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It's getting sort of tempting to buy a bunch of Terminators and Stealers to pimp that old Space Hulk boardgame set....


No, seriously, I love these. They're faithful, but far more dynamic and detailed, even compared to the various Space Hulk Genestealers, some of which had crazy poses.

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1 hour ago, DarkChaplain said:

It's getting sort of tempting to buy a bunch of Terminators and Stealers to pimp that old Space Hulk boardgame set....

No, seriously, I love these. They're faithful, but far more dynamic and detailed, even compared to the various Space Hulk Genestealers, some of which had crazy poses.

I am actually doing this, this and the new Assault Terminator kit is what I've been waiting for. I'll kitbash a heavy flamer and a shield captain and we're on :>

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Yeah, Terminators vs Stealers seems like it probably isn't happening.


Genestealers used to be able to take scything talons, didn't they? Although that'd make for a pretty anemic Kill Team upgrade. If they do have a nid kill team coming up I hope they get the whole bespoke treatment.

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6 hours ago, DarkChaplain said:

It's getting sort of tempting to buy a bunch of Terminators and Stealers to pimp that old Space Crusade boardgame set....

Fixed it for you. :thumbsup:

I am tempted to do just that. The Stealers have wonderful models. Really really cool.

But before I do that I need to print a bigger board I guess...

Edited by Gorgoff
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I love 'Stealers; I'm ALWAYS happy to have more. I've got classic Space Hulk, current tyranid plastics, and recent Space Hulk varieties.


I like using the aesthetic differences in 'Stealers to represent the various brood cycles of Purestrains. I'm thinking these will be "truescale" Stealers, thus larger, and I feel like that's good for representing the First Brood- an honour currently held by my recent Space Hulk plastics. Lots of tacticl pipes unfortunately but some of the dynamics are very dramatic, and I feel like carrying skulls gives them a sort of cunning and lends character to the unit.


If I got a box or two of these guys, I might convert one or two to hold skulls, or otherwise display uncommon cunning- that coupled with any size differences should make a helluva First Brood.


On a sidenote: I wish I'd found each of the classic metal stealers; I do have both the throned Patriarch and the charging Patriarch, 3 different Magi, a handful of hybrids and familiars in metal, but no Purestrains.

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13 hours ago, spessmarine said:

Seems like regular bases, so not Killteam?


Theres been a recent tendancy to not do box colours for the kill team releases so I wouldn't read too much into that. If theres a new upgrade sprue for KT, they'll paint up a new squad to highlight them.


On a side note, the classic genestealer paint job they showed off had a much more Kill Team-ish base I thought, and it would make sense to go with that scheme, as presumably this team would be based off the genestealers from the Gallowdark.

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Lovely models. Dynamic pose. And I love the face-tentacle heads! C'thulhu would approve.


I do miss the option of the Scythe-claws, though. They might not have a purpose in the game anymore, but it was a great way to show how malleable the genestealer phenotype was.

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