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Charge turn 1

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Can we charge turn 1 by using a Librarian Dread + Phobos Lieutenant (move D6 after shooting) + [infiltrator , riever or incursors] ? If that’s the case what combination looks good?


riever for anti character or incursors for mW sounds handy.


we can also include a captain for extra punch

Edited by Goranged
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It seems to be that way - 9th had a rule saying that repositioned units could not make other moves that turn, however I don't see such a rule in the 10th ed commentary. Though you don't really need the libby dread, as the phobos Lt has infiltrators so he can start 9" from the enemy anyway, and move 6". 

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If you are willing to run Gladius rather than our bespoke detachment there are other ways of doing it.


Bike squads always Advance 6" rather than D6" so if you go into Assault Doctrine T1, all your bike squads can Advance and Charge. 18+2D6" will get you just into the enemy DZ on average although it is a bit of a close thing. Add a Captain on Bike and they can Advance + Shoot + Charge. I haven't looked through the deployments yet. Are DZs still normally 24" apart?

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See you're only thinking of the damage.  You gotta think about the positioning that slows down; enemies can't move through them, have to be able to skirt a few inches around them since they can't go through engagement range, and they could, depending on the terrain, REALLY stop an opponent from moving up a portion of the board.

I wouldn't think about it for the damage potential alone.  I also don't think it's a great plan, but if the terrain is in your benefit, keeping an enemy stuck in a corner for a turn can have HUGE ramifications for the overall flow of the game.

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Yup, stealing an early lead on Primary Objectives can be a real help. Also if you choose to go with Reivers, there is always the chance of an opponent failing a crucial Battleshock test with the further messing up of plans that can cause.

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Also keep a desolation squad, turret, dcannon or even tanks or character stuck gives our forces chance to advance and if they split fire we’ll get there. Next turn drop closely termies or hellblasters and we are already playing our game. Scoring BEL and other primaries early

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21 hours ago, Khorneeq said:

During yesterdays game I was told that I cannot declare a chare from a drop pod the same turn it deployed as it count as moved but has no Assult Ramp

Is this correct? If this the case it very seriously limits the utility of drop pods :confused:

Drop pods should be used for a full 10 man unit of Infernus guys to burninate everything before you charge in with other stuff

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