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Index to the Heretic Astartes 10e Index PDF (Downloads)

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Index to the Heretic Astartes 10e Index PDF

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I got fed up with not being able to find units in the 10th edition Heretic Astartes Index, so decided to make my own index.  I also disliked having to go through all the character units data cards to figure out what could be attached to a given unit, so I created a list by unit of what could attach to them (if it isn't on the list, there are no characters that can attach to it in the Index).


Thought it might be useful to other players, so I've uploaded it here.  It is a word document, but saved as Rich Text so hopefully it will be accessible to most.


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Thanks - I'm not surprised my problems were at least in part because of my technological deficiencies.  So I will have to figure out how to do that.


List of who can attach to what is still handy, and that's actually what first provoked me into creating this document. :smile:

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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I've put up a version 1.0.1 that fixes some typographical errors and puts in that the Exalted Champion and Master of Executions can join squads that already have a character attached.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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