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2k Word Bearers All-rounder

Brother Kraskor

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Any C&C welcome! I expect there will be some raised eyebrows at the jetbike command squad, the thinking was I want to maximise the benefits of stacking the buffs from the WL trait and Dark Brethren, which means getting into combat as often as possible. Provided I can be canny with movement and keep them from getting blasted I hope they're not too much of a points sink.


RoW: Dark Brethren




Praetor (215)

- Warlord (Enslaved by Darkness)

- Burning Lore

- Master-crafted Paragon blade

- Jetbike


Jetbike Command Squad (331)

- 4x Chosen, 1x Banner bearer

- 5x Power swords, 5x combat shields

- Dark Channeling




Contemptor Talon (435)

- 2 Contemptors

- Both 2x fist with 2x Warpfire blasters

- Dark Channeling




15 Tactical Marines (234)

- Sgt Lightning claw, warpfire pistol, artificer armour

- Vexilla

- Bayonets

- Dark Channeling


15 Tactical Marines (234)

- Sgt Lightning claw, warpfire pistol, artificer armour

- Vexilla

- Bayonets

- Dark Channeling


+Heavy Support+


Deredeo (225)

- Hellfire Plasma Carronade, Aiolos Missile launcher


5 Heavy Support Marines (160)

- Lascannon

- Augury scanner


5 Heavy Support Marines (160)

- Lascannon

- Augury scanner



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What’s cool about this list is the jet bikes (because you don’t often see them for Word Bearers, they will look great) and two big tactical squads (very fitting for this legion).


What’s not cool is two Contemptors and two Lascannon squads. Or maybe having friends is overrated … 

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Haha fair point. Rejigged to hopefully have more friends then, leaning into the jetbike theme a bit more, and doing away with most of the ranged power and having a stronger Night Fight affinity:


RoW: Dark Brethren




Praetor (215)

- Warlord (Enslaved by Darkness)

- Burning Lore

- Master-crafted Paragon blade

- Jetbike


Jetbike Command Squad (306)

- 4x Chosen, 1x Banner bearer

- 5x Power swords, 5x combat shields




Contemptor Talon (410)

- 2 Contemptors

- Both 2x fist with 2x Warpfire blasters


5 Gal Vorbak (300)

- 1x Power fist, 1x warpfire blaster




15 Tactical Marines (234)

- Sgt Lightning claw, warpfire pistol, artificer armour

- Vexilla

- Bayonets

- Dark Channeling


15 Tactical Marines (234)

- Sgt Lightning claw, warpfire pistol, artificer armour

- Vexilla

- Bayonets

- Dark Channeling


+Fast Attack+


3 Sky-Hunters (150)

- 3x Multi-melta


3 Sky-Hunters (150)

- 3x Multi-melta




Edited by Brother Kraskor
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Hey you do you! You don’t need to change your mind just because some internet stranger wanted to make a wise-crack. But the new list will look great and be more mobile. I was being harsh before about the dreads, one per 1000 points seems like what people are happy with, and it’s not like they were sporting lascannons. 

Nice to see the warpfire. One thing I comment on in all lists - is it not worth giving the two sergeants different load outs? Just to differentiate the squads on the table? To help tell the story of their exploits. However, I find whenever I do that inevitably my sergeants end up wishing they had the equipment of the other …

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Yeah fair one! Could have one as a power sword and the other a claw I guess, similar output but you're right it would differentiate them a bit. And in higher points it can be made a tainted sword too if I've 10pts spare. 


Edit: Can't help but tinker with the list...


RoW: Dark Brethren




Praetor (215)

- Warlord (Enslaved by Darkness)

- Burning Lore

- Master-crafted Paragon blade

- Jetbike


Jetbike Command Squad (331)

- 4x Chosen, 1x Banner bearer

- 5x Twin lightning claws, 5x combat shields




Contemptor Talon (410)

- 2 Contemptors

- Both 2x fist with 2x Warpfire blasters


5 Assault Destroyers (145)

- Sgt Phosphex bomb & power sword




15 Tactical Marines (224)

- Sgt Lightning claw, warpfire pistol, artificer armour

- Bayonets

- Dark Channeling


15 Tactical Marines (214)

- Sgt Power sword, warpfire pistol

- Bayonets

- Dark Channeling


8 Tactical Support Marines (306)

- Warpfire blasters

- Rhino w/ Multi-Melta


+Fast Attack+


3 Sky-Hunters (150)

- 3x Multi-melta






We now have a Destroyer bully unit, and some warpfire blasters cruising around in a Rhino for a bit of ranged punch.

Edited by Brother Kraskor
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