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Community Project Poll pt 2

Which chapter should be used for the community project?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Which chapter should be used for the community project?

    • Nautical Imperial Fists by @Evil Eye
    • Hellboy Marines by @Gamiel
    • Celtic / Druidic themed BA Successor by @Xin Ceithan
    • Edgar Allan Poe Marines by @Gamiel
    • Angels of the Harvest by @Bjorn Firewalker
    • Desert Hawks by @Codex Grey
    • Gaol Wardens by @Osteoclast

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  • Poll closed on 07/09/23 at 03:59 AM

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Second heat of voted-for chapters from this poll, which has been closed. This poll will close July 8, 11:59PM EST (UTC -5), which should give y'all about a week to get your votes in. Voter names continue to remain visible to encourage local Liber member participation. (As a caveat, do not harass people if you disagree with the way they voted. I don't expect this to be an issue, all of you being upstanding frater, but I thought it bore mentioning.)


Nautical Imperial Fists by @Evil Eye
Hellboy Marines by @Gamiel

Celtic / Druidic themed BA Successor by @Xin Ceithan

Edgar Allan Poe Marines by @Gamiel

Angels of the Harvest by @Bjorn Firewalker

Desert Hawks by @Codex Grey

Gaol Wardens by @Osteoclast

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Here are a few of my ideas for each option in order of personal preference for what we do

Nautical Imperial Fists

Embraces the symbolism of anchors and their connection to the maritime world. They see themselves as the steadfast anchors of the Imperium, holding firm against any storm that threatens its stability. They fully embrace the rough and gritty culture associated with sailors. They are known for their colorful language and irreverent attitudes, which can be jarring to more disciplined Space Marines. These Salty Dogs have a reputation for being formidable close combat specialists, tearing through enemies with ferocity and unyielding tenacity.

Allan Poe Marines


"The Fall of the House of Usher" - This tale could inspire a Space Marine Chapter that focuses on defending ancient and decaying structures (Relic Worlds). The chapter's homeworld could be a desolate and crumbling planet, and their fortress-monastery could be a massive gothic castle and/or possibly haunted.

Gaol Wardens

An extraordinary chapter of Space Marines who serve as prison wardens, safeguarding the Imperium from the most dangerous threats within the 40k universe. Recruited from a fortress-world, they possess an unwavering commitment to justice and discipline. Organized into specialized "Wings," each led by a Warden, they excel in containing and combatting various types of dangerous inmates. Adorned in prison-themed armor, they employ a mix of disciplined warfare and unconventional tactics. The Gaol Wardens face constant challenges from their prisoners, but their resolve and vigilance ensure the Imperium remains secure.

Thornwatch (Celtic/Druids)

Draw inspiration from the ancient Celtic warriors who painted themselves with woad before battle, this 'Woadsworn; Chapter decorates their armor with intricate woad paintings, creating a fearsome and imposing appearance. They are known for their ruthless combat tactics

Desert Hawks

The Desert Hawks have a tradition of adorning themselves with gold coin bling as a symbol of their achievements and wealth. They incorporate elements of the Iron Golem's coin bling/mail, painted gold, into their armor and equipment. Each coin represents a significant victory or successful raid, showcasing the Chapter's prowess in battle.

Hellboy Marines

This Chapter has a particular fascination with the forbidden knowledge of the occult and forbidden artifacts. They search tirelessly for ancient relics and artifacts that hold great power, often venturing into the most dangerous and forbidden corners of the galaxy. These Infernal Watchers are also adept at tracking down and containing renegade psykers and sorcerers, ensuring that their chaotic powers do not spread.

Angels of the Harvest

The Angels of the Harvest have emerged from the devastating loss of their Inner Circle with a renewed sense of purpose. They view their survival as a second chance to uphold the ideals of the Dark Angels before the Horus Heresy and the Imperium. The Chapter's symbol could feature a stylized wheat sheaf, representing growth and renewal.

Edited by Minigiant
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I think the poll needs to be restarted and vote for in elimination rounds, otherwise we will keep getting an even spread

Edit: Sods Law. As soon as I commented 2 front runners appeared

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10 hours ago, Minigiant said:

I think the poll needs to be restarted and vote for in elimination rounds, otherwise we will keep getting an even spread

If it helps reach a desission you can discount my vote, I am just a sometimes Lurker in this part of the forum. 



Edit: and since I made this post Celtic marines are sudenly in the lead. 

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Always a sucker for Celtic marines, given my heritage and add in some druidic fun with BA influences? Sold. Could introduce the 'Cauldronborn' as a name for a unit or those who have ascended to Astatrtes-hood.

Looking forwards to seeing what comes out of this, well done all in getting this going. :biggrin:



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3 hours ago, Brother Cambrius said:

Always a sucker for Celtic marines, given my heritage and add in some druidic fun with BA influences? Sold. Could introduce the 'Cauldronborn' as a name for a unit or those who have ascended to Astatrtes-hood.

Looking forwards to seeing what comes out of this, well done all in getting this going. :biggrin:



Funny you mentioned that - we recently browsed through a few of these idea in the original Chapter Inspiration thread also. It might be worth a look. :wink:

Also I would like to use this opportunity to say that I am both flattered and a bit daunted to see one my ideas made someone’s short list! :thanks:

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I have an idea for the Gaol Wardens


The Gaol Wardens, a remarkable chapter of Space Marines poised at the forefront of justice in the Imperium. With a name that resounds with authority, the Gaol Wardens embody the essence of guardianship and discipline. Their badge, a pair of crossed prison bars over a stylized key, symbolizes their unwavering commitment as wardens of the most dangerous inmates in the 40k universe. Hailing from a fortress-world nestled in a remote sector, their Chapter Keep stands as a colossal penitentiary complex, the epicenter of their operations. Meticulously chosen from the inhabitants of their fortress-world, the Gaol Wardens recruit individuals with an unrelenting dedication to upholding order and a profound sense of justice.

Imitating the structure of a prison system, the Gaol Wardens organize themselves into specialized "Wings" led by Wardens. Each Wing assumes responsibility for managing and containing a specific type of perilous inmate. Whether faced with heretics, mutants, daemonhosts, traitors, or xenos prisoners, the Gaol Wardens demonstrate unparalleled expertise in containing and combating these diverse threats. In battle, they seamlessly blend disciplined, methodical warfare with unconventional tactics acquired from their experience in managing prisons. Renowned for their prowess in siege warfare, defense, and urban combat, the Gaol Wardens excel at neutralizing adversaries and incapacitating them rather than resorting to outright lethality.

Bedizened in power armor adorned with prison-inspired motifs like chains, bars, and locks, the Gaol Wardens manifest as an indomitable force against their foes. Armed with specialized weapons meticulously crafted to incapacitate, subdue, or neutralize their enemies, they strike with precise execution and finesse. Within the chapter, the Chaplains assume a pivotal role as spiritual guides, offering solace and redemption not only to the incarcerated but also to the battle-brothers who uphold the Gaol Wardens' justice.

While their extraordinary role may provoke skepticism among their Astartes brethren, the Gaol Wardens provide an indispensable service by containing the gravest threats imperiling the Imperium. Some may question their unorthodox methods or harbor concerns about potential corruption, yet others wholeheartedly recognize the unique value they bring. Unyielding in their commitment, the Gaol Wardens confront perpetual challenges. Their prisoners, wielding dark powers, ancient knowledge, and specialized combat skills, pose an ever-present menace. Safeguarding the equilibrium of power within their fortress-world necessitates unwavering vigilance and adaptability.

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Potential Gaol Wardens Chapter Symbols


The Gaol Wardens' chapter symbol is a fascinating combination of imagery, rich with symbolism that reflects their unique identity and history.

  1. Cross Keys: The cross keys are a traditional symbol associated with prisons, representing authority, access, and control. They epitomize the Gaol Wardens' role as guardians and wardens of the most dangerous inmates within the 40k universe. The keys signify their power to lock and unlock, ensuring the security of their fortress-world and the containment of threats.

  2. Stylized Skull Cutout: The 40k stylized skull cutout on the bow of the keys adds a distinct touch. Skulls often symbolize death, mortality, and the grim nature of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. It signifies the Gaol Wardens' willingness to confront death head-on and their readiness to face the darkness that surrounds them.

  3. Inquisition Symbol Cuts and Biting: The cuts and biting in the shape of one side of the Inquisition symbol embedded highlight the chapter's close association with the Inquisition. It represents their inmates and cooperation with this powerful faction in the fight against heresy and corruption.

  4. Reminiscent of Pirate Skull and Crossbones: This element emphasizes the Gaol Wardens' and Inquisitions radical nature, showcasing their willingness to employ unconventional methods to combat the enemies of the Imperium.

  5. Skull with Inquisition Symbol: Above the cross keys lies another skull with the Inquisition symbol on its forehead. This symbolizes the Gaol Wardens' direct connection to the Inquisition, highlighting their integration within the Inquisition's operations and their shared goals. It reinforces their role as enforcers of the Inquisition's justice and their commitment to rooting out heresy and protecting the Imperium.

  6. Triangle of Skulls: The arrangement of the three skulls in a triangular formation adds an intriguing layer of symbolism. The triangle is often associated with stability, power, and the trinity of divine forces. In this context, it could be interpreted as a nod to the Gaol Wardens' resilience and strength in the face of their dark adversaries. Additionally, the triangle's connection to Nurgle's symbol creates a subtle allusion to the Chapter's involvement with the dark gods, possibly hinting at Inquisitor Lord Uther Tiberius' complex dealings and the challenges they face in their duty.









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Thornwatch ideas

  • They view nature as a manifestation of the Emperor's divine creation and believe that it holds great power and wisdom.
  • Marines of the Chapter undergo rigorous training in survival skills, tracking, and understanding the ecosystems of different planets.
  • Thornwatch Chapter Homeworld is a death-infused forest planet shrouded in perpetual mist.
  • An Encounter with an Eldar Seer who revealed the ancient Celtic practices through cryptic visions and discussions that could serve as a pathway to unlock the hidden potential within the Blood Angels' gene-seed.
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Definitely have a run off between the two.  While I’m not sure being used as gaol guards is the best use of Astartes, no-one ever accused the Inquisition of being a consistantly clear thinking organisation :teehee:.

Whoever wins, I really, really love the Chapter icon @Minigiant came up with and his explanation of the design elements used.

Edited by Felix Antipodes
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18 minutes ago, Felix Antipodes said:

Definitely have a run off between the two.  While I’m not sure being used as gaol guards is the best use of Astartes, no-one ever accused the Inquisition of being a consiscantly clear thinking organisation :teehee:.

Whoever wins, I really, really love the Chapter icon @Minigiant came up with and his explanation of the design elements used.


Thank you. My initial thought about how they came to be prison guards was for it not to be a conscious choice at all. Instead they came across an overrun level 6 black site and took it upon themselves to clear it, only to then never leave

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Possibly sent there initially by Inquisitorial decree?  The place doesn’t even need to still be a prison.  After wiping out the inmates (I can’t see Astartes restraining themselves to just recapture regardless of what the Inquisition/Imperium may want) they decide it would make a suitable homeworld for their previously fleet-based Chapter.


Now what is the Thornwatch’s story I wonder…

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1 hour ago, Felix Antipodes said:

Now what is the Thornwatch’s story I wonder…


I am struggling with that. My immediate priority is to stay away from any connotations linking them to Space Wolves (or the TRUE Mary Sue Legion). You cannot go to far into the wilderness experts either before you run into the Raptors. Trying to find their niche is the challenge. I think psykers and druidic magic is the best way currently

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6 hours ago, Felix Antipodes said:

Now what is the Thornwatch’s story I wonder…

My impression of @Xin Ceithanidéa is the Celts as the barbarian threat but on our side - Bran Mak Morn, Sláine, Robin Hood: Prince of Thifes, The Very Old Folk, - human sacrifices to please the God-Emperor or for reading the future, rituals around great fires, making trophies of slain enemies bodyparts, furs over armour, ritualistic cannibalism, attackers coming out from the forest/hills/night.


One way that we could go is that the chapter is little more than techno-barbarians that know how to use their equipment but truly see it as something magical with each cleaning ritual being highly esoteric, and having truly little in the way of understanding of things outside of their tribal perspective. They see people that deal with stuff that they don't understand - like techmarines (or tech-priests), psykers, Apothecaries (and other more advanced healers), and priest - as being fully mystical and dealers of esoteric knowledge.



4 hours ago, Minigiant said:

I am struggling with that. My immediate priority is to stay away from any connotations linking them to Space Wolves (or the TRUE Mary Sue Legion). You cannot go to far into the wilderness experts either before you run into the Raptors. Trying to find their niche is the challenge. I think psykers and druidic magic is the best way currently

You make it sound like two chapters can't have the same specialisation.


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3 hours ago, Gamiel said:


You make it sound like two chapters can't have the same specialisation.



I appreciate your perspective and point about the potential for two chapters to have similar specializations. It is my humble opinion that being an Astartes is already a specialization in of itself. What sets Space Marine Chapters apart extends far beyond their specific areas of expertise. 40k allows for numerous interpretations and unique storytelling opportunities. Each Chapter has its history, traditions, heroes, and adversaries, contributing to its distinct identity.


While different Chapters can have similar preferences or approaches, I believe there is value in exploring new avenues and carving out a niche that distinguishes the Thornwatch Chapter from existing concepts. For example, in one of my previous suggestions for the Thornwatch, incorporating psykers and druidic magic, we can infuse the Chapter with a captivating blend of psychic abilities and ancient nature-based rituals, creating a fresh and intriguing storyline.


It's important to me that the Community Projects Homebrew Chapter is a unique creation. I want it to be recognized as something distinct and not simply another version of an existing concept. I'm eager to gather more ideas and explore uncharted territory, ensuring the Thornwatch Chapter becomes a standout addition to the Community Projects conducted on B&C.

I do believe that as a collective fandom, we have the potential to create content that rivals and surpasses Games Workshop's offerings; By drawing inspiration from various sources and infusing our creations with passion and creativity, we can forge narratives that captivate and engage fans profoundly.


I am open to changing my opinion and embracing the Thornwatch Chapter if the community's vote reflects a strong interest in its development. I encourage everyone to contribute more ideas to our ongoing discussions to achieve that. Let's continue to expand the ideas on their lore, delve into the unique aspects of the Thornwatch Chapter, and hopefully shape it into something remarkable.


Where the Blood Angels and their Primarch, Sanguinius, are renowned for their sacrifice and redemption, and the ancient traditions of Druidic magic hold deep significance, lies the potential for a fascinating integration.

Idea 1: The Rebirth Through Sacrifice. Within the Blood Angels' lore, the theme of sacrifice is at the very core of their identity. Sanguinius, the noble Primarch, made the ultimate sacrifice during the Horus Heresy to protect humanity. Similarly, Druidic magic recognizes the transformative power of sacrifice as a means of rebirth. This shared understanding can form the foundation for a unique aspect of the Druidic Blood Angels.

These Druidic Space Marines, draw upon the ancient practices of the Druids to forge a connection between their sacrifices and the natural world. Through sacred rituals and communion with nature, they gain insights into the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. Their sacrificial acts serve to protect the Imperium but also to rejuvenate and reinvigorate it.

Idea 2: Wings of Symbolism and Rituals. Sanguinius, the angelic Primarch of the Blood Angels, is often depicted with majestic wings, symbolizing his nobility and divine nature. These wings serve as a powerful symbol that can be incorporated into the traditions of Druidic magic. In the realm of the Druidic Space Marines, the wings take on a dual meaning, representing both the angelic heritage of Sanguinius and the avian creatures that dwell in the forests of their homeworld.

The Druidic Blood Angels, adorned with intricate winged motifs and ogham runes, engage in sacred rituals that channel their psychic and druidic powers. These rituals, held in natural sanctuaries deep within their fortress-monastery, blend the symbolism of wings with the reverence for nature. Through these ceremonies, the Druidic Blood Angels tap into the warp's elemental forces and the natural world's living energy, unleashing potent abilities while preserving the delicate balance between the physical and spiritual realms.

In merging the themes of sacrifice and redemption with the symbolism and rituals associated with wings, the integration of Blood Angel lore and Druidic magic reveals a unique path for the Thornwatch Chapter. This blend of noble sacrifice, rebirth through nature's cycles, and the channelling of psychic energies in communion with the natural world will forge a distinct and captivating narrative that sets the Thornwatch apart from other chapters.


Through this integration, the Thornwatch shall embody the essence of Sanguinius while embracing the ancient traditions of the Druids, creating a compelling fusion of sacrifice, redemption, and the enduring power of nature's magic.

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Noting their reverence for renewal through sacrifice (in Idea 1) I could see the Thornwatch possibly becoming obsessed with the new Primaris technology once. The are offered it.  Possibly to the extent that the Chapter attempts a mass crossing of the rubicon.  Since the process was extremely dangerous (initially at least) this could have a devastating effect on their numbers; something they are still recovering from.

Idea 2 hints that they may favour the assault role (jump packs/wings symbology) which is also a BA trait if we pursue that line.


Bring on the next round!

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18 minutes ago, Felix Antipodes said:

Noting their reverence for renewal through sacrifice (in Idea 1) I could see the Thornwatch possibly becoming obsessed with the new Primaris technology once. The are offered it.  Possibly to the extent that the Chapter attempts a mass crossing of the rubicon.  Since the process was extremely dangerous (initially at least) this could have a devastating effect on their numbers; something they are still recovering from.


What an intriguing idea about the Thornwatch Chapter's reverence for renewal through sacrifice and their potential obsession with the new Primaris technology. I think it's a great and really cool concept that opens up exciting possibilities for their narrative development.


Building upon your idea, here are my immediate thoughts on where this concept could lead:


  • Loss of Cultural Identity: As the Thornwatch Chapter embraces the new Primaris technology, their leadership grapples with the challenge of preserving their druidic heritage. Finding ways to maintain the delicate balance between the embrace of new technology and the preservation of their cultural identity becomes a pressing concern. This struggle adds depth to their storyline and highlights the internal conflicts they must overcome.
  • Strained Relationships with Other Blood Angel Chapters: The drastic and unprecedented mass conversion draws attention from other Space Marine Chapters, leading to strained relationships. Some Chapters may question the Thornwatch's loyalty or view their actions as reckless. Navigating these challenges, the Thornwatch must work diligently to prove their unwavering commitment to the Imperium while staying true to their unique path. This dynamic adds layers of tension and drama to their interactions with other Blood Angel Chapters.
  • Quest for Redemption: Recognizing the consequences of their mass conversion, the Thornwatch Chapter embarks on a quest for redemption and reaffirmation of their purpose. This quest provides them with opportunities for growth, allowing them to confront the aftermath of their choices and seek atonement. It deepens the narrative and provides a driving force for the Chapter's actions.
  • Reinvention of Rituals and Practices: In the aftermath of the mass conversion, the Thornwatch Chapter undertakes the task of redefining their rituals and practices to incorporate the new Primaris members. This process involves adapting traditional druidic rituals and ceremonies to include the Primaris Marines, resulting in a unique fusion of old and new traditions. Finding a delicate balance between honoring their past and embracing the possibilities of their future becomes a central theme, reflecting the Chapter's evolution.

It is an exciting possibility that your idea presents for the Thornwatch Chapter. It's an engaging direction that showcases the complexities of their journey, their commitment to their heritage, and their integration of new technologies.

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To briefly touch on your points:

Loss of Cultural Identity - What I liked about this was how it mirrors the real world of when the Romans first invaded Britain and the Celtic tribes would have been faced with a similar choice.

Strained Relationships - While I’m not sure it would be a bone of contention with other BA Chapters (it would be hard to see this as crazier than say the Angels Penitent for instance) there are undoubtedly anti-Primaris Chapters out there of various lineages who wouldn’t like the direction taken.

Quest for Redemption- I really like this idea (I’m a sucker for Penitent Crusades).  The question is who would go on this Penitent Crusade.  The entire Chapter?  Would they leave a contingent of specialists behind to continue recruitment to rebuild the Chapter along with a home guard to protect the planet and organise a militia?

Reinvention of Rituals/Practices - Not sure this would be necessary unless they got an influx of Cawl raised/trained Primaris.  Those guys were conscripted by Cawl and his minions over 10,000 years and from a whole bunch of eras, from the HH to the present, and have totally different mind sets from traditional Firstborn.  Any Astartes raised by the Chapter (whether via the rubicon or new initiates) would already have an acceptance of the rituals, etc, or be raised in their use like previous initiates were.  Still, it is an interesting thought and could be used once work begins.


This is why these sort of projects are worth doing.  We haven't even picked a winner yet and have already made a start on both contestants :biggrin:

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