnus and the scarab terminators. Everyone else moved forward to get the center rubric squad in their sightes. Ballistus killed the home objective rubrics, the remainder of the hellblasters, desolators and sternguard knocked the rubric squad down to the hero guy who was giving them the 4++. Popped Intractable on the terminator squad that fell back and they and the captain did a few more damage to Magnus and had him down to 3 wounds remaining. They then charged and the captain's unit failed its charge twice on the scarabs. Chappies unit killed Magnus who didnt explode. His T3: His scarab terminators who at this point was the only unit left besides the lone hero. I dont remember the order of how things worked after this. I know we called it after the scarabs were reduced by the assault terminators down to the enemy terminator champion guy and I had OC on the center objective with the sternguard vs his hero. The only two strats I used were Intractable and Armor of Contempt. Was a fun game. Obviously this being my 4th game and my opponent's 6th we are still learning. Doesnt help that I keep playing a different army over time. This was the first time I had played Unforgiven. Aside from Intractable I still ended up using the same strat but since I brought a chappie who already did the whole 4+++ vs mortals the strat that did that wasnt too useful although I was ready if my opponent changed targets. Still not sure on the Captain. Chappie was worth his weight in gold for this one. Infernus marines did their job wiping out a scoring unit that gave other benefits and forcing his hand to move Magnus up where I wanted him out of the way of the rest of my army until i was ready to deal with him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted July 27, 2023 Author Share Posted July 27, 2023 Since I wanted to get rid of some boxes in my pile of shame, I built a cerebus, land raider proteus, and a spartan this week plus am building a squad of assault intercessors which I should have done tonight. Figured I would give my Iron Wing idea a go this weekend. Its a bit off from my normal death from above, maybe it will work, maybe not, should be fun and cause hard decisions for my opponent. Gladius simply for the -1ap strat. Chaplain- honor vehement LT-with bolter discipline 10 hellblasters- run with LT 10 Sternguard in and raider 10 Assault Intercessors- with chappie in Spartan 5 Infernus in redeemer Land raider redeemer Land raider Cerebus Spartan Im still 25 points under unfortunately. Should be difficult for my opponent to deal with all the heavy armor even though I am short boots on the ground. It was a toss up between the Infernus marines and a squad of intercessors. Both could do the job I have in mind for them which is storming an objective and removing an enemy unit from it under the protection of the redeemer. Ill decide at the time whether to bring intercessors since they can sticky an objective and move on. No clue what or who my opponent is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted September 27, 2023 Author Share Posted September 27, 2023 Well I finished my Vow, all 47 points of it, tired of painting black with red and white checker board patterns so I am taking a break and painting some bolt action models and angstrom incident red scorpions but primarisized because I like the pattern. But here are the results of the vow. LameBeard, Azoriel, crimsondave and 7 others 8 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FarFromSam Posted October 3, 2023 Share Posted October 3, 2023 They look great all together. Awesome work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted October 23, 2023 Author Share Posted October 23, 2023 (edited) So my Iron Wing stormed the field today versus my buddy's daemons army. We only get to meet up a couple times a year when I go home 4 hours away. We never know what each other is playing beforehand and this one wasnt a fair fight. I fielded: Firestorm detachment- I dont remember the enhancements I used because I forgot them in game as well. Libby in terminator armor LT 10 terminators(Libby) 10 hellblasters(LT) 5 Infernus Redeemer Land Raider Spartan Cerebus I have never known the joy of having such small numbers of units to move and now I see why people play knights. He had a greater daemon of change a daemon prince a soul grinder 3 pink horror units 2 blue flamers + the add on characters that buff them 2 big chariots 2 units of 6 screamers in deep strike I'll post a couple pics after I type this. This is the nutshell version, he moved forward, tried to shoot and failed to penetrate armor since all of my troops were mounted. I moved up, disembarked and most units opened fire at close range. I managed to get LOS to the daemon prince with the Spartan and getting hit with 6 of 8 lascannons made him go away. Barely. The redeemer, terminators and infernus managed to wipe a squad of blue flamers, the hellblasters shot up and killed a unit of pink horrors. Also managed to drop a chariot to 4 wounds before some brave infernus marines charged both of them to tie them up and die in his combat phase. He managed some damage on the terminators I think killing two with mass fire from his army, its been awhile since I played and I forgot armor of contempt. I had my Spartan sitting on my home field objective since it did have LOS down the main lain of fire that he was helpfully coming down to hit the center objective. Then he used a strat that allowed screamers to deep strike within 3". I then overwatched the screamers from the terminators getting 2 lucky devastating wounds from the assault cannons and enough stormbolters in that killed 1 meaning my tank's obsec of 6 beat his obsec of now 5, and we cleared them off the next turn. Hellblasters jumped back in the redeemer leaving the regular land raider on the left hand no mans land objective and covering the center. Redeemer rolled up the board towards his home objective. at some point we killed the cerebus killed the greater daemon. The soulgrinder charged the terminators and dropped them down to 5 plus the libby. They then on my turn backed away and the soulgrinder got hit with a land raider, a spartan, and the cerebus and could only survive so many 4++ saves vs lascannons before it failed a couple. Redeemer and hellblaster rolled up and the redeemer just barely got the pink horrors sitting on his home objective in range and then I discovered that battlescribe isnt very descriptive and my redeemer flamer thrower cannons are actually two cannons in the codex. There were no more pink horrors on the objective after that. The last turn was just clean up. Hellblasters took the home objective and lit up the screamers on the right side no man's land objective. Terminators moved onto the center objective and everyone fired and killed the remaining daemons. The grey knights would have been proud of the cleansing. I felt a little bad about this fight as he had no real anti-tank. He enjoys playing against my stuff as I tend to stay away from meta builds and throw out things that arent typically seen on the board. Before ghost keels got good last edition I was fielding 3 and 3 sky rays and he was laughing pre-game about how silly the army was. I lost a couple fire warriors and a devilfish in total. He quit laughing for a minute and then poured more bourbon. I think my librarian has for sure replaced my chaplain since the nerf to devastating wounds. The sustain thing was great and he never expected the overwatch on his deep strikers. That and half his shots on the termies were psychic attacks. The list was fun since I had so little to move. The problem was he was coming to me so it made sense for me to just make a road block of heavy armored bricks and shoot him as he approached. All of my units did well and earned their points back. I just need to remember key strats. The enhancements I had were the make a roll a 6 on the libby and the no modifiers on the LT, neither of which I used due to forgetting them but only the 6 thing would have been helpful anyway. I had the points since I still had I think 30 to leftover I couldnt do anything with. With the stupid way points system works, I think I could have afforded a scout squad maybe? Was hoping in the codex we would go back to paying by the man so we dont end up wasting large numbers of points, this group of 5 think sucks. Edited October 23, 2023 by Galron Chaplain Raeven, crimsondave, phandaal and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted October 31, 2023 Author Share Posted October 31, 2023 First loss for my Redeemed drop pod list. I went against the new Tyrannids. End result was I just flat out didnt have enough firepower and melee for marines has been nerfed into the ground. So I played them as Dark Angels using the Firestorm detachment. I had: Captain with relic fist and the melee enhancement Strikemaster with Thunderhammer and stormbolter with the make any roll a 6 enhancement LT with the No modifers enhancement *Note that the only reason I used the enhancements beyond the auto-6 was points to spare. 9 Hellblasters in a drop pod 10 Sterguard in a drop pod 10 Infernus Marines in a drop pod 10 terminators 5 Assault terminators Ballistus dread 2 5 man assault intercessors these were my MVPs lol He had a mostly big guy army Hive Tyrant 3 of the big gun bugs 2 of the fat ones with the -1 to hit aura 5 of the big shooty guants 3 lictors 1 deathleaper 3 pyrovores 1 biovore-Most annoying unit award 3 units of 3 neurothropes 1 Underground big bug with a stupid amount of shots. Game started ok. We had the diagonal across the board deployment. He had a lictor on each objective(or at least right next to them) with deathleaper in the middle objective as well. The rest of his force was crowded in and evenly spread out across the line with the -1 to hit bugs buffing the main groups, the shooty guants on his home objective, the biovore out of LOS. I set my Ballistus on my home objective partially in cover(not that it mattered) and the two assault intercessors in cover in position to challenge the lictors for the two side objectives. I got first turn and moved both intercessor squads forward. They did a wound or two on the lictors with their pistols and one made the charge and the other didnt. The one that made it dropped that lictor down to 1 wound. In the middle I had my infernus drop pod land within 12" of death leaper and even with the +1 to wound strat just barely managed to kill him with the 4++ save that almost everyone in his army had and he managed to kill one guy. Ballistus predictably failed to do anything. He moved forward with most things. Fell back with his lictor. He shot up the Ballistus and killed it and then dropped a spore mine on my home objective blocking out a huge area of my deployment zone. He also killed off the infernus squad. The leftover shooting killed 3 intercessors from the unit not on an objective. In a weird quirk of fate no intercessors on the other objective were killed by his shooting and weirdly when he charged them with his hive tyrant he failed to kill any of them. T2: I had a space behind his main line on the left side and dropped my terminators. My sternguard and hellblasters dropped where they could see his -1 to hit bugs. My assault intercessors fell back from the hive tyrant and the assault terminators with the captain dropped 9" away. My other assault intercessors moved up onto the right objective. Shooting was meh. Sternguard did manage to drop one -6 bug to 2 wounds. Hellblasters despite lethal barely scratched the other one with him making 7 of 8 4++ saves. The shooty terminators killed 2 of three nuerothropes who were backing up the left side push. The Captain used his storm bolter and killed the spore mine on the home objective. Assault was good on all fronts. I failed a charge with my sternguard on the 2 wound big bug but that was a hail Mary anyway. My assault terms with captain charged, failed, but thanks to the free reroll they made it in. The big blob termies charged the big gun bug and the last neurothrope of the squad they shot. Assault intercessors on the right side managed to charge both a pyrovore(which overwatched and killed a guy) and the lictor. Hive tyrants failed its battleshock test from the assault terminators and died to them on its last failed save dice taking its last wound. The other termies scratched the gun bug and four power fists failed to inflict a single damage to the wounded neurothrope thanks to the 4++ save. On the right side, the now two assault intercessors killed the lictor there. His T2: To make matters short, the pyrovore on the left side moved up and burned out two of the three remaining assault intercessors. His underground bug popped up on my home objective. His shooting wiped my hellblasters and LT and 4 sternguard. His pyrovore charged my assault terminators and my last assault intercessor on the left. His-1 ho hit bug on the left charged my assault terminators. A big gun bug charged the big blob of terminators. His other -1 bug charged the remaining intercessor and his neurothrope squad on that side moved on to challenge that objective along with it and the pyrovore that had fallen back but was still on the objective as well, they killed him. On the left side they managed to not kill a single terminator and I didnt even use armor of contempt. Conversely, I killed the original big gun bug, the last neurothrope, and the pyrovore who then blew up and killed that last intercessor and inflicted damage on everyone else in the area. We didnt get the full blownchain reaction that he and I got back in 8th edition where I had two hellhounds that moved into a group of big bugs and killed one who exploded did enough damage kill one of the hell hounds who exploded killing another big bug who exploded that killed the second hellhound who exploded and killed something else. Meanwhile we did massive damage to his entire group of big guys. It was funny. Apparently in this edition, Bugs do not degrade for some reason any more even when they are 14 wound models dropped to 2 wounds. T3: It was his first game of this edition so we spent a lot of time looking stuff up and I had to go to something with the wife. We figured that my unstoppable terminator blob would likely clear the left side but its only two units and one of them had not shooting weapons. So I might have been able to challenge for the center on turn 4 with the big blob but would have left my assault terminators on the objective. The only competitive area was on the right so we played it out with the sternguard who moved forward, killed the -1 bug and 2 of the neurothropes with shooting(yay heavy bolters). Their assault fell flat though and although they managed to make the charge on both pyrovores and the last neurothrope, they couldnt get past the 4++ and the pyrovore rolled 6, 6, and 5 for saves vs the thunderhammer and he popped his shadow of the warp ability that turn and go figure, the sternguard was the only squad who failed so I couldnt win on objective control. I called it a win for him. My biggest problem was the lack of effective firepower. In previous games I was able to just overwhelm targets with golden BBs, but with his almost blanket 4++ across the army I could barely get anything through. Marine melee is meh. Yeah devastating wounds on thunder hammers is nice, but its only 2 damage when it should be 3, especially when you are only hitting on 4+ normally. Chainfists should also affect big beasts with their anti- rule. And what the hell is up with big bugs not degrading as they take damage? I think what I will do is drop all the enhancements, the LT and the sternguard and replace them with 2 devastator squads with grav and lascannons and an incursor squad. This gives me four units starting on the board with the 5 units dropping in from deep strike. Should hopefully allow for a bit more utility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Raeven Posted November 7, 2023 Share Posted November 7, 2023 Man, no idea how I missed this thread! Great work, nice to see that we have similar ideas on painting our black marines. Keep it up Brother! Galron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted April 17, 2024 Author Share Posted April 17, 2024 (edited) I love the Levie in your picture, Chaplain Raeven. Now that my Night Lords are 100% built I am going to start working on my Dark Angels again. Im trying to work on my pile of shame which is currently far too large. At a minimum I am trying to build as much as I can and slap some base coats on them to make them somewhat playable. A twin Graviton cannon/phosphex is my next build for my Escaton Imperative(aka War Crimes force) 30k force and a squad of Hellblasters so I am not borrowing dudes from my Star Phantoms despite them being happy to be sending them. My new current Drop Assault list Firestorm Assault detachment Captain in Term armor with fist, storm bolter + War Tempered Artiface (yay S11 power fist) Librarian in term armor with forged in battle LT Champion of humanity(I had 10 points) Assault intercessors x5 Assault intercessors x5 Drop pod #1 Devastator Squad 4x Multi-meltas sgt with combi weapon and thunder hammer Dev Squad 4x grav cannons sgt with combi weapon and thunder hammer Drop Pod #2 Hellblasters x9 + the LT rides here Drop Pod #3 10 Infernus Marines Ballistus Dread 10 Terminators 2 Assault cannons, 2 chainfists, 8 powerfists (Libby ports in with these guys) 5 Assault Terminators Thunder hammers + storm shields (Captain rides here) Can terminator librarians or even captains really not be attached to Deathwing squads? Thats a pretty stupid restriction. EDIT: I am wondering whether it would be worth it to drop the Infernus squad down to 5 dudes and include the LT with combi weapon for objective shenanigans. Also tempted to drop one of the assault intercessor squads and replace with a standard intercessor squad in order to get some objective stickiness on the home objective. Ill have to see if I have any intercessors painted up to try it. Edited April 19, 2024 by Galron Azoriel and kooper 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted April 20, 2024 Author Share Posted April 20, 2024 (edited) OK, I ran the Editted version of my list versus a Guard list. Now admittingly he is a old friend of mine I hadnt seen in a while and he hasnt played a 2k game of guard in 10th so I wasnt being cut throat. In fact I saved one of his units telling him he really didnt want to move into overwatch range of my infernus marines on turn 1. He had Ursula 2 castellans 3 20 man squads a couple command squads 2 field ordinance batts with bombards 2 Rogal dorns 1 demolisher tank commander 3 sentinels as individuals Sly marbo We played Supply Drop and the Mission rule screwed me over as it was the one where you had to roll to see if reserves come on. This extended the game by a turn. I ended up with T1 (blech): I started the Ballistus on the left side near the COmbie LT. Intercessors in the middle touching my home objective for the command phase sticky. Assault intercessors on the far side. I drew Tempting target and whatever getting the center objective secondary is called. I advanced the LT to the right. Intercessors to the middle getting my foot on it. Assault intercessors towards the right objective which would have been the final objective. Left was the first one removed. Ballistus moved up. Hellblasters arrived in the center and killed off 2 sentinels and 2 died and then did 4 more to the third sentinel with shoot on death. The Infernus in one of my bigger goofs landed on the far right and flamed one of the FO batteries to a single wound. Ballistus did 5 damage to Rogal and storm boltered some infantry. His T1: He moved up Rogal2 along with the remaining sentinel and took out my infernus and drop pod. Rogal1 moved towards the center but didnt contest the objective and killed 3 more hellblasters. Left side infantry squad moved forward and did 2 damage to the Ballistus. Tank commander did 6 damage to ballistus. My T2: I hold the center, forget what I drew for secondary. Only the assault terminators and captain came in thanks to the mission rule and they landed 9" across from the sentinel and the right side objective. Ballistus moves forward to bring the infantry squad into LOS and take the left objective. Intercessors advance a whopping 1" towards the right objective. Assault intercessors move 1" from Rogal2 and shoot their pistols at the sentinel doing 1 damage. Hellblasters did some damage to ROgal1. Captain and terms make the charge to the sentinel and kill it and remain on the right objective. Ballistus shot the demolisher dropping it to 8 wounds left and charged the infantry squad killing 3 plus the 7 it shot. Hellblasters charged the Rogal1 and I forgot they had lethal hits but they did some more damage. HIS T2: He kinda flubbed things here. He eliminated 3 intercessors, 2 assault intercessors and the remaining hellblasters. Sly marbo failed to do any damage. Ballistus kills 4 dudes in close combat taking no damage in return. All my guys passed Battle shock. My T3: The rest of my force dropped. So initially I was going to nuke Rogal1 with the melta gun guys and once again, melta fails... WHY GW? So I split fire with the Grav cannons and killed Rogal1 and did some damage to the tank commander. My terminators and libby killed Sly and did major damage to a distant infantry squad. Captain and his squad killed Rogal 2. We called it after that. He didnt have the fire power to deal with my remaining forces. My take aways: Melta is worthless. Holy crap. So I am going to run them as Grav in the future. He is interested in Horus Heresy so I am going to run a demo game for him. Yay I also have 5 extra points with this list so I am going to drop the assault intercessors and add in regular intercessors. I have noticed in the several games I have played, scoring is one of my weak points so a second intercessor squad to sticky objectives while my drop troops push the opponent back I think will beneficial. We will see. I know this last game, the one squad I had spent the entire game advancing to objectives. Edited April 22, 2024 by Galron WrathOfTheLion and Azoriel 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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