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3 minutes ago, phandaal said:

Have to assume every OG kit is going away at this point. Would not buy Tacticals either, unless you just want them for the models.


Wonder how long it will be before people release 3D prints of this stuff, considering it will soon no longer be something GW sells.


You can probably get them already. I know I can.

Edited by Brother Captain Arkley
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 It's bold to drop a lot of iconic, fun, staple units while I'm the middle of a flop of an edition release.   Saying the marine codex is "HUGE" after releasing some of the ugliest kits (Desolators) and wondering why is pretty cool too.  Let's not talk about those silly primaris speeders either.   


Let's talk about how to proxy a pair of attack bikes on that goofy go-kart base and hope that this means maybe some of their nicer models (outrider/intercessors) may be positioned to get chapter specific units (Ravenwing Black Knights).


But, yeah this is as bad as the points drop.  

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Cheerio to the lot, not going to say I won't miss some of it (moreso out of nostalgia than actual love of the kits).


Personally I really hope the tacs/devs and the rest of the firstborn get pushed soon enough too, roll it into HH or just discontinue. While the primaris lore was dumb, this is the upscale/refresh marines needed, the index is insanely too big and a lot was mostly redundant.


We are at the stage now where primaris is the norm/standard and let's be fair beyond staunch defence of the old (because most people don't like change), the kits and sculpts are massively better. (I've been playing for 25+ years, you can't tell me any firstborn kit that looks better than it's primaris equivalent).


I'll likely be shot for this one, but the sooner we move on the better, if it was up to me I'd have removed the equivalent units as we went. 

Edited by Black Mage 257
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4 minutes ago, phandaal said:

Have to assume every OG kit is going away at this point. Would not buy Tacticals either, unless you just want them for the models.


Wonder how long it will be before people release 3D prints of this stuff, considering it will soon no longer be something GW sells.

um......about 5 years ago XD hell most 3d printing sites have 1/1 analogues of minis hours after their announcement streams GW simply cant move at the same speed as the community. 

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Just now, sarabando said:

um......about 5 years ago XD hell most 3d printing sites have 1/1 analogues of minis hours after their announcement streams GW simply cant move at the same speed as the community. 

Yeah I seen a certain Leaper of Death STL within I think a few days of the Instagram post.

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5 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

Possibly one of the saddest aspects of this, is with the reliance of Primaris as the face of Space Marines, the dark mirror that is Chaos Marines essentially goes away. That's an aspect of background I find particularly sad.


On another note, does anyone trust GW anymore? Even Primaris fans must be looking at their models and thinking... "wow these could be replaced one day as well."

Yes, because it was so great that Chaos Space Marines were mostly just Loyalist units with spikes...


You are telling that potentially any model could be replaced? That this is a game that uses plastic figurines that get replaced and modernised all the time? Wow, I don't know how I'll ever recover from this discovery.

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4 minutes ago, phandaal said:

Have to assume every OG kit is going away at this point. Would not buy Tacticals either, unless you just want them for the models.


Wonder how long it will be before people release 3D prints of this stuff, considering it will soon no longer be something GW sells.


I wouldn't trust Primaris either. GW had proven with the Old World and now Space Marines (sales wise bigger) they have no qualms about obliterating what you collected to sell you revamped versions of it.


Suppressors and Reivers not so popular? Off they go. New heavy weapon units? Bye bye Hellblasters.


The main studio is about as trust worthy as a hungry great white after I've showered in chum for 20 minutes.

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3 minutes ago, Black Mage 257 said:

the kits and sculpts are massively better. (I've been playing for 25+ years, you can't tell me any firstborn kit that looks better than it's primaris equivalent).

Quality of sculpts, yes, the new ones are way better.


Quality of aesthetic, no, not at all. That's personal preference of course, but Primaris are not interesting visually.

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3 minutes ago, Borbarad said:

Look at the bright side: We can now gloat at people who said that GW won’t retire the firstborn range :rolleyes:

Here's a bold and innovative idea - how about we punch up instead of down?

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4 minutes ago, Kallas said:

Quality of sculpts, yes, the new ones are way better.


Quality of aesthetic, no, not at all. That's personal preference of course, but Primaris are not interesting visually.


That's fair, personally don't agree with that but can see your point of view.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:


I wouldn't trust Primaris either. GW had proven with the Old World and now Space Marines (sales wise bigger) they have no qualms about obliterating what you collected to sell you revamped versions of it.


Suppressors and Reivers not so popular? Off they go. New heavy weapon units? Bye bye Hellblasters.


The main studio is about as trust worthy as a hungry great white after I've showered in chum for 20 minutes.

How exactly will useless fear mongering and baseless theories prevent GW from removing more Firstborn kits?


Because let me tell you, it's not helping neither the people that is angry/disappointed by this decision nor the people that agree with it.

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Just now, Kastor Krieg said:

You mean make more space for more Primaris units.

No, it means that that SM Codex will no longer have to accommodate 2 separate ranges in one book.


Units like Bikes or Land Speeders being removed are a net reduction in the Codex's size, since they already have their replacement, the same will apply when Firstborn Characters are also removed.

3 minutes ago, JayJapanB said:

I mean really?

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 11.02.29 pm.png

Opinions are like asses, everyone has their own, meaning neither yours or mine are better that anyone else's.

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2 minutes ago, JayJapanB said:

...that's what they said about firstborn, friend.

You've just got to accept it now.

You are aware that every single model in the game will inevitable at some point be replaced by a new model, rigth? It's the nature of this game, as a model gets old a new model to replace it is made.


I don't need to accept anything, because I completely understand the finite nature of the models.

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30 minutes ago, mecanojavi99 said:

I distinctly remember some people saying that GW would eventually refresh the entire Firstborn range, saying that units like Tacticals and Devastators were too iconic to go.


To be fair now Bolt Rifle is a single profile and Sergeants got access to most of the melee choices, all it would take for GW to change Intercessors into an upscaled Tactical Squad would be an upgrade sprue with some special weapons and a Missile Launcher.

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Just now, JayJapanB said:

I mean really?

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 11.02.29 pm.png


Happy to admit desolators aren't perfect, however they are better than the tiny devastators being outsized by guardsmen. Its not just design alone that makes them better, I'm a big fan of the size scaling in relation to other units.


Inceptors, I actually quite like.

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