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Where to pick up cheap Nids


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I am having difficulty finding good deals on tyranids right now. The effectiveness of specific units have made the prices go up. I would wait things out or pay the premium if you must have it... I get my models from a few sources. Amazon still has Leviathan boxes available at a slight discount which is a good price per model box. Ebay can have good deals, the more interactive you are with the site the better your chances of getting a deal before someone else buys it. None GW local game stores can also get you good discounts (10-20%) and good ones will special order from GW if they don't have a kit you want there in the store. There are two places that are here in my town that I go to, they offer those discounts and I also get to support a local game store that I hope to see stick around. There is a third shop in town with good discounts, but they dropped the ball to many times on pre-orders and special orders that I gave up going there.  Keep looking and have patience... On the flip side, I should have just up and purchased Tyranofexes when they were $50 before tenth edition dropped. I did the same thing for Sanguinary Guard about 18 months ago when a rules change made them supergood and the prices spiked online. Keeping an eye of price and rules changes seems to be a thing now. 

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