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Fate of OG Crusader Squads

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So we know that some kits are going away and presumably their datasheets are as well.


One that was not mentioned was OG Crusader Squads.  One on hand it seems likely since they have a direct replacement and kit (Primaris Crusader Squads). On the other hand, Tactical Marines appear to be sticking around, which means they (OG Crusader Squads) may as well.


I'm wondering what people's thoughts are on this?   I'm tempted to make a 20 man unit of OG Crusaders, all armed with guns, and run them Gladius style with Lt w/ Bolter Discipline for 40 shots, lethal/sustained on 5+.   Obviously I don't wanna commit to that project if they are going away.

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Though I'm not exactly the biggest Primaris fanboy on the forum, I feel like that 20 man blob would be better suited as Primaris, and the models are nice. That said, I hope we keep OG crusaders for the simple fact that they can be ran in 5 man squads, and can fit in Rhinos. That's what I've been using them for lately, as 5 man squads with solid guns  that get dropped off on objectives. Also as 15 man squads in a LR Crusader with a character leading them, though strictly speaking that isn't a legal build currently. We can only run 5 Initiates, 10 Initiates, 5 Initiates and 5 Neophytes, or 10 and 10. 


At the very least Primaris Crusaders need to allow for 5 man squads if we lose our OG boys.

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Yeah, i'm considering just that, Valk.  3 reasons to go with the OG Crusaders:


1. They are cheaper (30 pts)

2. You can throw in a lascannon and other gun of your choice.  I love the 1/3 chance of banging out a sustained + lethal hit from the lascannon.

3.  The PCS neophytes only have 18" guns, whereas the OG crusader neophytes have 24" guns.


Now, I'm not sure if ALL of that above is worth losing -1 ap on 22 of my shots, but the first point of consideration is whether or not the unit will even be around.


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They should be fine till the end of 10th edition but right now, as usual, we don't know much. They seem to be an objectively better option with the smaller sizes and extra weapons and, as Firstborn players, Black Templars are particularly neat since OG Crusaders can fit into a Razorback nicely. The cynic in me is worried, however, that GW will want to get rid of a useful alternative to the Primaris version :(

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The neophyte firearm thing where astartes shotgun = bolt carbine, really grinds my gears. And I also think it's universally loathed, so I expect it gone by the 11th edition at the latest. It's simplification overreach to the grossest degree.




Really, I think it's time for the great equalizing of OG and Primaris to have happened yesteryear already. Make OG = Primaris Crusader Squad. No restriction on what transport they can enter. None. No restrictions on their loadouts. Bolt rifle = boltgun. Or possibly boltgun=bolt carbine, and then allows you to take any and all heavy a special options that the OG squad can take. Make all loadouts legal. Make there being zero distinction between OG and Primaris. One sheet that caters to all loadouts. This should have happened this ediition since they decided to pretty much do this with sternguard.


And for the love of the God Emperor, make shotguns and boltguns/carbines distinct again. Consolidating 3 boltrifles into 1 is fine. Making carbines and shotguns the same is NOT. Would then that this OG = Primaris equalizing is applied to all, like sternguard (the combi weapon debacle aside, but again, noone seems to like it, so I expect at least multiple profiles for those to make a return, at least 3 different anti profiles like what was hinted before. Everythig be anti-infantry is not exactly popular).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think one day all classic marines with (almost) direct Primaris replacements will be removed (to be played as count-as), but I'm not sure if this will happen this edition. I don't think it will be long though. 

That's why I wouldn't recommend building them.


They will not stick around without an updated kit "forever", and when you look at Sternguard you know that the way GW upgrades kits is to put them in MK X armour. And that's what we already have... :confused:

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