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NL 2k Usual story

Brother Kraskor

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Not departing too much from established wisdom here (I hope)...


Terror Assault RoW



Cataphractii Praetor (388)

- Escaton Power Claw, Volkite Charger, Grenade Harness

- Warlord (Stoic Defender)

Cataphractii Retinue: 1x Banner with TH, 3x Chosen with TH & Volkite Chargers



5 Night Raptors (235)

- 5x dual Lightning Claws



5 Night Raptors (235)

- 5x dual Lightning Claws


5 Night Raptors (235)

- 5x dual Lightning Claws


5 Recon Marines (150)

- 5x Nemesis Bolters, Preysight


5 Recon Marines (150)

- 5x Nemesis Bolters, Preysight


5 Recon Marines (150)

- 5x Nemesis Bolters, Preysight


5 Recon Marines (150)

- 5x Nemesis Bolters, Preysight


+Fast Attack+

3 Sky-Hunter Jetbikes (150)

- 3x Multi-Melta


3 Sky-Hunter Jetbikes (150)

- 3x Multi-Melta





Pin stuff under cover of night, send Raptors in to clean up, pop tanks with Jetbikes, plenty of Line and a termie blob for the biggest nasty threat. 

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