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Greetings Brothers!


I Loved building, painting and playing Flesh Tearers back in 3rd ed but due to a rough patch had to sell the army to a friend but with the condition that if he sold it I had first option on it. Then it got stolen from him and all those beautiful paintjobs and time spent on the army was gone for good. I've wanted to return to them ever since and it is my plan in 10th ed to do just that but a lot has changed and I haven't played any games since a couple back in 8th with my Catachan and DeathWatch armies. I need your help and advise brothers as I make a plan to build up a 1000k and 2000k list from what I have. I've been collecting things I though looked cool or were a good deal at the time, happy to try and trade out some stuff for others, there is a decent community in the area so that shouldn't be difficult. So, what I've got to work with is....


Everything is still NIB:


Finecast Gabriel Seth (wish I had the metal one I used to have, still looking for another one)

Current Blood Angels Combat Patrol Box

SM side of Leviathan box

SM side of Indomitus box

Box of  Inceptors

Box of Agressors

Redemptor Dreadnought 

Primaris Chaplain on Bike

Space Marine Terminator Chaplain-collectors edition

Box of Reivers

Box of Hellblasters

Box of Intercessors


I also have an extensive collection of random firstborn squads, drop pod, razorback, vanguard, stearnguard, terminators, assault marines etc.


I'd like to build a mix of fluffy and competitive list. maybe run all the DC as firstborn along with GS and have all the newer primaris stuff do the heavy lifting? Really open to ideas and discussion and appreciate your time replying. 


I looked into just building an intercessor squad and with the three different bolters was immediately confused on how to build them, I really need some help. Cheers :)


Edited by stuckinbermuda

Unfortunately Seth can only join Tactical squads, Vanguard Vets, Assault Squads, and command squads, so running him with DC won't work.

However, most everything else looks good. Gravis is in a good place right now, as are terminators. I will say that reivers are generally considered one of the weakest units in the codex. You might want to get a Primaris Apothecary to run in those hellblasters.

If you're going to get one redemptor, you're going to need some more armor so he isn't focus fired off the board the moment he pokes his head out.

I was thinking more like maybe GS in a drop pod with 9 vanguard vets, firstborn DC with jump packs and build a DC squad with a rhino, maybe DC dreads as old style dreads. I’d like to utilize some old models from my collection, for nostalgia, but also any of the old stuff that is still effective. Then have the other half of the army as newly reinforced primaris and in roles better suited to their abilities. That’s just how I figured it would match the lore in my head and be more fluffy, painting variety having lots of battle damage on the firstborn and clean primaris, but at the same time it all needs to be a brutal whirling blender of death when combined. 

Edited by stuckinbermuda

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