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After some advice


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Hello, AdMech people.


My wife is a very casual 40k player (pretty much only playing to humour me). She picked up AdMech via KillTeam, and did get into 8th a bit before the complexity of 9th put her off again. 


I'm hoping to get her interested in 10th edition, so I'm looking for advice on how to get the most out of her small selection of units. She currently has:

- 10 vanguard

- 10 rangers

- 5 ruststalkers

- 5 infiltrators

- 3 serberys raiders

- a disintegrator or a dunerider

- a tech-priest

- a stand-in marshal

- Cawl


(Without Cawl, it's around 700 points. Cawl gets left out because I'm not sure he's worth the points in smaller games, but that might be different in 10th.)


So, how can she get the most out of this lot on the tabletop?


And as a bonus question, given that I play GSC: which of my units will this really struggle with, and what might be an easier target? I'm planning to avoid the battleline plus aberrants approach, and have the models to try anything else.


Thanks for your help.

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I would recommend attaching the Marshall to the Vanguard, so that their efficiency in shooting will be improved by the to hit bonus it gives.

The tank should ebtter go disintegrator as in such small games it will bring a decisive impact, probably better with Belleros energy gun.

Cawl can be eventually used as a proxy Dominus. 


The key is to optimize movment and placing so that the Battleline units (Rangers and Vanguard) allow the support units (Sicarans and Serberys) to get the best of their buff. 


I would try to avoid sending the Serberys raiders in HtH, they are much more of an Harassment unit and late Objective takers. 


What kind of Techpriest is it?


Then, about fighting AdMech, I would say that trying to get rid of Battlelines helps limiting buffs a lot. If the vehicle fielded is a Desintegrator, it shall be a priority target as it may be problematic. the huge number of shots, even if low quality, can be an issue for lowly armoured troops. Flechette carabines shall not be underestimated as they can deliver a huge number of shots too. Even if Battleline units ahave better OC, the real objactives takers are sicarans. Supported by Vanguards.  

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Thanks, Bouargh - that's really helpful.


The techpriest is an engineseer; and good idea about using Cawl as someone else for the time being.


Regarding tactical tips, I wasn't very clear - I was looking for suggestions around GSC units that are easier for these AdMech troops to deal with. I'm currently thinking of bringing 10 jackal bikers plus the Alphus, a ridgerunner, and 10 neophytes in a goliath - not particularly optimised, but that's the point.



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10 minutes ago, Rogue said:


Regarding tactical tips, I wasn't very clear - I was looking for suggestions around GSC units that are easier for these AdMech troops to deal with.


 Ah, ok! Unfortunately I am mostly ignorant about GSC. So I wiuld probabky not help too much. I would however not advise broodbrother/IG as they are mostly comparable to AdMech battleline. And the Leman Russ tank looks like it has a poor yield under 10th. Based on what I heard. 


May be you will be more successful asking in the GSC forum...

Edited by Bouargh
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In previous games (mostly 8th, a couple in 9th), we felt that he wasn't doing enough for his points - a buffing unit with not much to buff, and a tendency to pull AdMech units into a castle when they needed to be out taking objectives and picking up secondaries.


So my wife was spending however many points to buff a couple of units of rangers, and I was getting a couple of extra combat units and a big tactical advantage.


Interesting point about game size. We're limited by the size of the AdMech force she has (which is unlikely to get bigger until we're playing games again). But I could loan her some guardsmen as stand-in skitarii.

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