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New Mini Space Marine Box (New Models)

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So I heard about this 'Command Box' a few months ago and it basically died out, but recently I received some more info on it, I did a video on it for people who care but I will some it up, apparently its going to contain the following:

- New Commander that is multipart (Makes me think, is this just the LT  but more fancy?)

- New Champion

- New Ancient

- New Veterans (Not sure if these are just going to be the Multipart Veterans, but a Inceptor assault gun was mentioned)

Even though I'm calling it a 'Command Box', I think its Company/Chapter Heroes if I'm not mistaken.


Anyway, lets see what happens :laugh:





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It sounds to me like it'd mostly just replace the existing(?) command squad box that's just now cycling out of production. It does make me wonder if they expected to announce the Space Marine stuff first, before announcing those models going out.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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1 hour ago, Nephaston said:

So that would be the third replacement for the recently retired marine kits. I'm telling you, if Ogrham was a marine victory the recent range update article would have gone down smoother.


You think the all-the-rage-all-the-time crowd wouldn't have found something else to just get angry about? Bare in mind there is significant overlap between the 'GW are going to fudge the results' conspiracy theorists and the ragers. They'd have gone off on a rant about how the results were definitely 100% faked to try and soften the blow... 


With regards to Valrak's actual rumour, that sounds fantastic. More blinged-up primaris, more opportunities for conversions. 



Edited by Arbedark
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Could be cool, will it include an apothecary too? As the unit traditionally does.


will be interesting to see how it works at any rate, I’ve always liked the command squad concept and was sad it was gone in 8th/9th and glad to see it return in 10th

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Seein the trend of Phasing out and reconstruction of the SM range, I could see this Command squad as a posibility.

I even anticipate a serious amount of other releases.


Yet, I am a little bit puzzled by the potencial inclusion of a standard bearer disclosed in the rumour . The current Ancient is quite recent, so I see either this model being lumped into the Command sprue (but I doubt it) OR (and this would be my hypotesis) a Standard Bearer that is not an Ancient and get more limited impact and/or a distinctive aura effect. As it used to be in the past between company and chapter banners for example. 

Getting potentially another captain is also puzzling. 


Edited by Bouargh
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3 hours ago, Arbedark said:


With regards to Valrak's actual rumour, that sounds fantastic. More blinged-up primaris, more opportunities for conversions. 




This. Give me something more elitè, more "veterany" as a base for my conversions and I will be all over it.


Now, can someone snatch a photo of this box, pretty pls:biggrin:?

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This could be a very useful kit. I'm personally hoping that we get word of GW updating some more of the classic characters - Lysander in particular, now that we have new scale Terminators. 


Anyways, back to this rumor: It would be convenient if a single box unlocked access to the various HQ options a player might want.

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I can only hope it's also a possible attempt for sanity regarding pricing. A new Command/Heroes of the Chapter box with a captain/lieutenant, a champion, an ancient and some gubbinz for "normal" kit price would probably sell better than 25 quid for a single model (especially if it also had an apothecary). The only character model I've bought outside of boxsets since 8th was Helbrecht.

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4 hours ago, Bouargh said:

Yet, I am a little bit puzzled by the potencial inclusion of a standard bearer disclosed in the rumour . The current Ancient is quite recent, so I see either this model being lumped into the Command sprue (but I doubt it) OR (and this would be my hypotesis) a Standard Bearer that is not an Ancient and get more limited impact and/or a distinctive aura effect. As it used to be in the past between company and chapter banners for example. 

Getting potentially another captain is also puzzling. 


I'd be stoked it we get a differentiation between Chapter and Company banner bearers, I love that kind of stuff. 


Over all this sound like a box I'd be very interested in and a decently customisable commander has been a long time coming. Hoping this turns out to be true.

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Thanks for this topic.  Just watched the video, @Chapter Master Valrak.


In case you track viewer behaviour, Brother, I saw my YouTube feed recommend your video, as I'm a subscriber to your channel.  However, I had to do something and forgot about it, and by the time I went back to YouTube its algorithm was already recommending a bunch of other vids.  The shelf life of a video is like minutes.


By making this thread, it actually reminded me of this topic I was interested in.  There's just enough permanence on this board to air out news.

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13 hours ago, Nephaston said:

So that would be the third replacement for the recently retired marine kits. I'm telling you, if Ogrham was a marine victory the recent range update article would have gone down smoother.

lol This was my thought as well. I kinda figured out there would be a new Champion at least though when the limited ones data sheet came out and wasn't legends.

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6 hours ago, Warden-Paints said:

Could be the new LT sprues tossed in with a new veteran (sternguard) squad? I can't see them putting a standard bearer in the box when they sell the ancient separately for such a high price. Would love to be wrong though! 

A significant part of the price of a kit comes from distribution/packaging/shelf space costs. Reboxing into a single primaris Command Squad kit the new multipart Lt, the Ancient, the Champion and a couple extra guys could be cheaper for GW than selling them per separate, while still making a nice profit.

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Hoping the veterans have some mk vii helms like the one Sternguard in the leviathan box (only without the cut detail on the left side of the faceplate to allow his head to be turned as far to the left as it is lol). While I have loads of mk vii helms from the 2012-2014 marine kits, and they look great on Primaris for the most part, primaris helms aren't as wide and have slimmer "ears" allowing for more freedom when posing the head; the mk. VII helmet in leviathan shares this quality.


But in general I'm really hoping that with this potential command squad/company vets kit and the inevitable multipart nu-sternguard, etc that they really start to incorporate more variant details, ornamentation, and legacy armor mk bits into Primaris kits. I've said it many at this point, but the BT update showed how good Primaris could look when they have some of the bling and variation present in oldmarine kits, and the new Sternguard continued that trend, albeit to a lesser extent (I immediately replaced the mk x helms without targeters -  vets should not have plain standard helms). The agastus lieutenant actually felt like an HQ compared to many of the lackluster chapter-agnostic Lieutenants that preceded him. 


Maybe, just maybe, one of these hypothetical could even have a cuirass with a design featuring something other than the winged skull lmao. I'd like to see one with with additional cables ike the mk V esque chestplate that Adrax Agatone has. 



Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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