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1000pt List Question

Marshal Mittens

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There is a local crusade in my area that is starting at 1000pts, I would have to build an army from scratch. I was thinking 1 Hive Tyrant, 2x Screamer Killers, 2x Trygons to start, also to have more of a big bug list rather than a horde of tiny bugs, and also mostly focus on melee. Only a few Nid players out of like 40 local players, so I just want some options. 


Is this a really bad idea? 

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Good idea/bad idea awaits to be seen as am not sure how meta will shake out but there several better costed monsters that shoukd fit the bill better such as hausperax and the old one eye with squad. Exocrine too. And now that our monsters take battleshock and synapse is shorter a malceptor may be a good shout. 

But then bear in mind we dont know whats comming new dex in autumn... so make sure you do like the looks of what you are going for

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Pick your favourite looking bugs and you can't go wrong! 


Monster mash at 1k might be tricky for some to face, so play some games and see if you're easily overpowering people. Otherwise sounds a fun list, and your turns will be over quickly! Consider tyrant guard to keep the HT alive, otherwise he's target #1. 

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I would have a bunch of hormaguants tol, if the new ones were out. My idea for my army, building to 2k or so, would be these rules:


1) No dedicated shooting units.

2) If the option is scything Talons, take scything talons.

3) Big scary melee bugs surrounded by eventual hordes of little melee bugs is fun. 


Victory is defined on many ways. While I could play for objectives, I think my main goal will be to crash huge bugs into my enemy as fast as I can get them into combat, and to slice and dice as much as I can.  

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29 minutes ago, Marshal Mittens said:

I would have a bunch of hormaguants tol, if the new ones were out. My idea for my army, building to 2k or so, would be these rules:


1) No dedicated shooting units.

2) If the option is scything Talons, take scything talons.

3) Big scary melee bugs surrounded by eventual hordes of little melee bugs is fun. 


Victory is defined on many ways. While I could play for objectives, I think my main goal will be to crash huge bugs into my enemy as fast as I can get them into combat, and to slice and dice as much as I can.  

That was pretty much my goal back in 3rd/4th edition (especially under 4ths assault rules...96 attacks from 32 hormagaunts was tasty!)


I'm 80% confident that we'll get new hormagaunts so they don't look too out of place next to their shooty brothers.


Their current ability to charge after an advance does extend their melee range just that extra bit.

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Going pure cc will definately limit you. Its hard to be sure til we see how meta shapes out but if lists need to kill armour melee nids will b pretty vunerable but sure id love to see how it goes as iv made trygons etc work in the past.

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17 hours ago, Marshal Mittens said:

1) No dedicated shooting units.

2) If the option is scything Talons, take scything talons.

3) Big scary melee bugs surrounded by eventual hordes of little melee bugs is fun. 


Victory is defined on many ways. While I could play for objectives, I think my main goal will be to crash huge bugs into my enemy as fast as I can get them into combat, and to slice and dice as much as I can.  


With this army building and playing philosophy, you'll never lose a game! 


I'm still looking at the haruspex as a cheap cool unit, 125pts for what it does seems a steal. I'm still not decided on screamer killer vs 4x talons carnifex - you gain some strength and attacks, but is it worth the points? Especially if you add old one ey it an somepoint. 


The ig brain bug, maleceptor will also be a fun one to run in a blob of monsters, and protects things up close.


Consider the psychophage also, that gives nearby stuff feel no pain, and is a massive monster in it's own right. 3 venomthropes would also be a mean and funny thing to bring! 

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