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Brotherhood Techmarine + Strike Squad + Servitor Squad


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Has anyone made use of servitors? A Brotherhood Techmarine and 4 servitors with 2 plasma cannons costs 10 points more than a Librarian, and the combined unit can attach to a Strike Squad.


It can also deep strike and teleport assault.


This unit could grab objectives or maneuver to get optimal positioning for shooting. This orientation would overcome GK's problem with low AP shooting and probably surprise a lot of opponents.


I think I would prefer the techmarine/servitor combo to a Libarian. The Techmarine also gets 10 attacks in the fight phase, including four S8.


Two such units can do a lot of work. Each unit shooting a 5-man squad would get an average of 6 plasma shots.


This looks like an unrealized gem in the codex.


EDIT: The unit can also be equipped with two multi-meltas.


Edited by OverchargeThis!
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Add a venerable dreadnought with multi-melta and you'd have a squad of 10 knights plus servitors that re-roll failed rolls of 1 to hit and wound, the dread and servitors get a +1 to hit with the techmarine and you'd have 3 anti-tank multi-meltas to work with, not including any special weapons you give the squad. The only draw back (if any) is the Dread is the only grey knight unit that can't deepstrike or teleport.

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