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Back to B&C After a VERY Very Long time

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Last time I made any sort of post on B&C I Was working on a Dark Angels force and I was recently Married, but looking at my oldest posts They were about my then girlfriend (Now wife of 11 years) Space Wolves and my Thousand sons.

Anyway In the 11 years we've been married, We dropped out of 40k, sold all our armies Excepting my thousand sons, Bought heavily into PP and Warmahordes which the wheels fell off of around here so we came back to GW and began Kill Team because it gave my wife an excuse to get a small force of Sisters
and at first planned 1 team each, One became 3, and 3 Became 7

Master document of all of our rosters  seen here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bHtB6-aF0O7mEKyLtgmKi5K-B3aJv8J5bAaQkF5diUw/edit?usp=sharing

My wife's team completion progress might be not fully correct but my team progress totals are all correct.

I don't currently have any good Pictures of the WIP Teams I can upload here  But I will take some and come back with them when I have time.

Currently though for unpainted stuff
My Tyranids (Splinter Tendril Marianis) are Basecoated with the main two colours on everything except the Warriors Magnetized Weapon options
My Legionaries (The Shrouded) are Primed
My Death Guard (The Rusted Host) are assembled.

Though not WIP please see below the 18 usable Members of Memoirs of Isstvan as at least 1 image tax should be paid in a post like this.


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