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Oldhammer 40k Grey Knights in 10th ed

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Greetings brothers! Work and a baby have kept me from the hobby the last year or two but I've been getting back into it with the launch of 10th ed. Anyway, I was playing around with the Index cards adding the points values to them for easy reference, and it turns out you can just edit the text if you own the font.... So without further ado, I present the datasheet for Oldhammer 40k Grey Knight terminators in 10th edition!


It's literally just 5 librarians because that's what my head cannon is for them so I'd probably run them as a 500 point unit. It's just a little edit but it makes me excited for the potential fandexs we'll see in this edition :) 

Rogue Trader Grey Knight Terminators 10th ed.pdf

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I've made them rules but I haven't exactly built them yet... The plan is it use a mix of bits from our terminators, some custodes and a 3d printer for a modern take on the first GK terminators. I've got a particular fondness for the integrated bolters on the orginal models :happy:

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