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DC Plasma Pistols or Hand Flamers?

Go to solution Solved by Helias_Tancred,

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Greetings brothers,


I have some 7 (or is is 8th) edition DC when you could take both chainswords and bolters that I want to rip off some arms and convert into 10th edition. With wargear being free I'm on the fence between Plasma Pistols and Hand Flamers. I'm not keen on the Inferno Pistols just because of the range.


I did some random dice rolls against chaos space marines and I think the Plasma Pistols have the edge. I'm going to run 10 DC with 4 hammers and 6 Power Weapons and either PP or HF.


Hand Flamer

Pro: Rolling a crap load of auto-hit dice is always fun! Decent with the over watch strat.

Con: S3 AP0 not so good.


Plasma Pistol

Pro: Great AP, Strength and Damage.

Con: It really only makes sense to over charge them. Kills your own guys not so good.


What do you guys prefer?



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I would not underestimate Inferno Pistol's, in spite of their short range. DC with Jump Packs are going to get into range pretty quickly. Averaging 4 wounds at close range, they can quickly pile the damage onto vehicles, especially with OOM. If you really don't fancy them, plasma pistols would be my choice for the higher strength. Hand flamers seem pretty weak and don't really add to the threat profile of the unit, although they can make some use of the Overwatch Stratagem.

  • Solution

I've always felt the hand flamer was not good, unless you play T3 opponents often. I'd go with the plasma pistol; it gives you an option depending on how your game is going, overcharge and insta marine kill, or not and put out very strong "plinks."



Edited by Eilio Tiberius

Flamers at S3 were always weak. They also double down on what the chainsword does, clear hordes, but worse. I'd go infernus, then plasma. TBF if you have a unit that's >7" away, I would never risk shooting them in case I fail the charge. Multiple meltas will do some work. 

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