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Honestly this fits very well with the pattern that GW has established for the most of Kill team. Out of eight boxes so far, 6 has been some normal humans vs X.


  • Krieg vs Kommandos
  • Novitiates vs Pathfinders
  • Blooded vs Phobos
  • Navy vs Kroot
  • Kasrkin vs Necrons
  • Arbites vs Drukhari

If you want to be very generous, Beastmen vs Votann is also human vs human, albeit missing the "normal" part. So Catachan vs Eldar really fits. I think the only caveat is the long-running Scouts rumor. I do think many of the Kill Teams were developed because they had some market appeal, but were either to niche or already had counterparts within their respective armies. Catachan fits that bill better then Scouts, imho. Though Scouts do also fit that

14 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

He saw Space Marine scouts with bare arms. 


Neophytes arent as buff:biggrin:

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Well they just discontinued the old scouts, which gives more credence to that rumour really. Dont discount them doing another Aspect shrine revamp through kill team down the line though, Swooping hawks, Dire Avengers or Warp Spiders would all make kick ass kill teams, or as it isnt a start of arc box, chuck an upgrade sprue in with any plastic Eldar unit *shrug* 

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Things I want:


Scouts v Scorpions, in 'crashed space tech' type terrain.


Catachans v Warp Spiders in 'arcane jungle terrain'. Would have major Predator vibes having Catachans go up against a foe that can appear at will behind you....


Please GW, make the new season of KT be set on a highly/violently defended Eldar planet, and use KT as a range refresh for our pointy-eared friends....

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A jungle setting Kill Team would be an excellent place to introduce a new Catachan kit. It's perfect thematically and it fits with Kill Team's history of including niche human units, though I'm not really sure I'd describe Catachans as niche exactly. Although not my favourite regiment the recent special release characters for Catachan have been excellent so this would be a pretty cool release if true.

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Given that SM Scouts have been rumoured for this box for a long time now and GW announced just the other day that the current Scout kits are being retired, it really feels like this is a misidentification from maybe a blurry photo or something.


At a glance bare-armed and bare-headed humans in fatigues, boots and carapace armour absolutely could look like Catachans who have a recent-ish model with that exact aesthetic. I mean I want new Catachans to be a thing, their recent models have been genuinely great and the Jungle Fighters have got to be the oldest (and derpiest) infantry kit still in production. But it's probably Scouts.

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Oof. Deep moral dilemma (? I guess? Deep within nurgle's grip so judgements taken a hit.)


I don't want catachans vs Scorpions to be true as that squashes my hopes and dreams of scouts vs Scorpions happening, which afaik is the only rumor for new scouts. I would very much like catachans vs x to happen. Or i guess scouts vs x but that feels questionable at this point.


If there is one space marine kit that truly deserves a remake, it'd be scouts. But, of course, their need pales in comparison to the need of the catachans.


Tldr make both happen, GW 

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First model I ever painted was a metal catachan with meltagun that I did in store as a kid. The catachan supplement was super fun as well. Would love to see them revamped in line with the excellent special characters that have been. Kill Team feels like the perfect platform for them as an elite jungle team. Also jungle terrain yes please and thank you.


That said I think this is probably actually a SM Scouts rumour that's been misinterpreted. Which is a rumour I'm pretty excited for too to be fair.

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1 hour ago, Halandaar said:


I'd settle for the Eldar ruins alien jungle terrain from ... 6th? to come back.


They were cool, but also really expensive, released at the peak of GW price gouging I think? They were like £90 for not that many models. 



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1 hour ago, CL_Mission said:

A jungle setting Kill Team would be an excellent place to introduce a new Catachan kit. It's perfect thematically and it fits with Kill Team's history of including niche human units, though I'm not really sure I'd describe Catachans as niche exactly.[...]


Yes, I think that not-quite-niche-but-not-quite-main-line label is what's kept Catachans (or the other Guard Regiments in a similar place) from being upgraded for so long. Kill Team is the perfect vehicle – akin to Warcry for various minor Chaos tribes – for units that can be standalone or used for full, themed armies in 40k.


I'd also echo @Not An Ork's hope that this third wave of Kill Team boxes is themed around Eldar in some way – though I'd love to see GW approach this with Eldar in general, rather than just Craftworld (deserving as they are). A couple of Aspects across the season, plus Exodites, Dark Eldar of some sort (beastmasters, perhaps?), and perhaps harlequins?

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So the basis for this thread is that someone with no insider knowledge speculated to a third party that maybe GW might do some Catachan models, and that third party got a vibe it was more than just speculation but that's just a hunch? That's it? 


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We’ve seen loads of rumour engines for what looks like guard terrain, but it’s decidedly un-jungley. Whereas I don’t think there’s been a Catachan rumour engine (yet), the biceps are so recognisable as the two one off models showed. I wonder if there’s another guard release as well as Catachan’s on the way. 

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