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1 hour ago, RolandTHTG said:

Is it bad that it took me until today to notice that lictor shadow in the top right of the picture, despite having seen and played against the original codex? 

Goddammit, you're right! I can see it now!

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7 minutes ago, Doghouse said:

Catachans are one of my favs and my limited edition Colonel and Sergeant Ripper have sat diligently in their boxes patiently waiting for the reinforcements to arrive.


To be honest it's probably scouts.

I missed out on the Colonel but have the sergeant waiting for the same. Awesome models and show that they should be able to really do justice to a range of them.

New Catachans at some point, even a kill team like the DKoK set would be amazing.
Catahcans vs a lictor in a jungle terrain set, possibly with some leapers and/or hormagaunts - I'd start saving now for it

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I'm lukewarm on new guard regiment releases. I love my Krieg kill team, but needing to resort to Forge World or 3rd party models to get heavy weapons teams and vehicle crews if I want to expand to an army is frustrating. So I guess I'd rather catachans get a full release with a couple of kits (alongside some for Kriegsmen) instead of a kill team, personally

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18 minutes ago, Squark said:

I'm lukewarm on new guard regiment releases. I love my Krieg kill team, but needing to resort to Forge World or 3rd party models to get heavy weapons teams and vehicle crews if I want to expand to an army is frustrating. So I guess I'd rather catachans get a full release with a couple of kits (alongside some for Kriegsmen) instead of a kill team, personally

In a perfect world, I'd agree with you. I just don't think GW would find it profitable enough to make the same units multiple times. Unless your talking Space Marine LT's, of course

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1 minute ago, Mechanicus Tech-Support said:

Im guessing that weird reason may have to do with the lack of warehouse space and an already maxed production facility 

This. GW’s range has grown a lot since way back when. And it is a simple cost benefit thing. They can sell more of other things, that making 4+ guard regiments could.

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6 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

I could see GW doing Catachans the way they do Krieg for the reason you have to buy two kits to make heavy weapons teams, and for some weird reason they’re obsessed with people not making mono regiment armies. 


They don't want to dedicate molds to Cadian, Catachan, Vonstroyan etc. versions of every Guard infantry unit, and they don't want to offer upgrade sprues with interchangeable parts because they are obsessed with removing kitbashing and customization period, which they are fighting with monopose models that offer no interchangeability.


It's all (in my opinion) part of a wrong-headed attempt to fight third party bits sellers which probably hurts them more than helps. Especially as now instead of people buying DKOK upgrade kits or whatever for their tank crews, heavy weapon teams, etc. from GW they can just buy "Future Trench Fighter Greatcoats" from a third party whole cloth, because good luck to GW to try to claim copyright over German WWI uniforms with generic laser rifles, machine guns, etc.


I guess GW will continue to fight this by incentivizing regiment mixing in rules. We'll see how well it works. Chaos players just loved the Happy Chaos Family soup army garbage GW tried to push on us in 4th through 6th.

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Had a hope when Cadia was blown up, that we could go away from them being poster boys, and focus more on vostroyans or catachans. After all, they did such a big change with the primaris, that I thought it was possible. Right now, with the way they can't manage to produce enough for the already supported ranges, I can't see them doing more than a kill team, and even that seems far away.


I hope I'm wrong still, 'cause I'd buy multiples, that's for sure.

Edited by Avf
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4 minutes ago, Warden-Paints said:

Plastic Catachan are sure to come, if only because plastic Spacenam are a thing. They can't release everything at once, we didn't even get Terminators until five years after Primaris dropped. 

I mean, plastic catachans have been around since 1999.

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