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Hey everyone I'm currently working g on a homebrew spac3 marine chapter but I'm conflicted on the name. I was originally calling them the Storm Consuls, but I was thinking Red Consuls instead. I know it's not that big of a change but which one do you think sounds better

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So the Red Consuls are already an existing marine chapter, albeit with little lore and no official paint scheme. So if you wanted a DIY that was completely your own, then you can go Storm Consuls. If you wanted to take a canon faction and make it your own, Red Consuls is a great idea


i will say though that this thread likely belongs more in the Liber or Space Marine sub forums. I believe this sub forum is more for paint/model work in progress stuff

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Unfortunately, the Crimson Consuls also appear to have existed (and were destroyed by the Alpha Legion :sad:), although it looks like the tiniest of mentions.


Lexicanum has a list of loyalist, renegade, traitor, and destroyed chapters, which may or may not be helpful (I'm no good at this kind of thing :blush:)

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According to Lexicanum, the Star Scorpions died out due to their geneseed becoming highly mutated, and turning to Chaos (becoming The Pure). Their chapter number and colours were recycled into the Mentors in the subsequent founding, although they received fresh geneseed.


Thinking about it, just because somewhere in the background GW lists a minor chapter as destroyed, doesn't mean they can't not be. It could be the case that there were crossed wires, and it was just a particular group that was destroyed, or a small band escaped (a bit like the Celestial Lions) - the Imperium is vast, and doesn't have perfect communication and note-taking. Or it could be that the deeds of the Chapter were deemed too great to allow its disbanding, and it received fresh members from other chapters to prevent its' total destruction after sustaining severe losses. Just a thought. :smile: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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