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Van Saar Conversion Question

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Hello fellow Underhiver’s 


Has anyone found an easy head swap for the Van Saar? I’m a display painter so not really into cutting and forcing things together that don’t quite go… 


I know the the FW heads exist but I’m also not a fan of Resin [Shock] 


Any info is appreciated…



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1 hour ago, JayJapanB said:

I don't think you'll have any issues with resin heads. I've bought the Cawdor ones and they've been great.

It’s more the “resin is toxic” + doesn’t really glue great onto plastic is my issue 

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5 hours ago, WARMASTER_ said:

It’s more the “resin is toxic” + doesn’t really glue great onto plastic is my issue 

Ever sanded plastic? Or inhaled plastic glue fumes? That's toxic.
Resin is bad if you inhale significant amounts of dust over time. I wouldn't even use a mask to clip off some heads and scrape a mould line.
If you're worried just use a respirator. Like what you'd use airbrushing.


As for glue. Superglue/CA glue works fine.

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Inhaling A LOT of Resin dust is toxic, but not actually more toxic than inhaling A LOT of plastic dust. Just cutting and handling FW Resin is no more hazardous than cutting and handling GW plastic. For resin to plastic gluing, DO NOT USE GW SUPER GLUE, it's bonding time has deliberately been slowed so that kids don't glue their fingers to things or themselves, go to your local dollar store and get the cheapest super glue you can find, it'll work just fine.

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11 hours ago, JayJapanB said:

Ever sanded plastic? Or inhaled plastic glue fumes? That's toxic.
Resin is bad if you inhale significant amounts of dust over time. I wouldn't even use a mask to clip off some heads and scrape a mould line.
If you're worried just use a respirator. Like what you'd use airbrushing.


As for glue. Superglue/CA glue works fine.

Im aware, I’ve done my fair share of both in my time but with asthma cutting down on the various types of toxic fumes I inhale is probably a good thing no?


I’m really just not a fan of resin in general to be honest, the extra cleaning, possible bubbles, extra flash and not quite the same crispness of detail [though FW definitely gotten better] Is why I was asking for alternatives rather than the FW heads I know exist + even with super glue or epoxy the bond is never the same as plastic glue, one drop and they can ping off as it’s not a chemical weld

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1 hour ago, WARMASTER_ said:

Im aware, I’ve done my fair share of both in my time but with asthma cutting down on the various types of toxic fumes I inhale is probably a good thing no?


I’m really just not a fan of resin in general to be honest, the extra cleaning, possible bubbles, extra flash and not quite the same crispness of detail [though FW definitely gotten better] Is why I was asking for alternatives rather than the FW heads I know exist + even with super glue or epoxy the bond is never the same as plastic glue, one drop and they can ping off as it’s not a chemical weld

They're just heads. I think you're over thinking it. Dip them in a cup of dish soap, then snip them off and glue them on. They barely have mould lines, and have as much if not more detail than the plastic ones. Forge World isn't finecast.


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1 hour ago, JayJapanB said:

They're just heads. I think you're over thinking it. Dip them in a cup of dish soap, then snip them off and glue them on. They barely have mould lines, and have as much if not more detail than the plastic ones. Forge World isn't finecast.


I’ll say again I don’t like using resin… Which is why I asked if anyone has found any good alternatives except for the FW upgrades as, again I don’t like resin… so to keep suggesting the FW upgrades when I’ve said quite a few times I’m not using them seems like you’re on commission or something? 

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19 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

seems like you’re on commission or something? 

Hahahaha, the opposite in fact. (They've taken a lot of money from me...)

I just don't really agree with your issues with it is all. That's why I'm pushing it.


Not saying all FW projects are great an easy, but relatively new sculpts of heads that are specifically made for what you want just seems like the easy solution, not the difficult one. You could have built your models in the time that you've typed in this thread.

Outside of that I don't know what you could use. You can't 3d print due to toxicity, and I don't think there are going to be plastic heads that match perfectly. (other than the ones in the box)


All the best though, I hope you find your unicorn.

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What exactly do you want the head for, just an alternative sculpt to the heads in the box?


If so I understand why people recommend the FW heads, as they are designed to go with the kit and have a good set of options.


There is also the plastic Van Sarr weapon pack, that has some more head options.


I would also imagin that the heads in the Van Saar Archeoteks & Grav-cutters box are compatible with the normal gang.



However if you just want some different heads in general then all sorts of human sized heads should be fine, might need a little trim on the neck part, or the underside of the head (if it is from a ball and socket head body pair). There are other gang plastic upgrade pack with heads, or any ‘human’ scale kit such as Guard, Skitarii, and such. I could even see non helmeted Votann heads work (there some interesting beards and glasses with them).

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