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Exploit vs unintended

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I always think anyone is on dodgy ground when they try to go by rules as intended. Some times it does seem obvious like the damage being reduced to zero example. However, GW have introduced some absolutely insane rules that were absolutely intended, take the pre nerf votann codex for example. Some of the intended rules interactions were so absolutely over the top that they had to nerf it before release. It means that even if 99.9% of players feel the rule as written is not how it was intended you can never be sure with GW.


I think all you can really do is take each example on a case by case or game by game basis. You can normally get a feel for it if the person you are playing is a waac player attempting to exploit every loophole for their own advantage or if it’s just someone who is going by rules as written because they’re genuinely ambiguous. 

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