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Warhammer Vault: Lack of New Content

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Is anyone else aggrieved and/or annoyed by the lack of new content being added to the Vault in recent weeks?  There hasn’t been anything new added since 14th June and the latest WarCom preview indicates there won't be anything again this week either.

When W+ was first announced the Vault, with its implied promise of a digital library of vintage White Dwarf mags and older, OOP codices was a major draw card along with the promised videos.  It started strong but has since reduced to a trickle.  Now nothing.  (Similar with new videos for that matter).

If they want my money again come renewal time they need to sort themselves out.  No matter how nice the next exclusive model is, it won’t be worth it if there is no new content on the site overall.

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I haven't looked at the vault since about month 2 of my subscription due to the terrible user interface. I would like to view the content but waiting an age for each page to load in browser and the need to be online at all times turned me off completely. Maybe too many others have felt the same way and their analytics show it's not worth the effort anymore? Or the guy who adds the vault content is on holiday? What do I know?

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Just now, ThePenitentOne said:

They're probably busy scrubbing all the 9th ed rules content from the material that's already up- if I remember correctly, GW policy is to remove outdated rules content from digital publications.


Prioritising making the existing content worse rather than adding new stuff is exactly the sort of thing I'd expect from the Vault. 

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Is it possible to make digitally secure pdfs? Something like being able download the file but still requiring an active username and password to be able to view it, even if offline, that way you can't just sign up to download them all and do a bunk, but you get to properly read the content you're paying for whenever you want as long as you're still subscribing. 

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6 hours ago, ThePenitentOne said:

They're probably busy scrubbing all the 9th ed rules content from the material that's already up- if I remember correctly, GW policy is to remove outdated rules content from digital publications.


Bizarre priority

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At this point it's fair to say W+ is a yearly model subscription service which happens to have some digital bonuses, at least that largely seems to be how it's gone over. Most people appear to sub for the model and not much else. I'm sure GW still profit on the other side of that.

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13 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

At this point it's fair to say W+ is a yearly model subscription service which happens to have some digital bonuses, at least that largely seems to be how it's gone over. Most people appear to sub for the model and not much else. I'm sure GW still profit on the other side of that.


I've always treated it as a slightly discounted (and delayed) digital White Dwarf subscription - there's still 12 months worth of magazine content, but also bonus videos, a £10 off voucher and a free mini (and in theory, old publications too, recent slowness notwithstanding). 



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11 hours ago, Redcomet said:

Honestly I will be surprised if we get a year 3 of Warhammer+. 


I'd been waiting to see the third year models before I made the decision to pull the plug - if I actually wanted the 40K model and they didn't jack the subscription price, it'd be essentially an even trade as the last two years have been. But the fact that they're taking this long to unveil those models really doesn't bode well for the platform's future. Plus the fact that they haven't said boo about the Pariah Nexus animation since they announced it was "coming this summer."

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15 hours ago, Valkyrion said:

Is it possible to make digitally secure pdfs? Something like being able download the file but still requiring an active username and password to be able to view it, even if offline, that way you can't just sign up to download them all and do a bunk, but you get to properly read the content you're paying for whenever you want as long as you're still subscribing. 


Impossible, no media is secure from piracy. Best it does is slow it down to hit enough sales before it's pretty much free if you know where to look/ go. Combating piracy only ends up hurting regular users in the end. 

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I have definitely underutilized The Vault, and have only wandered there once or twice, so it's lack of updates doesn't mean anything to me, but the Vault wasn't ever a draw for me to the .... service feels generous at this point.

However, I can understand how to people it was a draw for, could/should be feeling disappointed.

So far besides the model, just about EVERYTHING ELSE GW promised from W+ was a steaming pile of :cuss:

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Who would of thought starting a streaming service with pocket change from the back of the lounge and co-opting hobbyist/fan animators via essentially a shotgun wedding for an animation studio wouldn't be a recipe for success. :rolleyes:   This enterprise could of actually gone somewhere if GW actually shovelled plenty of cash in the furnace. 

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10 hours ago, MegaVolt87 said:

Who would of thought starting a streaming service with pocket change from the back of the lounge and co-opting hobbyist/fan animators via essentially a shotgun wedding for an animation studio wouldn't be a recipe for success. :rolleyes:   This enterprise could of actually gone somewhere if GW actually shovelled plenty of cash in the furnace. 


I don't disagree but you're talking about WarhammerTV, not the Vault.


I started reading the Gathering Storm but it's so bad and the Vault itself is so awkward to navigate that I don't think I finished the first book. Lack of new content wasn't something I had even noticed. There is a lot of OOP material that could be kept available this way but the presentation needs to be improved before I start to care about the volume.

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I don't mind W+ as a model, and I like the amount of stuff in the Vault, there's loads to read so I'm not massively fussed about the speed it's added. I do wish the shows on WTV were more frequent, but I've liked them too. And I've been enjoying the battle reports for Combat Patrol. The miniature will a nice bonus, and I probably wouldn't bother subbing if it wasn't part of the package. Overall, I'm positive about all parts of W+, including the Vault.

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The Vault would be so great if they bothered to improve the reader...

It's a shame really, but I've got not confidence in them.


Then again, when you account for everything (models, videos etc) a yearly subscription is cheap enough not to be too fussed about it...

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I was really excited about the vault, but every time i come to use it it reminds me what a dismal pain in the back side it is and i usually end up downloading the content somewhere more user friendly, and when dodgy ad covered russian pages are more user friendly you know you have a problem.

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I think Warhammer+ is in serious trouble.


It can be salvaged, but it would require a re-invention. Warhammer + can pivot to being a companion app to the 40k game. It grants access to the app, a set number of codex books per year as free download, exclusive models and the occasional new TV show.


It can't continue as a simple entertainment platform.

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Warhammer+ have been a mess. But they have rework the 40K app, so maybe an overhaul of the service system is coming. Still, I’m not keeping my hopes high.


why would you charge for the “army builder” option in the app, when there are free really good alternatives? That app could be your main advertisement platform for your subscriptions, but they preferred to take the money. That means that they just want the easy way to have money

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I think itll continue, and probably get worse, as companies can easily skate by on casual subscribers who dont really notice the £5 a month. Like, when i worked for a bank, it was an easy PR win  (and possibly sell them on our version) to point out when someone had like 3 lots of phone insurance coming out of their bank account each month, which happened astoundingly often.

They can pop something up from time to time as its convenient, but even the in house stuff has slowed to a crawl now, and no hint of next years minis with less than 2 months to go...

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