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My Grey Knights collection is done, and my kit-bashed Brotherhood Champion!

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Hail Brothers!


I've got Kaldor Draigo en route from eBay, and I just bought my last Strike Squad box from my FLGS today! My GK collection is done.


Here is my Grey Knight collection. Opinions and feedback definitely welcome. 


2 five-man Strike squads

2 five-man Brotherhood Terminator squads

1 five-man Purgation squad (4 psycannons)

1 ten-man Purifier squad (w/ 4 incinerators)

1 five-man Paladin squad

I NDK with sword, psycannon, and psilencer

1 NDK/GMNDK with hammer, psycannon, and incinerator

2 Venerable dreadnoughts with twin linked lascannons, and rockets launcher left arm (also able to switch out to fists with heavy flamer)

1 Rhino with stormbolter and HK missile

1 Razorback with twin linked lascannon turret

1 Land Raider

2 Librarians in terminator armor

Brother Captain Arvann Stern

Brotherhood Champion

Grand Master Voldus

Castellan Crowe

Kaldor Draigo





Edited by Eilio Tiberius
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Since he is a character I wanted my 3rd Brotherhood Champion to stand out a bit on the table top from the other power armored Grey Knights I have. So I put him on a larger base that matches my other characters, I kit-bashed his tabard into the leather strip studded things (forgetting the proper term for it?), I gave him a small iron halo awarded for his combat victories, and when I paint him I'm going to do the interior space of his shoulder pauldrons black (as in mortis). 

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Update. I changed my Brotherhood Champion. Pics of his new form inbound. Also I *thought* I was done, but ... I'm thinking I might purchase one more Brotherhood Terminator squad to run instead of my Paladins? After my first game of 10th, at 1k, I noticed my terminator squad was the heavy lifter, whereas my paladin squad not as much. :(



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