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What are your plans for LI?

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With effectively a re-launch of a new scale for armies, I am sure I am not alone in looking a new forces different than my 28mm ones.


What are your plans for LI?


Currently I am looking at doing Death Guard for my space marine side of the starter box and loyalist solar auxillia for the their side, that way I have two distinct forces and in theory can host games with people not collecting LI.


and I am hoping that there a few supplemental boxes like the astartes support box for both sides shortly after release.

Edited by Black Cohort
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I’ll be painting the Astartes as Raven Guard. Blood Angels are my favourite legion/chapter, but I have enough of their models in the bigger scale already!



I’ll be painting the Titans as Legio Vindictus and tbe auxilia as the Therion Cohort.  


Vindictus don’t have an in-lore colour so I get to mess about with that at least. I’ve bought a Reaver to go with the Warhounds, and some Storm Eagles for the Raven Guard force. I’ll get a Thunderhawk when they’re available again.


I’m looking forward to seeing what the other expansion boxes for Astartes are, the dready/heavy weapons box doesn’t suit the Raven Guard’s tactics (lore wise anyway).


If I have the money (and no sense) I’ll probably invest in a Death Guard force too.

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I'm getting at least 3 Thunderhawks with max 1st Legion Marines inside,

Then 4 of each Eagles and Falcons, with more Legionnaires.

Then 6 Xiphons for cover.

Then a mix of Dreads with Drop Pods and Termies for Tactical insertion onto objectives.

Then Falchion and Fellblade Squadrons for mobile big jobs.

Then all the Sicarians for their ground cover.


My boy wants all the Leman Russ tanks, and all the LoW tanks too.

Maybe some infantry for the lolz


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For me I am gonna do some Tank Companies purely as I have access to lots of Tanks.


For my Sons of Horus Tanks with Legio Mortis. And some Terminators.


I also plan on some Ultras.

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I’ll be going with Ultramarines and Legio Praesagius mostly to start.  Blue is a color I’ve never really painted.  Originally was considering focusing on loyalist siege of terra defenders but feeling the need for a change of pace with the palette.

May opt for Calth High Guard for the solar aux to complete the trifecta of combined forces, or wait and see what inspiration strikes.  Solar aux is low on my excitement meter right now. The idea of fielding large armored tank companies is the only reason I’m not considering trading them away at the start.  

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Ive already got lots and lots of Knights and Titans so thats sorted :D 

The exact order of operations will depend heavily on the release schedule and how things are packaged but im planning to re-do and expand up my Alpha Legion 1st armoured after i had to sell the 2nd company, finally get it filled out to a full Battalion :) Which will definitely involve some printing as im sure they wont be doing command Leviathans any time soon lol

Then id like to rebuild my also sold on Brotherhood of the Wyld Stallyns from the OG Tempus fugitives Battle of Terra and the 55th Drop Company from the Blood Angels also set around that era.

And by that point hopefully we have some Talons releases to play with :) 


Though probably some Fuerans Secutarii and House Gevauden ground troops too...

Edited by Noserenda
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Selling/trading all the Marine stuff on and recreating my 1522nd at 8mm. Depending on prices, may also end up doing a Traitor version as Cthonian Headhunters. I already have some Legio Gryphonicus and Legio Tempestus Titans but in the case of the Headhunters I may have to paint some up as Legio Mortis for uniform reasons.


If the leaked list is true and Solar Auxilia don't have any transport options, I may end up having to paint some Imperial Fists/Sons of Horus to accompany them for gameplay purposes but I'll cross than bridge when I get to it. 


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Planning on doing a split between Ultramarines and Legio Lysanda and Word Bearers and chaos titans - I've got a partially built Armiger I don't think I'll ever use otherwise.

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Current thinking is Air Assault White Scars - Storm Eagles, Fire Raptors, Thunderhawks, Xiphons and Stormbirds galore. Probably backed up with Titans and Knights for fun. The sort of thing I can't afford to do at 32mm.

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Salamanders for my Marines; and likely focussing on big formations of classic tanks (e.g. Predator over Sicarian). Not sure yet how to treat my Solar Auxilia, so will need to do a bit of research, perhaps looking for Auxilia that canonically fought with or against the XVIII.


Before that, though, I'm going to crack on with some scenery. 

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I'll go and do stuff that can't very easily be done practically in 30k itself so in this case, knight household with Audax Titan support and air cavalry World Eater continent and for the other army I'll go for a boatload of Iron Warrior tanks with some heavy Krytos titans for fire support :D. Good thing is, I have the knights and titans already :wink: 


Now only to wait for the marine continent to be released :D 

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Space Marine Tank Company, I always liked the diea and really considered it in HH1 with the Rite of War that made Preads Troop.

This looks like can actually do it.

I also have more than enough AT Knights that a full Knight household is tempting.  

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I honestly don't know.

I've built and undercoated some knights and titans because they don't need to be Legion colours. 


I have 3 loyalist 30k armies (Blood Angels, Imperial Fists and Dark Angels) and 3 traitor 30k armies (Sons of Horus, Emperor's Children and Night Lords), all in various states of completeness. 


Do I make my epic forces an extension of my 30k forces, or treat it as a different thing altogether?

It's proper first world hobbyist problems, but it will shape my hobby future for the next several years....I either commit all in to those 6 legions at every level of the game, (including 40k, maybe), or expand my Horus Heresy into new directions.






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So I'm pretty focussed on the Death Guard 6th company in WH40k (plague fleet, blightlords, flies - all the things I like the faction for) and I don't have any tanks at all. What I'm thinking for LI is going armour-heavy, with the idea that anyone from this force who's still around in the modern era is part of the 2nd company, probably the Pallid Hand.


I'm pretty settled on Legio Vulcanum for titans, but I'm hoping to get enough knights that I'll be able to paint a couple of different households. Some of them will be Makabius, of course.

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19 hours ago, Valkyrion said:

Do I make my epic forces an extension of my 30k forces, or treat it as a different thing altogether?


I'm doing a combination, IW because I have those in 30K. So if we want to we can play a campaign on different scales (something I used to do many decades ago). I will, however, also start a new legion that I won't be building into a 30k force but will just stay in Epic (or so I'm hoping). I got burned out by all the dark and metallic colors from my IH, IW and RG so I want the complete opposite of that so I'm going World Eaters for the other legion. A complete opposite with white and red/bleu details just for a breath of fresh air painting wise.

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I have my Justaerin and Praetors ready to go :). I can't wait :) 


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I'll be focusing on making a company of Imperial Fists with support - at least three core formations, with support elements, modelled on the company structure outlined in the Principia Bellicosa diagram from one of the Black Books:



I'll be looking to do some armour formations, plus aerial and Titan support (ice already got some AI kits, so at least a Squadron of Xyphons, and a Thunderhawk. I'm not sure which Legion the Titans will be from yet, but one of the Loyalist ones). 


I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Solar Auxilia; I'd like to do a tank army and recreate the war in Tallarn with my friend who has Iron Warriors :laugh: But I may use them for an army in the future. I need to make my mind up whether I'm getting one or two of the launch boxes.. :whistling:

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10 hours ago, firestorm40k said:

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Solar Auxilia; I'd like to do a tank army and recreate the war in Tallarn with my friend who has Iron Warriors :laugh: But I may use them for an army in the future. 


Refighting the big battles from the books is definitely up there for me as peak hobby :)


Elements of the battle on Tallarn and the Isstvan Dropsite Massacre seem ideal for this scale.

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12 hours ago, firestorm40k said:

I'll be focusing on making a company of Imperial Fists with support - at least three core formations, with support elements, modelled on the company structure outlined in the Principia Bellicosa diagram from one of the Black Books:



I'll be looking to do some armour formations, plus aerial and Titan support (ice already got some AI kits, so at least a Squadron of Xyphons, and a Thunderhawk. I'm not sure which Legion the Titans will be from yet, but one of the Loyalist ones). 




Has to be Ignatum for Fists :). 

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3 hours ago, Brother Captain Arkley said:

Has to be Ignatum for Fists :)

Thank you :thumbsup: Makes the decision a bit easier :biggrin:


*EDIT* Just seen they're the ones with hazard stripes :blink: Not too keen on the idea of painting those, so maybe it'll be one of the others then..! :whistling::laugh:

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1 hour ago, firestorm40k said:

Thank you :thumbsup: Makes the decision a bit easier :biggrin:


*EDIT* Just seen they're the ones with hazard stripes :blink: Not too keen on the idea of painting those, so maybe it'll be one of the others then..! :whistling::laugh:




That might help you... Legio Gryphonicus (War Griffons) might be a better pick for you?


But if you want to try 


https://www.anarchymodels.co.uk/hd44---mini-jagged-188-p.asp  :)

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1 hour ago, firestorm40k said:

Thank you :thumbsup: Makes the decision a bit easier :biggrin:


*EDIT* Just seen they're the ones with hazard stripes :blink: Not too keen on the idea of painting those, so maybe it'll be one of the others then..! :whistling::laugh:


Just give it a go, using masking tape makes life a lot easier and it's not nearly as difficult as you might think at first. The good thing about the titans kits is that you get enough panels with every one of them to practise without having to actually commit immediately. There's that many spares in those kits :thumbsup:

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