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Can I deep strike in turn one?

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Can I deep strike in turn one? I feel like I can't, but the rules for deep strike on page 39 say that you can set up in the reinforcements step of one of your movement phases - there's no restrictions that prohibit coming in on turn one (or turns four and five, for that matter). Is my head just stuck somewhere in 9th edition using rules that no longer exist?


(By way of contrast, the strategic reserves rules on page 43 specifically mention that you can arrive from strategic reserves from turn two onwards. So there's a limit there, but no matching limitation on deep strike.)

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It depends what gamemode you're playing. If you play Only War in the Core rulebook, you can Deepstrike Turn 1 but if you play any gamemode from the Leviathan card deck, you can only Deepstrike from Turn 2 onwards

  • 6 months later...
  On 8/10/2023 at 5:21 PM, TrawlingCleaner said:


It depends what gamemode you're playing. If you play Only War in the Core rulebook, you can Deepstrike Turn 1 but if you play any gamemode from the Leviathan card deck, you can only Deepstrike from Turn 2 onwards


I’m looking in the BRB at the mission and don’t see anything about reserves or when they can come onto the board…


don’t have the deck so can’t look there at all.

  On 8/10/2023 at 5:21 PM, TrawlingCleaner said:


It depends what gamemode you're playing. If you play Only War in the Core rulebook, you can Deepstrike Turn 1 but if you play any gamemode from the Leviathan card deck, you can only Deepstrike from Turn 2 onwards


Where is that?  I was looking for that and couldn't find anything.

Rulebook (no stipulation on reserves coming in on certain turns):



And step 8 (Declare battle formations) from the Leviathan mission deck:


Reserves units cannot arrive during the first battle round and any Strategic Reserves or Reserves that have not arrived on the battlefield by the end of the third battle round count as having been destroyed, as are any units embarked within them (this does not apply to units that are placed into Strategic Reserves after the first battle round has started).



So for Only War games or any games not using the Leviathan mission deck, you can Deepstrike and bring in reserves Turn 1.


Strategic Reserves are slightly different and will always only be allowed to be brought in from Turn 2 onwards as covered by the Strategic Reserves rule in the Rulebook:


  On 3/4/2024 at 8:41 AM, TrawlingCleaner said:

So for Only War games or any games not using the Leviathan mission deck, you can Deepstrike and bring in reserves Turn 1.



Narrative also says not from T1. 


Basically, read 'Declare Battle Formations ' part of the step by step guide in each mission set (open war, narrative, leviathan matched) which will tell you what restrictions are in place for games using those rules.

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