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Dynamic Crusader Squad and robed Sword Brethren "on the cheap"

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So I still had my Templar box unbuilt and a box of Sword Brethren to go with it, as well as some Indomitus Marines.


I've never liked how static the Primaris Crusader Squad looked, especially on the Initiates. I've also wanted more separation in ornamentation between my PCC and PSBs. So, I've decided that the "basic" Initiates will be built off Assault Intercessors (also because I might want to field them in that capacity and look their Templar part), while the robed bodies and the power weapons of Initiates would in turn be used to make more of the pricy Primaris Sword Brethren. I've also wanted a different, more "come at me bro" menacing pose for the lightning claws guy (and I'm totally using him as the 2nd "thunder hammer").

These are some examples of how they turned out:
















I'm really happy withg how they've turned out :)

Edited by Kastor Krieg
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  • 3 weeks later...

These look amazing.  Created an account just to respond to this and ask you, I understand you're using one box of Intercessors, 1 sword bretherin box and 1 indomitus (box or pre-owned squad without the extra parts?) And I'm assuming you meant the Army Set when you said "Templars box"?  Would 2 Primaris Crusaders boxes work instead?   


Would really like to see the rest of what you've made, then a pic of the total units produced in separate squads and just know about any of the challenges you had and parts leftover or that you maybe were a little light on by the end. 

Can you use the full lot of Intercessors for your 10 Initiates and so you have an excess of Tabards to make this happen (I'm assuming yes as that was kind of one of your original points).

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On 7/24/2023 at 4:45 AM, Sezarious said:

These look amazing.  Created an account just to respond to this and ask you, I understand you're using one box of Intercessors, 1 sword bretherin box and 1 indomitus (box or pre-owned squad without the extra parts?) And I'm assuming you meant the Army Set when you said "Templars box"?  Would 2 Primaris Crusaders boxes work instead?   


Would really like to see the rest of what you've made, then a pic of the total units produced in separate squads and just know about any of the challenges you had and parts leftover or that you maybe were a little light on by the end. 

Can you use the full lot of Intercessors for your 10 Initiates and so you have an excess of Tabards to make this happen (I'm assuming yes as that was kind of one of your original points).

Hi! :) 

I've not used generic Intercessors here - I've mixed the Primaris Crusader Squad's Initiates that came with the BT Army box (since they have tabards), with the bits and bobs from the new Upgrade Kit and leftovers from the Primaris Sword Brethren box after I've built the initial five. It was enough to build several more, I think I've ended up with a dozen, including the one PSB included in the PCS.

Then I've taken the 20 Indomitus Assault Intercessors I had and bashed them with leftovers of the PCS arms with chainswords/pistols, pads and slightly supplemented them with bits from Firstborn upgrade kit for Templars, especially chained chainswords and bolt pistols, also the variety of heads.

This gave me consistent, robed and decked out but a bit more static Sword Brethren, as well as very dynamic, in-your-face pistol+chainsword Initiates for my Crusader Squads :)

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12 hours ago, Kastor Krieg said:

Hi! :) 

I've not used generic Intercessors here - I've mixed the Primaris Crusader Squad's Initiates that came with the BT Army box (since they have tabards), with the bits and bobs from the new Upgrade Kit and leftovers from the Primaris Sword Brethren box after I've built the initial five. It was enough to build several more, I think I've ended up with a dozen, including the one PSB included in the PCS.

Then I've taken the 20 Indomitus Assault Intercessors I had and bashed them with leftovers of the PCS arms with chainswords/pistols, pads and slightly supplemented them with bits from Firstborn upgrade kit for Templars, especially chained chainswords and bolt pistols, also the variety of heads.

This gave me consistent, robed and decked out but a bit more static Sword Brethren, as well as very dynamic, in-your-face pistol+chainsword Initiates for my Crusader Squads :)

These look amazing.  Created an account just to respond to this and ask you, I understand you're using one box of Intercessors, 1 sword bretherin box and 1 indomitus (box or pre-owned squad without the extra parts?) And I'm assuming you meant the Army Set when you said "Templars box"?  Would 2 Primaris Crusaders boxes work instead?   


Would really like to see the rest of what you've made, then a pic of t

12 hours ago, Kastor Krieg said:

Nice.  Seems like this world have taken a lot of planning/thinking ahead.  Thanks for sharing and replying!


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I've never even thought of making scout shoulder pads by removing the borders/trim around full ones.


And the visual cue as to whether one is an initiate or a neophyte simply being the presence or absence of a tabard mimics it's use by medieval crusaders.


The idea that there are Black Templar chapters out there that fully armor their Neophytes, or at least as many as they can spare the armor for makes sense to me.  They look great.


Are you still using the original Neophyte legs for some of them then mix the squads together?  Almost like maybe they earn different pieces of their armor over time, with the tabard being the capstone.

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7 hours ago, Sezarious said:

I've never even thought of making scout shoulder pads by removing the borders/trim around full ones.


And the visual cue as to whether one is an initiate or a neophyte simply being the presence or absence of a tabard mimics it's use by medieval crusaders.


The idea that there are Black Templar chapters out there that fully armor their Neophytes, or at least as many as they can spare the armor for makes sense to me.  They look great.


Are you still using the original Neophyte legs for some of them then mix the squads together?  Almost like maybe they earn different pieces of their armor over time, with the tabard being the capstone.

Oh, no mate, I might have been unclear. The last batch is made from Assault Intercessors and Primaris / Firstborn Crusader Squad bits intermixed. All the naked heads are also Marine ones (you can tell by the armour interface elements reaching higher and audio over ears, etc.

So all of those in the last post above are Initiates (full Marines). I shaved some trim off the old Firstborn pads because the trim was much, much thicker than the Primaris pads have. My internal distinction is that the "decked out" ones are Sword Brethren (and this means tabards), while the full armoured ones, tabards or not, are Initiates.

I've so far not made Neophytes aside from the four Primaris ones from the box, but I think I will just actually use Reivers for that role, just give them Neophyte heads and one Templar pad with shaved off trim.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/26/2023 at 8:24 PM, Kastor Krieg said:

Oh, no mate, I might have been unclear. The last batch is made from Assault Intercessors and Primaris / Firstborn Crusader Squad bits intermixed. All the naked heads are also Marine ones (you can tell by the armour interface elements reaching higher and audio over ears, etc.

So all of those in the last post above are Initiates (full Marines). I shaved some trim off the old Firstborn pads because the trim was much, much thicker than the Primaris pads have. My internal distinction is that the "decked out" ones are Sword Brethren (and this means tabards), while the full armoured ones, tabards or not, are Initiates.

I've so far not made Neophytes aside from the four Primaris ones from the box, but I think I will just actually use Reivers for that role, just give them Neophyte heads and one Templar pad with shaved off trim.

Ohh, I get it now.  Sorry, I think I had something stuck in my head at the time around the tabards.  Thanks for explaining as I'm still new-ish to Templar (Was an Ork player back in 4th or 5th and only just recently returned.  Loving the kit-bashing and painting, but still trying to get a feel for what will blend into what.


Sorry I didn't reply, I had a bunch of stuff get in the way that week and it just got away.  Just managed to snag some primaris and (in post atm) some apparently forgeworld firstborn BT upgrade bits in the last week and finally can let the hobby brain take up some headspace again.  I need to maybe see if I can get this on a forum app or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/25/2023 at 6:17 PM, Kastor Krieg said:

Let's see what I can do, some examples for sure :)



More nice work! I love your kit-bashing! 


When I clicked on your link I had to agree that I was 18+ due to some possible erotic images? I got excited but ended up being letdown :( ....  lol jk.


A good friend does Black Templars (hence I've fought against them a lot), and I've been thinking of just trying them out via a Combat Patrol Box? I love to kit-bash, and it appears the range has a lot TON of potential for kit-bashing? Another plus for me as a hobbyist. 


Edited by Eilio Tiberius
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