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Building a Better Bug Army (1K->2K)


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Hello! First time player, jumping in on 10th. Picked up the Leviathan box to start because I like both Space Marines (Wolves!) and hideous slimy space bugs. I'm trying to put together a decent-enough army (i'm less worried about competitive tournament play than having something fun to smash into my Space Wolves.) What I've got so far is the Leviathan box, plus an extra screamer-killer, barbgaunts, and trio of Leapers, plus a couple spare boxes of Termagants. Here's what I'm thinking for 1K, and trying to figure out what ought to be next besides the new biovore, genestealers, and hormagaunts. (Also holding out hope for new gargoyles, or I'd have picked up a box or two of those already to go with my winged Prime.)



The basic idea here is to have the Neurotyrant on the back line, throw the S-Ks and VRLs out to put pressure on the enemy, and have the scuttling swarms of termies seize objectives while the bigger bugs cause as much chaos as possible. Might keep one and a unit of termies in reserve for a turn 3 drop. The NT is in there because I don't really have any other good HQ choices; same with the neurogaunts. 


Feedback & suggestions most welcome!


Tyranids 8 (980 Points)



Invasion Fleet

Incursion (1000 Points)




Neurotyrant (105 Points)

    • Warlord

    • 1x Neurotyrant claws and lashes

      1x Psychic scream




Termagants (60 Points)

    • 10x Termagant

        • 10x Fleshborer

          10x Xenos claws and teeth


Termagants (60 Points)

    • 10x Termagant

        • 10x Fleshborer

          10x Xenos claws and teeth


Termagants (60 Points)

    • 10x Termagant

        • 10x Fleshborer

          10x Xenos claws and teeth


Termagants (60 Points)

    • 10x Termagant

        • 10x Fleshborer

          10x Xenos claws and teeth




Barbgaunts (50 Points)

    • 5x Barbgaunt

        • 5x Bio-cannon

          5x Xenos claws and teeth


Neurogaunts (45 Points)

    • 1x Neurogaunt Nodebeast

        • 1x Xenos claws and teeth

    • 10x Neurogaunt

        • 10x Xenos claws and teeth


Pyrovores (30 Points) 

    • 1x Chitin-barbed limbs

      1x Flamespurt


Screamer-Killer (180 Points)

    • 1x Bio-plasmic scream

      1x Screamer-killer talons


Screamer-Killer (180 Points)

    • 1x Bio-plasmic scream

      1x Screamer-killer talons


Von Ryan’s Leapers (75 Points)

    • 3x Von Ryan’s Leaper

        • 3x Leaper’s talons


Von Ryan’s Leapers (75 Points)

    • 3x Von Ryan’s Leaper

        • 3x Leaper’s talons

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Looks a good list, have you got the Neurogaunts with the Neurotyrant?


I'd definitely throw another square of Barbgaunts in there to inflict more slowness on opponents.

Having 6 VRL is a good call though as I'm thinking similar, every game I've had with them, they've earned their points cost.

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25 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

Looks a good list, have you got the Neurogaunts with the Neurotyrant?


I'd definitely throw another square of Barbgaunts in there to inflict more slowness on opponents.

Having 6 VRL is a good call though as I'm thinking similar, every game I've had with them, they've earned their points cost.

Thanks! Yes, the NG with the NT. Like I said, not many more options at this point. Thinking of maybe looking for a turvigon, or maybe Parasite of Mortrex.

I'm pretty excited by the Leapers, and I really love the SK model. I hope the list will be able to present the enemy with a bunch of bad choices and be flexible enough to overcome good shooting/positioning. 

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Welcome to the swarm. Lots on your plate there. Do you have a fleet or scheme?

Gargoyles... we arnt getting a new kit for any time soon. They match the newer asthetics and are nowhere near the age  of the older kits being replaced. Much more likely to get shrikes(winged warriors... previously a forgeworld option)

Honestly though youve enough fodder to learn with. You prob will want some antitank. Zoanthropes are a pretty good option  that way. 

Also check out the unit of the week series for a break down of some units and feel free to ask questions!


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16 hours ago, Brother nathan said:

Welcome to the swarm. Lots on your plate there. Do you have a fleet or scheme?

Gargoyles... we arnt getting a new kit for any time soon. They match the newer asthetics and are nowhere near the age  of the older kits being replaced. Much more likely to get shrikes(winged warriors... previously a forgeworld option)

Honestly though youve enough fodder to learn with. You prob will want some antitank. Zoanthropes are a pretty good option  that way. 

Also check out the unit of the week series for a break down of some units and feel free to ask questions!


Thanks! The unit of the week posts have been great, actually. Space Marine units made more sense to me at first--the roles of particular units & how they could work together. Those posts have been really helpful for understanding how Tyrannies units fit together.

Good news about the gargoyles, too! Looking forward to putting some together now. I'll keep an eye out for Zoanthropes later this year.

I read a lot of 2nd/3rd edition books (a friend's, no way i could have afforded to put an army together back then) so I'm partial to the purple chitin/pale gooey parts scheme (which I think is Leviathan?) and also the deep blue chitin/purple gooey parts that remind me of old genestealers from Space Hulk. Want to get all my guys assembled before I paint and base, which has proven challenging with a newborn in the house. 

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