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Xenos & 40K planes Going to Last Chance to buy...

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As the title says, 

Just a heads up that all the Xenos and 40K only Imperial Flyers are going to last Chance to Buy.

I'm guessing the 30K Compatible Flyers  seen below will still be for sale as they are most likely (hopefully) being included in Legion Imperialis or 30K Epic ...




Cheers, M 


++EDIT++ As I wrote this the AI planes were showing up as Last chance to buy on the OZ website of GW...  


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Do you have any evidence or is this just speculation? 


Edit: The Last Chance to Buy tabs on GW site is not displaying any IA planes, just 9th edition specific stuff. amd under the AI section there is no Last Chance to Buy selctable bit at all. 

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There's a lot of speculation in the Legions Imperialis thread of the imminent discontinuation of AI and AT, but it's not based on any actual evidence or announcement from GW as far as I can tell. A lot of people are getting them self into a froth and holding funerals for these specialist games perhaps a little prematurely.

If you have any insider knowledge about this @Mumeishi it would be appreciated if you could clarify the situation.

Edited by Beaky Brigade
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AT and AI miniatures are a big asset for GW. I doubt that they completely give up on them, especially when you know that building an Epic Scale army is way cheaper than a 40K army (more difficult ROI - speculation here but evidence also: less plastic!). We can imagine a repackaging with the Epic Scale logo for all the AT minis and most/all the 30k compatible AI planes.

A dual base should also be a good move from GW (bases from AI/AT + new blank base for  IL).

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@Trokair Thanks for posting the link, perhaps it went to last chance in OZ before it went up in other... more Northern hemispheres :tongue:


Gotta get that Grot Bommer i always wanted but thought was too expensive (well.. it's still too expensive but I'd rather have it than not have it :laugh:


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11 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

It looks like almost everything went "sold out" on GW's UK site rather quickly ... hopefully those that want/need things are able to get them!


You're right, all gone from GW, better Check my FLGS for any stuff left over :sweat:... it's either a good sign that it all got snapped up or a bad one and they had a couple things of each left... :laugh:



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I worry that some of the secondary market sellers swooped in on them, with them going so quickly. One somewhat notorious e-Bay seller had 10 Eavy Bommer boxes, and upped the price from £25 to £35 over night. Hopefully my fears are unfounded, and they've gone to hobbyists who will appreciate them! :smile: 


Good luck with your hunting :smile: 

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Shame you couldn't find a Grot Bommer. :sad: Hopefully one pops up on e-Bay (or similar) for a sensible price :smile: 


Good that you managed to pick up some Valkyries and Lightnings, though! :smile: 

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@Firedrake Cordova - Thanks for the ebay heads up :thumbsup: 

The skies box was a good find, I get an extra map as well as tokens etc and a new rule book for my mate (so he has no excuse not to play :tongue:)  and now enough T'AU planes to do some alternate schemes.


I really hope This new Epic 30k includes the Imperial flyers I have not just as a token addition but as valuable assets ! 



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I'm pretty disappointed that the Xenos aspect of AI is going away for the foreseeable future, I really enjoyed playing Eldar and have a couple of regular opponents who use T'au and Orks. 


The rules and planes we have aren't going anywhere, but knowing there definitively won't be anything new for Xenos is pretty rough. 


There is however a personal upside to this, as AI:HH is arguably a different game in the same was as 30k isn't 40k, that will make me the reigning Warhammer World Aeronautica Imperialis 40k Tournament Champion for at least the next 3-5 years. I'll be able to stay undefeated and retain my spot as the system's premier pilot for a long time! 



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4 hours ago, Mumeishi said:

I hope you did it with White Scars !!! ? :thumbsup: 




Heck yeah I did, it was ALL about the Xyphons and Storm Eagles.


Missiles are king especially with Marines where you can double up on them.



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I'd have to say that Orks are probably the toughest match up for Marines

  • I want to manage the range to keep you at Medium or Long range while manoeuvring to ensure you have the fewest return shots possible.
  • Orks have plenty of planes, plenty of speed and want to be at short range

On the bright side, nobody is going to be taking away the rules and planes you already have and the rules don't seem to be due to change so Orks will still be compatible.



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Yeah, I have enough forces of tiny planes that me & my mates can happily play different and varied games without worry, it’s a fun game and I see myself still playing it for a few years yet :thumbsup:

I am pleased the imperial faction is going to Epic 30k …. Maybe a “StormBird” may come out of this (fingers crossed) 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 8/14/2023 at 9:52 AM, Master Ciaphas said:

Sadly, I missed out on the Barracuda fighters for my T'au Air Fleet. My store still has a single pack of the big T'au Fighter-Bombers, but without the Barracudas, it does not really feel like an air fleet. 

That's a shame. :sad: I don't know what the situation's like in Denmark for online stores, but there's a few places in the UK which still have the Barracuda's (e.g. Wayland Games, who will post to the EU) - don't know if that would be of interest to you or not?

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