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What are your plans for LI?

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1 hour ago, Brother Captain Arkley said:



That might help you... Legio Gryphonicus (War Griffons) might be a better pick for you?

Thank you - that is very helpful :smile: Yeah, looking at either that one, or Legio Astorum :thumbsup:

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I have plans!  I even have plans within plans.


1st was if my meta would be interested in a Badab War version maybe.  Answer was no.  So back to 30k!


2nd was to do a narrative idea I passed over for HH/30k/AoD: The Unlucky XIIIth.  They would have been a company of censured Ultramarines.  With Teeny Weeny Mareens, where painting them was hard, I should be able to still just paint the helmets red.  It'd also explain why they weren't at Calth.


Then my plan within a plan...


3rd was to see if I can ally Factions of Marines in LI.  I'd have these Unlucky XIIIth have a friendship with Word Bearers, the idea being that they were censured because they burned down their cathedrals at Monarchia, but did NOT make them kneel.  Theoretical: kneeling was a pointless gesture, practical: it took time away away from burning churches more efficiently.  Ultramarines and their logistics, right?  Well, the Word Bearers they let stand saw them as saving them from humiliation, thus were grateful.  When the Heresy began, these Word Bearers would, ironically, manipulate these Ultramarines to serve the Warmaster as the only way to save them from his wrath...but in doing so, have they damned their friends instead?  But this only really works if Allies were a thing in LI.

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2 hours ago, N1SB said:

But this only really works if Allies were a thing in LI.

From this article,



"You can – and should – ally the Space Marines (including fielding troops from several Legions at once!) and Solar Auxilia when mustering a truly mighty force."


So it definitely sounds like inter-legion allies will be a part of the game. 

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I'm definitely planning to get the start box (one or two depending on the price) and some transports to start it off. I haven't decided on what legions to paint them up as but I'm leaning towards Death Guard and have bought som Knights and titans to start on.

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On 7/27/2023 at 3:36 PM, Xanthous said:

From this article,



"You can – and should – ally the Space Marines (including fielding troops from several Legions at once!) and Solar Auxilia when mustering a truly mighty force."


So it definitely sounds like inter-legion allies will be a part of the game. 


Brother, thanks for catching that.  That really put a pep in my step.


At the same time, might also still do a Badab War project.  Our Warhammer Store manager couldn't shake the idea of an Astral Claws + Tyrant's Legion Epic army.  And now, I can't shake the idea, either.  But still really interested in this Ultramarines + Word Bearers project.

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Imperial Fists, Solar Auxilia (with Orange paintjob), Imperial Knight (House Cadmus) and Titans (probably custom paintjob). 


Not planning on getting transports or using many melee units. 


Only Avengers, Fire Raptors and Marauders as air support (having fleet of mostly A-10 Warthogs sounds cool to me, sue me). 



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For me... footslogging Ultramarines. Lots of Tactical squads and support. Including Dreadnoughts. 


Then add in lots of tanks for fun.


I'll save the Rhinos for Destroyers as a theme. And if we get Seekers.

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Blood Angels, allied with Legio Astorum. I’m seriously considering two boxes and selling off the Solar Auxilia side to one or both.


Today announced delay is slightly annoying from a budgeting point of view but a helpful from the modelling side. I’ve been flick-flacking between painting the Leviathan Tyranids and making a start on the AI aircraft I managed to get before they all went out of stock everywhere. I’m trying to decide between painting them with contrast like I’ll do the infantry or classic, with washes and highlights etc.

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I'm quite interested in doing a force of mixed marines from the siege, so maybe a defensive force of Fists, some speedy Scars and some fighty BA, or something. Not sure how well that would actually work but it could be fun.

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Im thinking AL for me because I'd find it a little humorous to see them massed for a set-piece battle. Though having not bought into AT I just found out today that Legio Astorum respected the Khan greatly, so I may also do a WS force. Since a lot of my friends are keen to try out GW stuff and games...just not keen on paying the GW prices XD

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First plan is a giant Knight household, probably Taranis.  Honestly, I just want like 100 tiny Knights lol, even if it's bad. :D


Second plan is either the Solar Auxilia focusing mainly on tanks, or an only tank force for Iron Hands, at least until they come out with MK3 marines.

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I also think that might be a stellar opportunity to actually field a thematically fitting Alpha Legion force 

where they are committed in force  as a mass of faceless  beakies and the only focus is on the big picture, not the individual while supported by expendable assets, er, I mean, valuable allies…(which would also make an excellent use of the starting box for IW - though I’d like to field those in older armor marks)


I also think the main fun would be fielding forces I’ll never be able to afford or finish in 28 Scale, like  an Air Cav Assault or skyhunter cadre or an armoured company ( both are something I’d love to do for the Heresy but would look splendidly In a Badab  Campaign for Lamenters or Executioner colours.


Really interested in how AdMech will turn out, hoping for some of the more esoteric stuff and maybe finally some love for DarkMech. 

Given my usual hobby butterfly tendencies, I am seriously considering painting the Titans I have still lying around as Legio Fureans, since they were known to have maniples all over the place, so I can field them with any Warmaster aligned force. 

(At least I don’t need to worry about these in Badab, since poor Huron did not have any Titans during the secession :wink: )



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My original plan was a Pride of the Legion-type of army for Death Guard to emulate my old HH army, but I’m probably going to go massed infantry backed by my Legio Mortis and House Makabius. I’m definitely going to try my best to copy my Death Guard army though. 

I’m really tempted to do a Tank Column as well, especially since my buddy is going to play Iron Warriors and wants to do massed armor. I think a massive tank v tank battle would be epic… literally. 

Edit: as far as the Auxilia portion of the starter goes, I may just sell them. I think my  other friend wants to play an Imperial Army uhh… army. 

Edited by DuskRaider
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  • 2 weeks later...

1st Legion marines with Auxilia for me to go with my Legio Atarus. Given how slow a painter I am though, I may have to dust off my chapter's worth of Ultramarines on square bases and associated Guard with artillery support. I still have Vindicators and Predators unassembled from back then and some lead Thunderbolts and the earliest versions of the Thunderhawk which, if nothing else, will confuse my opponents.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just realised this sub-forum has been created so doing some catch-up reading! :)


I have a sizeable World Eaters force already and so I'll probably just get the rulebook from the new set, and am looking forward to the new Epic gamers coming into the hobby that LI will bring into my local club.


Perversely, I've just started getting some bits together for an Eldar force as a couple of friends and I still play 2nd edition/NetEpic.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been selling off various gaming stuff on eBay to build up a warchest for the release of LI. It's been going better than I hoped (thanks to GW's ongoing out of stock issues it seems) so I'm definitely going to splurge on terrain (not the road plates), as that can be hard to get down the line. Maybe go with a couple of each terrain box (maybe 3 of the intact buildings one?).

Am just thinking 1 launch box as I'm going to be mostly focused on Legions. I intend to build up a SA force but it's not a priority. So the separate Marine boxes are probably going got make more sense? Maybe? I also try and pickup a single box of whatever is released alongside the launch box. Will save some funds for the Dire Wolf (if that's not launched alongside the box).


As for the Legion I'm going to do, I'm torn. I've always wanted a Fists army but I'm still afraid of painting all the yellow. But I also kinda wanna do a traitor army - Word Bearers being the front runner. Are there any Titan & Knight Houses particularly associated with the Word Bearers?

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I haven't tried it myself specifically with yellow @Burnibut Epic-scale miniatures take contrast/speed paints particularly well, as the ink collects in the armour joints and highlights for you (it always felt OTT doing that step for tiny minis!) I'm painting up some infantry at the moment and it just needed a base coat/primer and then the contrast paint on top.

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I've been digging out my AT sprues out to see what weapons are leftover. I tried magnetising the Warhound and Reaver arms when they came out, but I wasn't happy with how wobbly they ended up (due to my drilling), so I ended up gluing them. However I've just ordered some of Battle Bling's Warhound 3D printed magnet arms so am going to try again. Will practice on all the flamers I have!


I'm also toying with doing a new Legio - traitors this time. I'm leaning towards doing Word Bearers for my Legion so am thinking of doing a new traitor Knight house and Legio to support them. Going to dig out my Shadow & Iron book to see if there's anything that catches my eye.


I also just realised that the Warhounds in the LI box almost certainly won't come with the Vulcan MB/Plasma weapons sprue. Seems like the new weapons aren't as generalist as the old ones, so if I do start a new Legio, that new Titan's battleforce might be a good buy also (I had dismissed it).


Also my Vanguard Miniatures plastic 8mm scenery just arrived as I was typing! 

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