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It's been a long time since I decided to do a painting and modelling diary. I have done these in the past on forums that no longer exist. I always enjoyed reading other people's painting and modelling diaries, purely just to see what other people did and how it was done. I did set-up a FB page awhile ago but unfortunately life occurred and threw me some rather hideous curve balls. I've now reached a point where I have the time, interest and motivation to get back into the hobby.


Shall I begin?


My past efforts with my painting efforts have always been very stop-start. I learned and developed a large number of bad habits without knowing it. I was surrounded by people with good intentions who really had no idea what they were doing. So often I'd get frustrated and stop, paint nothing for months and come back to it. I have learned from my mistakes.


These days.


I have a good crew and good head space to come back to the painting field. I don't paint marvellously by any standards, I basically want to paint mini's and have them look cool.


My plan is to do an update at least once a week. I will mainly work on Warhammer but other things will pop across my desk from time to time.


Until next time.


An old shot of the crews work table.

Bad Painting.jpg

I began painting and modelling again with a mate, I go to his house and he has an area set-up. We chill, play tunes, talk smack and slowly work through our painting/modelling tubs. I've been doing this for a few weeks already so I will be catching up on updates. I bought the Necromunda game, moved, kept the models and lost all the other stuff during moves. It happens. I suspect the contents of the box went to charity. I had these boys lying around in my painting box for a couple of years, so the first thing I wanted to do was clear my painting box out.


I could make a list, but I am simply going to work on what I am interested in. Besides lists are depressing :down:


Goliath Necromunda Gang - 10 Models


I settled on a 'Sin City' paint scheme for the Goliaths, I stumbled across someone's Youtube video and thought it looked cool. I modified the scheme to taste.


- Black primer.

- Drybrush Grey

- Drybrush White.

- Drybrush White again as I thought the models looked to dark.

- I focussed on the drybrushing with downward strokes only.

- Paint small parts of the model Red - Army Painter Speed Paint Red - 1:1 mix.

- Black wash.

- I discovered the Speed Paint "reactivates" when you go over it again with a wash. If you wash the area once and leave it, it's fine. But mess around in the area and the paint runs.

- Bases were painted in Gun Metal and then washed Black.

- Sections of the bases were also washed in Green and Brown - giving some sections a dirtier look.

- Sealed the model.


I think sealing the model at the end really brought the whole scheme together. I've taken a pile of shots and will gradually upload them this morning.




Goliath 1a.jpg

Goliath 2a.jpg

Goliath 3a.jpg

Goliath 4a.jpg

Goliath 5a.jpg

The photographs are not the greatest but they should hopefully give you a general idea on what I was attempting.




Edited by Badpainting

They look good - desaturated colour schemes are often interesting :smile: Part of me wonders if the skin should be subtly tinted with a flesh tone, but then it wouldn't be Sin City!

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
On 7/5/2023 at 9:24 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

They look good - desaturated colour schemes are often interesting :smile: Part of me wonders if the skin should be subtly tinted with a flesh tone, but then it wouldn't be Sin City!


I had thought of that but I have an Escher gang I am going to experiment on with flesh tones.

Small update for this week.


I finished assembling all my Marines from the Leviathan box, that's taken me a couple of weeks. I took my time clipping the models from the sprue and removing the flashing.


I played my first game of 40k 10th edition, some sort of 4-player slog fest with objectives. One player literally gave up after his deployment got attacked and packed all his models up and left. It completely wrecked the game for the rest of us but we muscled through it.

A tournament is on next month, 2000pts, so I am thinking of hitting that if I can get my list sorted and everything painted.


My next step is to get my combat patrol boys, based and primed, so I can start getting some combat patrol games in.


I also painted 4 Bodaks from one of the Dungeons and Dragons miniature range, I'll pop those up later this week.



I guess there's not much like a deadline (tournament, painting competition) to focus the attention! :smile: 


Your first game of 10th Edition doesn't sound like much of a fun experience. :sad: Hopefully subsequent ones are better :smile: 


I just Google'd the bodaks - they look interesting ... what 40K models are you planning to proxy them for?

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