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B&C Appreciation Post

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Greetings again brothers! It's been a long time but I'm back in the hobby and it's been on my mind for a while to make a post showing my appreciation to the community here so here it is. 


No one could have known this but when I first joined Bolter and Chainsword I was chronically ill and pretty much bed bound. The two things I had in abundance was pain and time, and I found that spending my time writing stories and game rules distracted me from the pain so that's how I spent most of my days. I started uploading my attempts at game design here, and although looking back my work was quite amateur, I recieved nothing but encouragement and helpful critique. 


At the beginning of last year I started getting better. I was able to move to a new town, start a new job, and was even able to start a family. Needless to say, I haven't been writing many rules or playing many games since then but I've always thought back fondly on my time here and wanted to ley you all know.


You guys are awesome :) 

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