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What are your plans for LI?

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I went up to my FLGS a couple weeks ago and to my surprise they had some Astartes Aeronautica models still in stock, most notably the Thunderhawk. Knowing that it’s highly sought after at the moment and not knowing when GW will release it again, I immediately snatched it up. 

Today I went back to see if anything was left and sure enough the rest was still there. Two boxes of Fire Raptors and a box of Xiphons, so I bought them all. When I think of air superiority I really don’t picture Death Guard, but GW themselves have been showing off their Aeronautica models recently in the scheme of the XIVth so why not? 

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Yep definitely a good idea getting those when you have the opportunity. There are some really funny posts on some of the FB groups of people going mental and literally just clearing out 8-10 boxes of AI imperial stuff when they come across it in a shop.


If anyone does miss out Vanguard miniatures do a good proxy of both a Thunderhawk/Storm Eagle and Raptor (I think? I lose track of the names)


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Originally I had zero interest in AI other than basing material for my Titans & Knights, but it has slowly wormed it's way into my heart.  Unlike many other folks around the globe I prefer the 30K setting over the 40K as I always find Civil Wars far more interesting than global ones but i digress.  Being a somewhat newb to Warhammer in general compared to many of you (since 2016) I haven't really dove into the lore as much as I should have I guess because even though I've heard of the Badab War it really wasn't until late last year I took an interest in it. Unbelievably awesome lore surrounding this, dare I say way more "fleshed out" than the HH (in general, to that point).  There are many of the legions involved that I really like the lore or even the fan lore surrounding some of the ( Minotaur's being of TW gene seed stuff) legions. I've kinda fallen for the Exorcists which at AI scale could pass for BA when playing at a GW store. 

So Main marine force will be Exorcists (or could go my original way with Alpha Legion)

SA will be Lucifer Blacks (only recently heard of these guy's, currently diving into them)

Knight house- House Mortimer

Titan Legion- (homebrew) Legio Versipellis ( love the translation meaning "Turnskin" but was based more on Celtic Faoladh, have a very heavy Warhound force)

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You know, while I'll definitely be painting some LI-scale Death Guard, I'm increasingly tempted by the idea of a force of Dark Angels as well. The Astartes models look good in black, and I really like the DA they showed off on WH community with the expanded red retailing to make them stand out from the Iron Hands. I reckon with some bone-white as a spot colour and a suitable amount of weathering on the tanks they'd be fairly quick and a lot of fun to paint, as well as totally different from working on Death Guard.


To expand on that a bit, I don't just mean the colour aspect. Jetbikes, jump infantry, interceptors and exotic energy weapons are all things which find a lot more favour among the 1st legion than the 14th ( for example we see in Warhawk that while the Death Guard possess air superiority assets like every legion, they aren't held in high regard). I'd like my DG to go heavy on line infantry and dreads, so having a second legion for the "fancier" stuff seems like a logical choice.
Also, the Thramas Crusade is one of the more interesting parts of the Heresy for me, and a Dark Angels force would neatly tie up my Solar Auxilia by theming them as Thramassi Nightwatch.

Of course, I've no idea what colours the Nightwatch cohorts wear.

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Assuming LI does not price me out of the game, I am still not sure what to do with my legions.  I am die hard Ultramarines, but all my 28mm stuff is blue.  A change would be nice.  I am intrigued by comments in the preview that multi legion armies are possible and likely.  Combining specialities from various legions appeals to me.  Maybe I will do a shattered legion theme.  Regardless I am a loyalist, so unlikely to paint any traitor legions.


not sure what to do with the Solar Auxialiry.  I wish they would have done Mechanicum troops instead as a I would go crazy with them.  

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  • 2 weeks later...


The idea here is to link my 30K battles with Epic battles. So the Iron Hands will be present in mini format. Problem is the 30K opposition (Daemons) for my Iron Hands don´t exist in LI in model form and won´t exist for at least a year after release considering GW´s behaviour in the past. The Solar Auxilia in the starter box will be painted in Iron Empire (Raging Heroes) colours as I have an army of them for 30K/40K. Maybe I will need to paint a few traitors in Death Guard colours or really wait for the daemons. Still undecided in that regard.



I am planning to do Epic battles on my Mars mat. This has the benefit that I can use the corresponding 30K/40K terrain linked to that mat which consists of rocks and hills atm. At first glance this may sound like playing Micro Machines on a tabletop board although gigantic mountains on Mars are not unheard of. The only difficulty will be the absence of forests for infantry survival on this board so I have to counter that by building lots of craters (also a theme of Mars) for infantry to hide in.


In addition I am not too keen on buying lots of terrain but rather build it myself for cheap. The board will represent an unpopulated wasteland and the only terrain for purchase might be structures for excavating ore. Bunkers can be easily built with thin cardboard and minefields shouldn´t be too hard either. However barbed wire might be a problem as the stuff suited for 30K will look comically large.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have really cooled off on the idea but I still have all my printed stuff and the ability to do more if needed, I am sure my stuff is to scale too but never hurts to check.


I do however have to redo what I have already due to switching paint.

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