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Terrain and objective blocking for Daemons


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I've been looking at a few Battle Reports on you tube and I've noticed that the terrain seems quite dense to how I remember 40k (I haven't played since 7th edition).

Added to this are the solid objective markers which seem to offer substantial barriers to large based models such as Knights, vehicles and monsters.

I have a lot of Slaanesh Chariots and was hoping to resurrect them but from what I've seen so far Slaanesh Chariots look as if they'll struggle to circumnavigate the table and make any meaningful impact.
Do events/tournaments have a more limited amount of terrain to the you tube videos or has the terrain in 40k become much denser?

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I think 10e is generally more forgiving for moving larger models in that they can for the most part ignore their own units, and in many cases enemy units and/or shorter terrain pieces (the dividing line seems to be 4 inches, which is actually still quite tall).  Units like chariots, however, which take up a lot of room and don't have many of these rules (but can still ignore their own units) will likely struggle - compounded by the fact that they really need to hide behind terrain to survive but still get around it to get into melee.


As for terrain density, that's really up the the gaming meta you are in - but at least in the rulebook examples, the tables seem to have gotten more terrain on them as editions have gone by and GW has released more and more terrain.


Personally, I don't play any tourneys, so I can't comment in that respect.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Thanks for taking the time to share your opinion. 

As a returning player from midway through 7th I'm trying to garner as much information on where the game is at as possible, so all input is greatly received.


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Lethality was so high in the last editions that lots of terrain was a necessity.


It appears to me 10th edition requires less terrain than 9th, but people are putting down the same tables.


There's also a lot of gaming or 'jank' to abusing terrain to e.g. block movement depending on what army you play. If you can't fit you models on the table, give your opponent a slap for building to advantage!

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My only access to 40k games will be through tournaments or people that practice for tournaments so I suppose it will depend on how tournaments are going to implement terrain.

The terrain itself isn't really the issue, it's more the Objectives that cannot have a model on them. A canny player will move up to within 3" of them and stop any charges from happening if the Objectives are close to terrain.

It shouldn't be a problem for Knights, Dreads or most Monsters because they can shoot them to give enough room to charge or move through the next turn . Slaanesh Chariots don't have this option and I think this will make them too unwieldly to use from what I have seen so far.  

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