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I haven't posted on B&C in a long time but this year I got into Kill Team so I wanted to share pics of my first two teams, which will also be included in my updated 40k Blood Angels army.  These are the first Primaris Marines I have painted and the first Space Marines I painted in years.


First up is my Phobos Strike Team:




From left to right: Infiltrator Commsman, Reiver Warrior, Infiltrator Veteran, Reiver Sergeant, Infiltrator Voxbreaker, Infiltrator Sergeant, Incursor Marksman, Infiltrator Saboteur, Infiltrator Helix Adept.




My Infiltrators models are mostly Shadowspear models with Phobos Kill Team sprue bits.  All of the iconography  is from the Blood Angels Transfer Sheet.  For the Sergeants I had to figure out how to display the 10th Company icon on the black shoulder pad.  Some of the icon transfers had a thin white edge which I don't think was intentional but which solved the problem for me.




The Voxbreaker's servo skull is from the Grey Knights Terminator kit.  I've only used this operative in one game and while he was fun to kit-bash and paint, I wish I had just painted another Reiver. 


Speaking of which, I love that Reviers are actually really good in Kill Team as I have always loved the models.  In Matched Play when equipped with Grapnel Launchers and Grav Chutes (along with the Vanguard Ploy) their ability to zip around the board makes them great for taking objectives (my favorite is the Vantage Tac Op).  At some point I need to paint another Revier for this Strike Team.


Next up is my Intercession Squad Kill Team:




From left to right:  Intercessor Sergeant (with Auto bolt rifle and power weapon), Intercessor Warrior (with Bolt rifle), Intercessor Warrior (with Bolt rifle), Intercessor Warrior (with Auto bolt rifle), Intercessor Gunner (with Auto bolt rifle with an auxiliary grenade launcher), Assault Intercessor Grenadier, Assault Intercessor Warrior.




Along with the Intercessor models from the regular box sets I picked up a few easy-to-build models from the Dark Imperium and Indomitus boxes off eBay.


The Sergeant's power weapon is made from the Space Marine Scout sheathed sword with a hilt from the Bladeguard Veteran sprue.  It's hard to see in the picture above but I painted the hilt in NMM gold.




The Assault Intercessor Grenadier is an Indomitus model with the left arm holding a grenade bandolier (?) from the regular Assault Intercessor box.  I need to paint a few more models for this Kill Team, for now I only have one optional operative.


That's all for now.  I'm eagerly anticipating the next Kill Team box set to see if it really is the rumored Primaris Scouts.

Edited by Captain Psycho
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4 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Nice work. The yellow helmets came out particularly nicely :smile: 


Thank you!  When I painted the yellow helmets they initially came out brighter than I wanted so I went back and hit them with multiple glazes of P3 Ember Orange.  I'm really happy with how they turned out,

  • 8 months later...

And now for something completely different…my kit bashed Kommando Kill Team.  From left to right: Kommando Nob with Big Choppa, 3 Kommando Boyz, Kommando Slasha Boy, Kommando Snipa Boy, Kommando Dakka Boy, Kommando Breacha Boy, Kommando Comms Boy, and Kommando Rokkit Boy.




This Kill Team started out as a 5-figure 40K Kommando unit made up of old Ork boy models (some from Assault on Black Reach!) combined with leftover Kommando bits from the Kill Team Octarius Starter Set that I got for my son a few years ago.  When 10th edition 40K came out and Kommandos became a 10-figure unit I decided to turn it into a full Kill Team.




The Nob is straight up out-of-the-box.  All 3 Kommando Boyz are AoBR easy-to-build models with replacement heads, backpacks, and ammo pouches.   The Slasha Boy is an AoBR model with both hands modified.




Each Kommando Boy carries an item from the equipment list, either a Smoke Grenade, a Stikkbomb or Dynamite.




The Breacha Boy’s arms are from the Warhammer Fantasy orc sprue.  The Snipa Boy is an AoBR model with a modified Big Shoota and a right arm swap.  The Dakka Boy’s Dakka Shoota is a conversion that was inspired by the Splinta Shoota from the video game Shootas, Blood & Teef.




The Octarius Comms Boy is a real pain in the @ss to build.  For mine I just used a pair of shoota boy arms and a hand swap for the Shokka Pistol (which got a battery).  I converted his backpack to a manpack radio.  The Rokkit Boy is pretty much out-of-the-box except for a head swap and a climbing rope from the Frostgrave Soldier sprue.




I really like the proportions on the newer Ork Boyz and Kommandos, but the old models were much better for kit bashing.  I had a lot of fun building this Kill Team.  Thanks for looking.

  • 8 months later...

Minor update - with the 3rd edition change to the Intercession Squad Kill Team (now called the Angels of Death) I decided to build a couple of options in the form of a Captain with Plasma Pistol and Power Fist and an Eliminator Sniper.




The Captain is made from some leftover bits from the Intercessor and Assault Intercessor sprues along with a Black Templar Sword Brethren cape and an Iron Halo backpack, both of which I picked up off of ebay.  I don't love the pose, but overall I think he came out ok.


The Eliminator was also an ebay pickup but as the camo backpack bit was not available I substituted a regular phobos backpack.  The camo pattern on the cape is based on the GW models, I'm happy with how it turned out.




The winged blood drop on the Captain's shoulder pad is from the old Death Company sprue.  I painted the officer stripes on the edges of the shoulder pad white for the 4th company.


That's all for now, I'd like to paint the optional Heavy Intercessor when I can get the Heavy Bolter bits off ebay.

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