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Liber Armorium


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A channel for your homebrew lore on the arms and armor in the galaxy.

This is wholly faction nonspecific; I'm sure most people will do space marines anyway, but if you want to write ork arms and armor or eldar tech, that's totally allowed.

Just have fun with it, and you can feel free to collaborate, or work off each other's ideas if you want.


Also, this is a great place to write about any unique wargear ideas for the fanmade chapters, warbands, and other fanmade groups you may have made in the Liber's sub-channels.

- 40k fan



On 7/4/2023 at 11:30 PM, Minigiant said:

Index Armorium: A Comprehensive Guide to Weaponry and Wargear in the 41st Millennium

In the grim darkness of the far future, war rages on countless worlds, and the warriors who bear the burden of combat are equipped with the most formidable armaments known to humanity. The relentless conflict of the Warhammer 40,000 universe demands an understanding of the diverse array of weaponry and wargear wielded by its combatants. Enter the Index Armorium, an extensive compendium delving into the intricacies of the unique tools of destruction that shape the battles of the 41st Millennium.

Within the pages of the Index Armorium, you will find an unparalleled collection of knowledge, meticulously gathered and curated for both the seasoned commander and the aspiring warrior. This comprehensive guide serves as a definitive reference, unveiling the secrets behind the awe-inspiring weaponry and wargear utilized by the myriad factions that populate this dystopian universe.

From the legendary Power Swords and Chainaxes of the revered Space Marines to the arcane and esoteric weapons wielded by the Chaos forces, the Index Armorium leaves no stone unturned. Discover the intricacies of xenos technology, such as the devastating Plasma Cannons of the Tau Empire or the mysterious Necron Gauss weaponry that can unravel the very fabric of reality. Unearth the enigmatic relics of the Adeptus Mechanicus, from the dreaded Skitarii Vanguard's Radium Carbines to the awe-inspiring firepower of the Knight Households.

But the Index Armorium doesn't stop at the offensive. It also unearths the secrets of protective armor and utility wargear, allowing you to navigate the treacherous battlefields with unmatched resilience and adaptability. Learn of the ancient and revered Terminator Armor, the sleek and agile Jump Packs, and the bewildering array of grenades and explosives that can turn the tide of any engagement.

With each entry meticulously detailed, the Index Armorium brings to light the strengths, weaknesses, and tactical applications of each weapon and piece of wargear. From the revered relics steeped in history to the experimental prototypes still under development, this compendium offers invaluable insights for commanders seeking an edge in the unending conflict that defines the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Prepare to immerse yourself in the vast knowledge contained within the Index Armorium, and unlock the power of the weaponry and wargear that shapes the fate of worlds. Whether you fight for the Imperium of Man, the forces of Chaos, or the enigmatic xenos races, this guide will prove indispensable in your quest for victory and survival amidst the unrelenting horrors of the 41st Millennium. The battleground awaits—equip yourself with the knowledge found within these pages, and march confidently into the crucible of war.

- Minigiant

Edited by 40k_fan
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Here are some headings I think should/could be covered




  • Provide a brief overview of the faction that possesses it and their level of technology.
  • Explain the significance of the equipment and its potency in the arsenal.


Lore and Background


  • Explore the lore behind the equipment, including its origins and significance within culture.
  • Discuss any notable events, battles, or legendary characters associated with the weapon.
  • Provide insights into the weapon's role in their combat doctrine.


Design and Function


  • Describe the design and physical characteristics of the equipment.
  • Discuss the principles of the craftsman and how it applies to the equipments construction.
  • Detail the unique features and components that make the weapon distinct and effective in combat.


Tactical Application


  • Examine the tactical usage of the equipment on the battlefield.
  • Discuss its strengths and weaknesses, including its range, rate of fire, and destructive power.
  • Provide examples of scenarios or strategies where the equipment excels or where its limitations become apparent.
Variants and Modifications


  • Explore any notable variants or modifications of the equipment used by different factions.
  • Discuss any special abilities or enhancements that these variations may possess.
  • Highlight famous characters or units known for wielding modified versions of the equipment.
Gameplay Rules


  • Blah blah blah


Legendary Heroes and Stories


  • Showcase legendary heroes or warriors who have wielded the equipment in famous battles or campaigns.
  • Share notable stories or accounts that highlight the weapon's significance and impact on war efforts.




  • Summarize the key points and significance of the Equipment within the lore.
  • Reflect on the weapon's impact on the narrative
  • Provide a closing thought or invite readers to explore other aspects of weaponry and wargear.









Edited by Minigiant
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26 minutes ago, Minigiant said:

Here are some headings I think should/could be covered (...)


This is a great tool I think! I will keep this in mind for future writings after I finish my first big Liber Armorium project which is the power armor rehash.


I encourage everyone who wants to use this guide to use it, since it is a good tool.

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Name: Krypton-pattern helmet

Appearance: A variant pattern helmet built for the MkVI "Maximus" armor, although the helmet itself is quite strange. For one, it has a distinctive look in that it resembles the Sarum pattern helmet, but it has three large round eyes. Connected to the back of the helmet is a large power cable leading to the armor's power pack.

Function and Flaws: This helmet in fact comes with built in eye lasers. Unfortunately, as cool as it looks to blast laser beams out of your eyes, it comes with a fair share of drawbacks. For one, the power requirements mean that if the wearer should desire to fire their eye lasers, the diversion of power from the rest of the suit to the helmet will leave them momentarily frozen in place. Beyond that, it is simply very cumbersome and not very practical for most combat.

History: It was created by a Mechanicum Techpriest whose name has been lost to time, on the Forge World of Krypton, during the big heresy thingy.

It was a prototype weapon to enhance space marines power in combat. But it didn't. So they made it anyway. Only a few hundred were actually produced, before calamity struck. A warp storm destabilized the core of the planet and it was destroyed. Some extant helmets did survive, and now act as chapter relics.

Mechanical Stats: It's basically just three laspistols glued together and placed on your face. 3 A, 12" R, 3+ BS, 3 S, 0 AP, 1 D and [Pistol].

Conclusion: Even if something is not super practical, it can still be a useful symbolic tool to strike fear in the hearts of your enemies and inspire your own people. And nothing is cooler than laser eye beams.

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Lance Encarmine




Within the vast arsenal of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the Matadors Sanguinary Guard Lance Encarmine stand as a testament to the awe-inspiring weaponry wielded by the noble Matadors Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Developed as a variant of the revered Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard Glaives Encarmine, these lances embody the Chapter's commitment to elegance, precision, and devastating close-quarters combat.


Lore and Background


The origins of the Matadors Sanguinary Guard Lance Encarmine can be traced back to the esteemed Blood Angels Chapter, known for their fierce devotion to the Emperor and the constant struggle against the encroaching darkness. As successors of this noble lineage, the Matadors have inherited the sacred duty of protecting humanity and upholding the ideals of justice and purity.


The Lance Encarmine hold a significant place within the Matadors' culture and combat doctrine. Passed down through generations, these revered weapons are regarded as symbols of the Chapter's unwavering resolve and dedication to the Emperor. They are said to embody the fiery essence of their Primarch, whose blood still courses through the veins of the Chapter's warriors.


Design and Function


The Matadors Sanguinary Guard Lance Encarmine feature a sleek and lethal design that perfectly balances elegance and lethality. Crafted with the utmost precision by the Chapter's skilled artisans and master craftsmen, these lances are infused with sacred oils and blessings, enhancing their already formidable power.


Each lance consists of a shaft made from sturdy ceramite or adamantium, meticulously etched with intricate patterns and embellishments that reflect the Chapter's noble heritage. At the tip, a bladed head forged from a rare adamantine alloy or infused with crystalline shards exudes a pulsating aura of blood-red energy.


Tactical Application


The Matadors Sanguinary Guard Lance Encarmine excel in close-quarters combat, their design perfectly suited for swift and devastating strikes. In battle, the Sanguinary Guard, adorned in their ornate and revered armor, brandish these lances with unmatched grace and precision.


The lances possess incredible destructive power, capable of rending through even the most formidable foes. With each swing and thrust, they unleash a torrent of energy that bathes the battlefield in a shimmering cascade of crimson light. The Lance Encarmines' inherent close-quarters capabilities make them ideal for engagements within the tight confines of boarding actions, ship-to-ship combat, or assaulting fortified enemy positions.


Variants and Modifications

Though the Matadors Sanguinary Guard Lance Encarmine primarily adhere to a standard design, there are notable variations and modifications that have emerged over time. Some lances feature additional enhancements such as built-in power fields or disruption fields, further amplifying their destructive potential or granting additional defensive capabilities. These modifications are often tailored to the preferences and combat style of specific Sanguinary Guard champions.


Legendary Heroes and Stories


Throughout the Matadors' illustrious history, there have been countless tales of legendary heroes wielding the Sanguinary Guard Encarmine Lances. One such hero is Seraphim Valerius, a renowned Sanguinary Priest who led the charge during the crucial Battle of Obsidian Gate. With his Lance Encarmine held high, Seraphim carved a path through hordes of traitorous enemies, inspiring his brethren to achieve a resounding victory against overwhelming odds.




In conclusion, the Matadors Sanguinary Guard Lance Encarmine symbolize the Chapter's dedication to the Emperor and their pursuit of martial excellence. With their exquisite design, devastating power, and the heroic deeds of their wielders, these lances have become an indomitable force on the battlefield. As you delve further into the Index Armorium, may this glimpse into the Matadors Sanguinary Guard Lance Encarmine inspire you to explore the rich tapestry of weaponry and wargear that shapes the fate of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Arm yourself with knowledge and prepare to forge your own legends amidst the unending horrors of the 41st Millennium.

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, 40k_fan said:

Painfully Realistic Weapons, Teaser 1:


Laser Cannon

Type: Superheavy

Attacks: D6 (Beam, Cooldown)

Strength: 30 (Falloff -1/48")

Range: 960"

Armor Piercing: 0 (Focused Fire, Ignores Invulnerable Save)

Damage: 6


Gyrifle (Gyrojet Rifle)

Type: Rapid Fire Assault

Attacks: 10

Strength: 1 (Accelerate +1/60")

Range: 240"

Armor Piercing: 0

Damage: 1

Other Abilities: Specialty Ammunition (Gyrojets)


Fragmentation Grenade

Type: Thrown

Attacks: 10 (Blast)

Blast Radius: 12"

Strength: 9 (Falloff 1/3")

Range: 24"

Blast Radius: 12"

Armor Piercing: -2

Damage: 1 (Disrupt Senses -1)


Thunder Hammer

Type: Melee

Attacks: Melee

Strength: x5

Range: Melee

Armor Piercing: 0 (Concussive)

Damage: 2


What do all these new random keywords I just made up mean? You will find out soon... It will be very interesting, it's an evolution of the 40k rules, just made needlessly more complex, purely for the reason that some people such as myself are nerds and want the silly tabletop game to align with real world physics. Very fun to make.

You may have better luck and better feedback in the Homegrown Rules section for this part specifically.

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4 hours ago, Minigiant said:

You may have better luck and better feedback in the Homegrown Rules section for this part specifically.


Good point. I'll get back to making more classic Armorium content tomorrow. :thumbsup:


I do want to create a redesigned version of the Abomination-class Dreadnought from Space Crusade. It's definitely more weapon-heavy dreadnoughts, with 4 heavy weapon mounts, and two smaller ones. My concept is to redesign it as a Lord of War size category Dreadnought, there just aren't any that I can find.


I think it will be very interesting to stat out.

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This "topic" is attempting to do what the Liber category already does, and it does so in a way that is completely without focus.


This topic is being locked. Discrete topics will be split into separate discussions, allowing for focus and findability.

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