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2k Competitive - How to lose your friends with one list


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Is this cheating? It feels like cheating (2000 points)
Chaos Knights
Strike Force (2000 points)
Traitoris Lance


Chaos Cerastus Knight Castigator (420 points)
  • Warlord
  • 1x Castigator bolt cannon
    1x Tempest warblade

Chaos Cerastus Knight Lancer (445 points)
  • 1x Cerastus shock lance
  • Enhancement: Panoply of the Cursed Knights

Knight Desecrator (390 points)
  • 1x Desecrator laser destructor
    1x Diabolus heavy stubber
    1x Warpstrike claw

War Dog Stalker (160 points)
  • 1x Avenger chaincannon
    1x Havoc multi-launcher
    1x Reaper chaintalon
  • Enhancement: Aura of Terror
* This Datasheet also has the Battleline keyword.

War Dog Stalker (135 points)
  • 1x Avenger chaincannon
    1x Havoc multi-launcher
    1x Reaper chaintalon
* This Datasheet also has the Battleline keyword.


War Dog Brigand (150 points)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    1x Avenger chaincannon
    1x Daemonbreath spear
    1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (150 points)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    1x Avenger chaincannon
    1x Daemonbreath spear
    1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (150 points)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    1x Avenger chaincannon
    1x Daemonbreath spear
    1x Havoc multi-launcher

Strat projects one of these auras onto any 3 wardogs, another strat lets me move through walls (big Knights already ignore anything less than 4 inches) 


Lancer gives wardogs within range assault. Also he has free tank shocks that don't care if I've already tank shocked that turn. Also he has a 14" move. Did I mention the move through walls thing? Also his melee weapon is S20, and invuln is good for melee too.


Desecrator gives wardogs rerolls to hit in shooting. Brigands already hit on 2s. Ouch. 


Castigator gives wardogs sustained hits because why not


So, if you're a fan of a wall of walking T10-T12 that can close a gap under an insanely accurate wall of fire and then knock your :cuss:ing teeth out, this is the list for you


Because having friends is for losers

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I suspect any knights list isn't going to win a lot of friends in 10e, unless you are up against an optimized list.


Personally, I think the panapoly would be better on a different knight - it is best to have the improved armour save on a model that is most likely to benefit from it.  Given that the Lancer has a native 4+ invulnerable against everthing, you'll be taking that against anything with any real AP - so I think the improved save would be better on one of the knights that only has a 5++ against ranged only would be a better target.


Put another way, when you have a 4++ save, improving your save from 3+ to 2+really only matters for weapons that are AP -1 or worse - for everything else, you will be taking the invulnerable anyway.  If you have a 5++, the improvement matters for AP -2 or worse, which is where you start looking at weapons that actually have a decent chance of wounding you.


I'm still amazed that we can fit 3 big knights and 5 wardogs in 2000 points - wardogs are definitely undercosted right now, so I guess take advantage of that while we can.

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